Fix #119946: NLA stack decomposition doesn't work with bones #120008

Christoph Lendenfeld merged 3 commits from ChrisLend/blender:fix_nla_decomp_with_bones into main 2024-03-28 15:14:11 +01:00
Showing only changes of commit 60060fbfd6 - Show all commits

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@ -1015,9 +1015,13 @@ void insert_key_rna(PointerRNA *rna_pointer,
/* Keyframing functions can deal with the nla_context being a nullptr. */
ListBase nla_cache = {nullptr, nullptr};
NlaKeyframingContext *nla_context = nullptr;
/* The function to get the NLA context needs to get the PointerRNA from the ID because it uses
* F-Curve paths to resolve properties. Since F-Curve paths are always relative to the ID this

Move the declaration inside the if() as it's not used anywhere else.

Move the declaration inside the `if()` as it's not used anywhere else.
* would fail if the PointerRNA was a bone. */
PointerRNA id_pointer = RNA_id_pointer_create(id);
if (adt && adt->action == action) {
nla_context = BKE_animsys_get_nla_keyframing_context(
&nla_cache, rna_pointer, adt, &anim_eval_context);
&nla_cache, &id_pointer, adt, &anim_eval_context);
const float nla_frame = BKE_nla_tweakedit_remap(adt, scene_frame, NLATIME_CONVERT_UNMAP);