Jason Fielder 18b45aabf9 Metal: GLSL shader compatibility changes for global uniform and interface name collision.
For the Metal shader translation support for shader-global uniforms are remapped via macro's, and in such cases where a uniform name matches a vertex attribute name, compilation errors will occur due to this injected syntax being incompatible with the immediate code.

Also adding source-level function interface alternatives where sized arrays are passed in. These are not supported directly in Metal shading language and are instead handled as pointers. These pointers require explicit address-space qualifiers in some cases, if device/constant address space memory is passed into the function.

Ref T96261

Reviewed By: fclem

Differential Revision:
2022-09-22 17:53:56 +02:00

198 lines
5.5 KiB

/* Blender OpenColorIO implementation */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Curve Mapping Implementation
* \{ */
float read_curve_mapping(int table, int index)
return texelFetch(curve_mapping_texture, index, 0)[table];
float curvemap_calc_extend(int table, float x, vec2 first, vec2 last)
if (x <= first[0]) {
if (curve_mapping.use_extend_extrapolate == 0) {
/* horizontal extrapolation */
return first[1];
else {
float fac = (curve_mapping.ext_in_x[table] != 0.0) ?
((x - first[0]) / curve_mapping.ext_in_x[table]) :
return first[1] + curve_mapping.ext_in_y[table] * fac;
else if (x >= last[0]) {
if (curve_mapping.use_extend_extrapolate == 0) {
/* horizontal extrapolation */
return last[1];
else {
float fac = (curve_mapping.ext_out_x[table] != 0.0) ?
((x - last[0]) / curve_mapping.ext_out_x[table]) :
return last[1] + curve_mapping.ext_out_y[table] * fac;
return 0.0;
float curvemap_evaluateF(int table, float value)
float mintable_ = curve_mapping.mintable[table];
float range = curve_mapping.range[table];
float mintable = 0.0;
int CM_TABLE = curve_mapping.lut_size - 1;
float fi;
int i;
/* index in table */
fi = (value - mintable) * range;
i = int(fi);
/* fi is table float index and should check against table range i.e. [0.0 CM_TABLE] */
if (fi < 0.0 || fi > float(CM_TABLE)) {
return curvemap_calc_extend(table,
vec2(curve_mapping.first_x[table], curve_mapping.first_y[table]),
vec2(curve_mapping.last_x[table], curve_mapping.last_y[table]));
else {
if (i < 0) {
return read_curve_mapping(table, 0);
if (i >= CM_TABLE) {
return read_curve_mapping(table, CM_TABLE);
fi = fi - float(i);
float cm1 = read_curve_mapping(table, i);
float cm2 = read_curve_mapping(table, i + 1);
return mix(cm1, cm2, fi);
vec4 curvemapping_evaluate_premulRGBF(vec4 col)
col.rgb = (col.rgb - * curve_mapping.bwmul.rgb;
vec4 result;
result.r = curvemap_evaluateF(0, col.r);
result.g = curvemap_evaluateF(1, col.g);
result.b = curvemap_evaluateF(2, col.b);
result.a = col.a;
return result;
#endif /* USE_CURVE_MAPPING */
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Dithering
* \{ */
/* Using a triangle distribution which gives a more final uniform noise.
* See Banding in Games:A Noisy Rant(revision 5) Mikkel Gjøl, Playdead (slide 27) */
/* GPUs are rounding before writing to framebuffer so we center the distribution around 0.0. */
/* Return triangle noise in [-1..1[ range */
float dither_random_value(vec2 co)
/* Original code from */
/* Uniform noise in [0..1[ range */
float nrnd0 = fract(sin(dot(co.xy, vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453);
/* Convert uniform distribution into triangle-shaped distribution. */
float orig = nrnd0 * 2.0 - 1.0;
nrnd0 = orig * inversesqrt(abs(orig));
nrnd0 = max(-1.0, nrnd0); /* Removes nan's */
return nrnd0 - sign(orig);
vec2 round_to_pixel(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv)
vec2 size = vec2(textureSize(tex, 0));
return floor(uv * size) / size;
vec4 apply_dither(vec4 col, vec2 uv)
col.rgb += dither_random_value(uv) * 0.0033 * parameters.dither;
return col;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Main Processing
* \{ */
/* Prototypes: Implementation is generaterd and defined after. */
#ifndef GPU_METAL /* Forward declaration invalid in MSL. */
vec4 OCIO_to_scene_linear(vec4 pixel);
vec4 OCIO_to_display(vec4 pixel);
vec4 OCIO_ProcessColor(vec4 col, vec4 col_overlay)
col = curvemapping_evaluate_premulRGBF(col);
if (parameters.use_predivide) {
if (col.a > 0.0 && col.a < 1.0) {
col.rgb *= 1.0 / col.a;
/* NOTE: This is true we only do de-premul here and NO premul
* and the reason is simple -- opengl is always configured
* for straight alpha at this moment
/* Convert to scene linear (usually a no-op). */
col = OCIO_to_scene_linear(col);
/* Apply exposure in scene linear. */
col.rgb *= parameters.scale;
/* Convert to display space. */
col = OCIO_to_display(col);
/* Blend with overlay in UI colorspace.
* UI colorspace here refers to the display linear color space,
* i.e: The linear color space w.r.t. display chromaticity and radiometry.
* We separate the colormanagement process into two steps to be able to
* merge UI using alpha blending in the correct color space. */
if (parameters.use_overlay) {
col.rgb = pow(col.rgb, vec3(parameters.exponent * 2.2));
col = clamp(col, 0.0, 1.0);
col *= 1.0 - col_overlay.a;
col += col_overlay; /* Assumed unassociated alpha. */
col.rgb = pow(col.rgb, vec3(1.0 / 2.2));
else {
col.rgb = pow(col.rgb, vec3(parameters.exponent));
if (parameters.dither > 0.0) {
vec2 noise_uv = round_to_pixel(image_texture,;
col = apply_dither(col, noise_uv);
return col;
/** \} */
void main()
vec4 col = texture(image_texture,;
vec4 col_overlay = texture(overlay_texture,;
fragColor = OCIO_ProcessColor(col, col_overlay);