Cycles: Add thin film iridescence to Principled BSDF #118477

Lukas Stockner merged 18 commits from LukasStockner/blender:iridescence into main 2024-05-02 14:28:57 +02:00
1 changed files with 16 additions and 13 deletions
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@ -421,21 +421,24 @@ ccl_device Spectrum bsdf_microfacet_estimate_albedo(KernelGlobals kg,
if (!is_zero(reflectance) && bsdf->fresnel_type == MicrofacetFresnel::GENERALIZED_SCHLICK) {
ccl_private FresnelGeneralizedSchlick *fresnel = (ccl_private FresnelGeneralizedSchlick *)
weizhen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

What is this TODO?

What is this TODO?

The code here wasn't accounting for the thin film yet, this is fixed now.

The code here wasn't accounting for the thin film yet, this is fixed now.
/* TODO: Iridescence */
float rough = sqrtf(sqrtf(bsdf->alpha_x * bsdf->alpha_y));
float s;
if (fresnel->exponent < 0.0f) {
float z = sqrtf(fabsf((bsdf->ior - 1.0f) / (bsdf->ior + 1.0f)));
s = lookup_table_read_3D(
kg, rough, cos_NI, z, kernel_data.tables.ggx_gen_schlick_ior_s, 16, 16, 16);
/* Precomputing LUTs for thin-film iridescence isn't viable, so fall back to the specular
weizhen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

For cognitive ease I would prefer to add an empty if (fresnel->thin_film.thickness > 0.1f) branch and put the comment there, the following block is then put in the else branch

For cognitive ease I would prefer to add an empty `if (fresnel->thin_film.thickness > 0.1f)` branch and put the comment there, the following block is then put in the `else` branch
* reflection approximation from the microfacet_fresnel call above in that case. */
if (fresnel->thin_film.thickness <= 0.1f) {
float rough = sqrtf(sqrtf(bsdf->alpha_x * bsdf->alpha_y));
float s;
if (fresnel->exponent < 0.0f) {
float z = sqrtf(fabsf((bsdf->ior - 1.0f) / (bsdf->ior + 1.0f)));
s = lookup_table_read_3D(
kg, rough, cos_NI, z, kernel_data.tables.ggx_gen_schlick_ior_s, 16, 16, 16);
else {
float z = 1.0f / (0.2f * fresnel->exponent + 1.0f);
s = lookup_table_read_3D(
kg, rough, cos_NI, z, kernel_data.tables.ggx_gen_schlick_s, 16, 16, 16);
reflectance = mix(fresnel->f0, fresnel->f90, s) * fresnel->reflection_tint;
else {
float z = 1.0f / (0.2f * fresnel->exponent + 1.0f);
s = lookup_table_read_3D(
kg, rough, cos_NI, z, kernel_data.tables.ggx_gen_schlick_s, 16, 16, 16);
reflectance = mix(fresnel->f0, fresnel->f90, s) * fresnel->reflection_tint;
else if (bsdf->fresnel_type == MicrofacetFresnel::F82_TINT) {
ccl_private FresnelF82Tint *fresnel = (ccl_private FresnelF82Tint *)bsdf->fresnel;