Sergey Sharybin 03806d0b67 Re-design of submodules used in blender.git
This commit implements described in the #104573.

The goal is to fix the confusion of the submodule hashes change, which are not
ideal for any of the supported git-module configuration (they are either always
visible causing confusion, or silently staged and committed, also causing

This commit replaces submodules with a checkout of addons and addons_contrib,
covered by the .gitignore, and locale and developer tools are moved to the
main repository.

This also changes the paths:
- /release/scripts are moved to the /scripts
- /source/tools are moved to the /tools
- /release/datafiles/locale is moved to /locale

This is done to avoid conflicts when using bisect, and also allow buildbot to
automatically "recover" wgen building older or newer branches/patches.

Running `make update` will initialize the local checkout to the changed
repository configuration.

Another aspect of the change is that the make update will support Github style
of remote organization (origin remote pointing to thy fork, upstream remote
pointing to the upstream blender/blender.git).

Pull Request #104755
2023-02-21 16:39:58 +01:00

422 lines
16 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# Copyright 2015 Blender Foundation - Bastien Montagne.
This is a tool for generating a JSon version of a blender file (only its structure, or all its data included).
It can also run some simple validity checks over a .blend file.
WARNING! This is still WIP tool!
Example usage:
./ foo.blend
To output also all 'name' fields from data:
./ --filter-data="name" foo.blend
To output complete DNA struct info:
./ --full-dna foo.blend
To avoid getting all 'uid' old addresses (those will change really often even when data itself does not change,
making diff pretty noisy):
./ --no-old-addresses foo.blend
To check a .blend file instead of outputting its JSon version (use explicit -o option to do both at the same time):
./ -c foo.blend
Each generic filter is made of three arguments, the include/exclude toggle ('+'/'-'), a regex to match against the name
of the field to check (either one of the 'meta-data' generated by json exporter, or actual data field from DNA structs),
and some regex to match against the data of this field (JSON-ified representation of the data, hence always a string).
Filters are evaluated in the order they are given, that is, if a block does not pass the first filter,
it is immediately rejected and no further check is done on it.
You can add some recursivity to a filter (that is, if an 'include' filter is successful over a 'pointer' property,
it will also automatically include pointed data, with a level of recursivity), by adding either
'*' (for infinite recursion) or a number (to specify the maximum level of recursion) to the include/exclude toggle.
Note that it only makes sense in 'include' case, and gets ignored for 'exclude' one.
To include only MESH blocks:
./ --filter-block "+" "code" "ME" foo.blend
To include only MESH or CURVE blocks and all data used by them:
./ --filter-block "+" "code" "(ME)|(CU)" --filter-block "+*" ".*" ".*" foo.blend
import os
import json
import re
# Avoid maintaining multiple blendfile modules
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "modules"))
del sys
import blendfile
##### Utils (own json formatting) #####
def json_default(o):
if isinstance(o, bytes):
return repr(o)[2:-1]
elif i is ...:
return "<...>"
return o
def json_dumps(i):
return json.dumps(i, default=json_default)
def keyval_to_json(kvs, indent, indent_step, compact_output=False):
if compact_output:
return ('{' + ', '.join('"%s": %s' % (k, v) for k, v in kvs) + '}')
return ('{%s' % indent_step[:-1] +
(',\n%s%s' % (indent, indent_step)).join(
('"%s":\n%s%s%s' % (k, indent, indent_step, v) if (v[0] in {'[', '{'}) else
'"%s": %s' % (k, v)) for k, v in kvs) +
'\n%s}' % indent)
def list_to_json(lst, indent, indent_step, compact_output=False):
if compact_output:
return ('[' + ', '.join(l for l in lst) + ']')
return ('[%s' % indent_step[:-1] +
((',\n%s%s' % (indent, indent_step)).join(
('\n%s%s%s' % (indent, indent_step, l) if (i == 0 and l[0] in {'[', '{'}) else l)
for i, l in enumerate(lst))
) +
'\n%s]' % indent)
##### Main 'struct' writers #####
def gen_fake_addresses(args, blend):
if args.use_fake_address:
hashes = set()
ret = {}
for block in blend.blocks:
if not block.addr_old:
hsh = block.get_data_hash()
while hsh in hashes:
hsh += 1
ret[block.addr_old] = hsh
return ret
return {}
def bheader_to_json(args, fw, blend, indent, indent_step):
fw('%s"%s": [\n' % (indent, "HEADER"))
indent = indent + indent_step
keyval = (
