Campbell Barton 3ca76ae0e8 Cleanup: remove "<pep8 compliant>" from headers
It can be assumed that all scripts comply with basic pep8 formatting
regarding white-space, indentation etc.

Also remove note in best practices page & update `tests/python/`.

If we want to exclude some scripts from make format,
this can be done by adding them to `ignore_files` in:

Or using `# nopep8` for to ignore for individual lines.

Ref T98554
2022-06-02 20:16:20 +10:00

220 lines
6.9 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# simple script to enable all addons, and disable
./blender.bin --background -noaudio --factory-startup --python tests/python/
import bpy
import addon_utils
import sys
import os
"io_export_dxf", # TODO, check on why this fails
'io_import_dxf', # Because of dependency
# Utility scripts not meant to be used as modules
os.path.join("power_sequencer", "scripts"),
# The unpacked wheel is only loaded when actually used, not directly on import:
os.path.join("io_blend_utils", "blender_bam-unpacked.whl"),
for mod in addon_utils.modules():
if addon_utils.module_bl_info(mod)['blender'] < (2, 80, 0):
# Some modules need to add to the `sys.path`.
# Runs in a Python subprocess, so its expected its basedir can be imported.
"io_blend_utils.blendfile_pack": ".",
if not
if not
os.path.join(bpy.utils.resource_path('USER'), "scripts"),
) + tuple(addon_utils.paths()[1:])
def module_names_recursive(mod_dir, *, parent=None):
a version of bpy.path.module_names that includes non-packages
is_package = os.path.exists(os.path.join(mod_dir, ""))
for n in os.listdir(mod_dir):
if not n.startswith((".", "_")):
submod_full = os.path.join(mod_dir, n)
if os.path.isdir(submod_full):
if not parent:
subparent = n
subparent = parent + "." + n
yield from module_names_recursive(submod_full, parent=subparent)
elif n.endswith(".py") and is_package is False:
submod = n[:-3]
if parent:
submod = parent + "." + submod
yield submod, submod_full
def module_names_all(mod_dir):
yield from bpy.path.module_names(mod_dir)
yield from module_names_recursive(mod_dir)
def source_list(path, filename_check=None):
from os.path import join
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
# skip '.git'
dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not d.startswith(".")]
for filename in filenames:
filepath = join(dirpath, filename)
if filename_check is None or filename_check(filepath):
yield filepath
def load_modules():
VERBOSE = os.environ.get("BLENDER_VERBOSE") is not None
modules = []
module_paths = []
# paths blender stores scripts in.
paths = bpy.utils.script_paths()
for script_path in paths:
print("\t'%s'" % script_path)
# find all sys.path we added
for script_path in paths:
for mod_dir in sys.path:
if mod_dir.startswith(script_path):
if not mod_dir.startswith(BLACKLIST_DIRS):
if mod_dir not in module_paths:
if os.path.exists(mod_dir):
# collect modules from our paths.
module_names = {}
for mod_dir in module_paths:
# print("mod_dir", mod_dir)
for mod, mod_full in bpy.path.module_names(mod_dir):
if mod in BLACKLIST:
if mod in module_names:
mod_dir_prev, mod_full_prev = module_names[mod]
raise Exception("Module found twice %r.\n (%r -> %r, %r -> %r)" %
(mod, mod_dir, mod_full, mod_dir_prev, mod_full_prev))
module_names[mod] = mod_dir, mod_full
del module_names
# test we tested all files except for presets and templates
ignore_paths = [
os.sep + "presets" + os.sep,
os.sep + "templates_osl" + os.sep,
os.sep + "templates_py" + os.sep,
os.sep + "bl_app_templates_system" + os.sep,
] + ([(os.sep + f + os.sep) for f in BLACKLIST] +
[(os.sep + f + ".py") for f in BLACKLIST])
# now submodules
for m in modules:
filepath = m.__file__
if os.path.basename(filepath).startswith("__init__."):
mod_dir = os.path.dirname(filepath)
for submod, submod_full in module_names_all(mod_dir):
# fromlist is ignored, ugh.
mod_name_full = m.__name__ + "." + submod
sys_path_back = sys.path[:]
os.path.normpath(os.path.join(mod_dir, f))
for f in MODULE_SYS_PATHS.get(mod_name_full, ())
mod_imp = sys.modules[mod_name_full]
sys.path[:] = sys_path_back
# check we load what we ask for.
assert(os.path.samefile(mod_imp.__file__, submod_full))
except Exception:
import traceback
# Module might fail to import, but we don't want whole test to fail here.
# Reasoning:
# - This module might be in ignored list (for example, preset or template),
# so failing here will cause false-positive test failure.
# - If this is module which should not be ignored, it is not added to list
# of successfully loaded modules, meaning the test will catch this
# import failure.
# - We want to catch all failures of this script instead of stopping on
# a first big failure.
do_print = True
if not VERBOSE:
for ignore in ignore_paths:
if ignore in submod_full:
do_print = False
if do_print:
# check which filepaths we didn't load
source_files = []
for mod_dir in module_paths:
source_files.extend(source_list(mod_dir, filename_check=lambda f: f.endswith(".py")))
source_files = list(set(source_files))
# remove loaded files
loaded_files = list({m.__file__ for m in modules})
for f in loaded_files:
for f in source_files:
for ignore in ignore_paths:
if ignore in f:
raise Exception("Source file %r not loaded in test" % f)
print("loaded %d modules" % len(loaded_files))
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":