WIP: Geometry Nodes: Shperical Ico Sphere #116982

Iliya Katushenock wants to merge 48 commits from mod_moder/blender:new_ico_sphere_alg into main

When changing the target branch, be careful to rebase the branch in your fork to match. See documentation.
1 changed files with 23 additions and 23 deletions
Showing only changes of commit c5b9de4e28 - Show all commits

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@ -234,30 +234,30 @@ class TriangleRange {
class SphericalIterator {
float3 previous_;
float3 current_;
float product_;
/* Float have not enough precision for iteration over large subdivision. */
double3 previous_;
double3 current_;
double product_;
SphericalIterator(const float3 &begin, const float3 &next, const float product)
SphericalIterator(const double3 begin, const double3 next, const double product)
: previous_(begin), current_(next), product_(product)
BLI_assert(math::is_unit_scale(begin) && math::is_unit_scale(next));
static SphericalIterator between_points(const float3 from, const float3 &to, const int steps)
static SphericalIterator between_points(const double3 from, const double3 &to, const int steps)
const float3 normal = math::normalize(math::cross_tri(float3(0.0f), from, to));
const math::AngleRadian rotation = math::angle_between<float>(from, to) / steps;
const float reflection_factor = math::cos(rotation) * 2.0f;
const math::AxisAngle axis(normal, rotation);
const double3 normal = math::normalize(math::cross_tri(double3(0.0f), from, to));
const math::AngleRadianBase<double> rotation = math::angle_between<double>(from, to) / steps;
const double reflection_factor = math::cos(rotation) * 2.0f;
const math::AxisAngleBase<double, math::AngleRadianBase<double>> axis(normal, rotation);
return SphericalIterator(
from, math::transform_point(math::to_quaternion(axis), from), reflection_factor);
SphericalIterator &operator++()
const float3 next = current_ * product_ - previous_;
const double3 next = current_ * product_ - previous_;
previous_ = current_;
current_ = next;
return *this;
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ class SphericalIterator {
return copied_iterator;
float3 operator*() const
double3 operator*() const
return current_;
@ -403,13 +403,13 @@ static void interpolate_edge_points(const int edge_verts_num,
for (const int edge_i : IndexRange(base_edges_num)) {
MutableSpan<float3> verts = edge_verts.slice(edge_i * edge_verts_num, edge_verts_num);
const int2 edge = base_edge_points[edge_i];
const float3 vert_a = base_verts[edge[0]];
const float3 vert_b = base_verts[edge[1]];
const double3 vert_a(base_verts[edge[0]]);
const double3 vert_b(base_verts[edge[1]]);
SphericalIterator rotation = SphericalIterator::between_points(
vert_a, vert_b, edge_verts_num + 1);
for (float3 &vert : verts) {
vert = *rotation;
vert = float3(*rotation);
@ -430,9 +430,9 @@ static void interpolate_face_points(const int line_subdiv,
for (const int face_i : IndexRange(base_faces_num)) {
const int3 face = base_face_points[face_i];
const float3 &vert_a = base_verts[face[0]];
const float3 &vert_b = base_verts[face[1]];
const float3 &vert_c = base_verts[face[2]];
const double3 vert_a(base_verts[face[0]]);
const double3 vert_b(base_verts[face[1]]);
const double3 vert_c(base_verts[face[2]]);
SphericalIterator rotation_ac = SphericalIterator::between_points(vert_a, vert_c, steps);
SphericalIterator rotation_bc = SphericalIterator::between_points(vert_b, vert_c, steps);
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ static void interpolate_face_points(const int line_subdiv,
for (float3 &vert : level_verts) {
vert = *rotation_ab;
vert = float3(*rotation_ab);
@ -455,18 +455,18 @@ static void interpolate_face_points(const int line_subdiv,
template<typename Func>
static void edge_line_points(const int2 ends, MutableSpan<int2> edges, Func &&func)
MutableSpan<int> edge_verts = edges.cast<int>();
edge_verts.first() = ends[0];
edge_verts.last() = ends[1];
edge_verts = edge_verts.drop_back(1).drop_front(1);
MutableSpan<int> edge_verts = edges.cast<int>().drop_back(1).drop_front(1);
if (UNLIKELY(edge_verts.is_empty())) {
edges.first() = ends;
edges.first()[0] = ends[0];
for (const int i : IndexRange(edges.size() - 1)) {
const int vert_i = func(i);
edge_verts[i * 2 + 0] = vert_i;
edge_verts[i * 2 + 1] = vert_i;
edges.last()[1] = ends[1];
static void vert_edge_topology(const int edge_edges_num,