Happy to see that this works for EEVEE as well, not only Cycles. Good job!
UI Labels: "Must use English MLA title case"
In this case it means: "White point"…
I will look at this tomorrow, but maybe @pablovazquez has some feedback/suggestions already?
I don't think we should proceed with this changes. See blender/blender#121544 (comment)
Such a limitation makes sense in some FPS games, but I'm not an actor with an avatar in this case.
The walk navigation is basically a FPS experience inside Blender. In fact it was implemented…
@LukasStockner thanks for the fix for the other platforms. It is still failing on Windows apparently:
FAILED: source/blender/blenlib/CMakeFiles/bf_blenlib.dir/intern/math_color.cc.obj…
@Oleg-Komarov for the records, Blender already has the -c extension build --split-platforms, which uses "[build.generated]". So it is up to the server now to support [build.generated]