("magic", json_dumps(blend.header.magic)),
("pointer_size", json_dumps(blend.header.pointer_size)),
("is_little_endian", json_dumps(blend.header.is_little_endian)),
("version", json_dumps(blend.header.version)),
keyval = keyval_to_json(keyval, indent, indent_step)
fw('%s%s' % (indent, keyval))
indent = indent[:-len(indent_step)]
fw('\n%s]' % indent)
def do_bblock_filter(filters, blend, block, meta_keyval, data_keyval):
def do_bblock_filter_data_recursive(blend, block, rec_lvl, rec_iter, key=None):
fields = (blend.structs[block.sdna_index].fields if key is None else
for fld in fields:
if fld is None:
if fld.dna_name.is_pointer:
paths = ([(fld.dna_name.name_only, i) for i in range(fld.dna_name.array_size)]
if fld.dna_name.array_size > 1 else [fld.dna_name.name_only])
for p in paths:
child_block = block.get_pointer(p)
if child_block is not None:
child_block.user_data = max(block.user_data, rec_iter)
if rec_lvl != 0:
do_bblock_filter_data_recursive(blend, child_block, rec_lvl - 1, rec_iter + 1)
has_include = False
do_break = False
rec_iter = 1
if block.user_data is None:
block.user_data = 0
for include, rec_lvl, key, val in filters:
if rec_lvl < 0:
rec_lvl = 100
has_include = has_include or include
# Skip exclude filters if block was already processed some way.
if not include and block.user_data is not None:
has_match = False
for k, v in meta_keyval:
if and
has_match = True
if include:
block.user_data = max(block.user_data, rec_iter)
# Note that in include cases, we have to keep checking filters, since some 'include recursive'
# ones may still have to be processed...
block.user_data = min(block.user_data, -rec_iter)
do_break = True # No need to check more filters in exclude case...
for k, v in data_keyval:
if and
has_match = True
if include:
block.user_data = max(block.user_data, rec_iter)
if rec_lvl != 0:
do_bblock_filter_data_recursive(blend, block, rec_lvl - 1, rec_iter + 1, k)
# Note that in include cases, we have to keep checking filters, since some 'include recursive'
# ones may still have to be processed...
block.user_data = min(block.user_data, -rec_iter)
do_break = True # No need to check more filters in exclude case...
if include and not has_match: # Include check failed, implies exclusion.
block.user_data = min(block.user_data, -rec_iter)
do_break = True # No need to check more filters in exclude case...
if do_break:
# Implicit 'include all' in case no include filter is specified...
if block.user_data == 0 and not has_include:
block.user_data = max(block.user_data, rec_iter)
def bblocks_to_json(args, fw, blend, address_map, indent, indent_step):
no_address = args.no_address
full_data = args.full_data
filter_data = args.filter_data
def gen_meta_keyval(blend, block):
keyval = [
("code", json_dumps(block.code)),
("size", json_dumps(block.size)),
if not no_address:
keyval += [("addr_old", json_dumps(address_map.get(block.addr_old, block.addr_old)))]
keyval += [
("dna_type_id", json_dumps(blend.structs[block.sdna_index].dna_type_id)),
("count", json_dumps(block.count)),
return keyval
def gen_data_keyval(blend, block, key_filter=None):
def _is_pointer(k):
return blend.structs[block.sdna_index].field_from_path(blend.header, blend.handle, k).dna_name.is_pointer
if key_filter is not None:
return [(json_dumps(k)[1:-1], json_dumps(address_map.get(v, v) if _is_pointer(k) else v))
for k, v in block.items_recursive_iter() if k in key_filter]
return [(json_dumps(k)[1:-1], json_dumps(address_map.get(v, v) if _is_pointer(k) else v))
for k, v in block.items_recursive_iter()]
if args.block_filters:
for block in blend.blocks:
meta_keyval = gen_meta_keyval(blend, block)
data_keyval = gen_data_keyval(blend, block)
do_bblock_filter(args.block_filters, blend, block, meta_keyval, data_keyval)
fw('%s"%s": [\n' % (indent, "DATA"))
indent = indent + indent_step
is_first = True
for i, block in enumerate(blend.blocks):
if block.user_data is None or block.user_data > 0:
meta_keyval = gen_meta_keyval(blend, block)
if full_data:
meta_keyval.append(("data", keyval_to_json(gen_data_keyval(blend, block),
indent + indent_step, indent_step, args.compact_output)))
elif filter_data:
meta_keyval.append(("data", keyval_to_json(gen_data_keyval(blend, block, filter_data),
indent + indent_step, indent_step, args.compact_output)))
keyval = keyval_to_json(meta_keyval, indent, indent_step, args.compact_output)
fw('%s%s%s' % ('' if is_first else ',\n', indent, keyval))
is_first = False
indent = indent[:-len(indent_step)]
fw('\n%s]' % indent)
def bdna_to_json(args, fw, blend, indent, indent_step):
full_dna = args.full_dna and not args.compact_output
def bdna_fields_to_json(blend, dna, indent, indent_step):
