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Brecht Van Lommel
pushed to use_denoising_not_path_tracing_device at Alaska/blender
2024-06-24 11:27:00 +02:00
Cleanup: make format
Cycles: Compress kernel binaries
Cycles: Compress GPU kernels to reduce file size
There's a clang-format thing to fix, but that doesn't need re-review.
Cycles: Use denoising device info to pick automatic denoiser
path_trace_device_info -> denoise_device_info
Fix broken links and mkdocs warnings
Release Notes: Add blue noise images
4.2 Beta Cycle and baking Broken By EEVEE Shaders Compiler
Yes, there are some ways we could further reduce memory usage. But that's outside the scope of the bug tracker, and it's always going to run out at some point.
Fix: Cycles Light Tree gives low weight to distant lights in large volume
Thanks a lot. I think this is good enough for 4.1.
Cycles: Fix rough diffuse rendering with bright input color in OSL
Build: Update macOS libraries for Blender 4.2
I already pushed everything to the library repositories now. So landing next week should just be a matter of clicking the button.
Brecht Van Lommel
deleted branch macos_x64_libs from blender/lib-macos_x64
2024-06-21 18:19:49 +02:00
Brecht Van Lommel
deleted branch macos_armx64 from blender/lib-macos_arm64
2024-06-21 18:19:38 +02:00