lst = []
for i, field in enumerate(dna.fields):
keyval = (
("dna_name", json_dumps(field.dna_name.name_only)),
("dna_type_id", json_dumps(field.dna_type.dna_type_id)),
("is_pointer", json_dumps(field.dna_name.is_pointer)),
("is_method_pointer", json_dumps(field.dna_name.is_method_pointer)),
("array_size", json_dumps(field.dna_name.array_size)),
lst.append(keyval_to_json(keyval, indent + indent_step, indent_step))
return list_to_json(lst, indent, indent_step)
fw('%s"%s": [\n' % (indent, "DNA_STRUCT"))
indent = indent + indent_step
is_first = True
for dna in blend.structs:
keyval = [
("dna_type_id", json_dumps(dna.dna_type_id)),
("size", json_dumps(dna.size)),
if full_dna:
keyval += [("fields", bdna_fields_to_json(blend, dna, indent + indent_step, indent_step))]
keyval += [("nbr_fields", json_dumps(len(dna.fields)))]
keyval = keyval_to_json(keyval, indent, indent_step, args.compact_output)
fw('%s%s%s' % ('' if is_first else ',\n', indent, keyval))
is_first = False
indent = indent[:-len(indent_step)]
fw('\n%s]' % indent)
def blend_to_json(args, f, blend, address_map):
fw = f.write
indent = indent_step = " "
bheader_to_json(args, fw, blend, indent, indent_step)
bblocks_to_json(args, fw, blend, address_map, indent, indent_step)
bdna_to_json(args, fw, blend, indent, indent_step)
##### Checks #####
def check_file(args, blend):
addr_old = set()
for block in blend.blocks:
if block.addr_old in addr_old:
print("ERROR! Several data blocks share same 'addr_old' uuid %d, "
"this should never happen!" % block.addr_old)
##### Main #####
def argparse_create():
import argparse
global __doc__
# When --help or no args are given, print this help
usage_text = __doc__
epilog = "This script is typically used to check differences between .blend files, or to check their validity."
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=usage_text, epilog=epilog,
dest="input", nargs="+", metavar='PATH',
help="Input .blend file(s)")
"-o", "--output", dest="output", action="append", metavar='PATH', required=False,
help="Output .json file(s) (same path/name as input file(s) if not specified)")
"-c", "--check-file", dest="check_file", default=False, action='store_true', required=False,
help=("Perform some basic validation checks over the .blend file"))
"--compact-output", dest="compact_output", default=False, action='store_true', required=False,
help=("Output a very compact representation of blendfile (one line per block/DNAStruct)"))
"--no-old-addresses", dest="no_address", default=False, action='store_true', required=False,
help=("Do not output old memory address of each block of data "
"(used as 'uuid' in .blend files, but change pretty noisily)"))
"--no-fake-old-addresses", dest="use_fake_address", default=True, action='store_false',
help=("Do not 'rewrite' old memory address of each block of data "
"(they are rewritten by default to some hash of their content, "
"to try to avoid too much diff noise between different but similar files)"))
"--full-data", dest="full_data",
default=False, action='store_true', required=False,
help=("Also put in JSon file data itself "
"(WARNING! will generate *huge* verbose files - and is far from complete yet)"))
"--filter-data", dest="filter_data",
default=None, required=False,
help=("Only put in JSon file data fields which names match given comma-separated list "
"(ignored if --full-data is set)"))
"--full-dna", dest="full_dna", default=False, action='store_true', required=False,
help=("Also put in JSon file dna properties description (ignored when --compact-output is used)"))
group = parser.add_argument_group("Filters", FILTER_DOC)
"--filter-block", dest="block_filters", nargs=3, action='append',
help=("Filter to apply to BLOCKS (a.k.a. data itself)"))
return parser
def main():
# ----------
# Parse Args
args = argparse_create().parse_args()
if not args.output:
if args.check_file:
args.output = [None] * len(args.input)
args.output = [os.path.splitext(infile)[0] + ".json" for infile in args.input]
if args.block_filters:
args.block_filters = [(True if m[0] == "+" else False,
0 if len(m) == 1 else (-1 if m[1] == "*" else int(m[1:])),
re.compile(f), re.compile(d))
for m, f, d in args.block_filters]
if args.filter_data:
if args.full_data:
args.filter_data = None
args.filter_data = {n.encode() for n in args.filter_data.split(',')}
for infile, outfile in zip(args.input, args.output):
with blendfile.open_blend(infile) as blend:
address_map = gen_fake_addresses(args, blend)
if args.check_file:
check_file(args, blend)
if outfile:
with open(outfile, 'w', encoding="ascii", errors='xmlcharrefreplace') as f:
blend_to_json(args, f, blend, address_map)
if __name__ == "__main__":