Export ImageTexture node for an image identified in material node tree #39

Vincent Marchetti wants to merge 12 commits from vmarchetti/io_scene_x3d:image-export into main

When changing the target branch, be careful to rebase the branch in your fork to match. See documentation.
Showing only changes of commit 88a6970387 - Show all commits

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@ -266,6 +266,18 @@ def export(file,
# store files to copy
copy_set = set()
# if path_mode is copy, create a temporary folder particular

why is this temporary folder needed? Could you add that to the comment?

why is this temporary folder needed? Could you add that to the comment?
# to this export operation, to stored image data to an image_file,
# for those image in a packed set or otherwise not existing on disk
if path_mode == 'COPY':
blender_tempfolder = bpy.app.tempdir
import uuid, os, os.path
temporary_image_directory = os.path.join(blender_tempfolder,uuid.uuid4().hex)
logger.info("temporary_image_directory: %s" % temporary_image_directory )
temporary_image_directory = None
# store names of newly created meshes, so we dont overlap
mesh_name_set = set()
@ -1201,7 +1213,7 @@ def export(file,
image_id = quoteattr(unique_name(image, IM_ + image.name, uuid_cache_image, clean_func=clean_def, sep="_"))
logger.info("write ImageTexture X3D node for %r format %r filepath %r" % (image.name, image.file_format, image.filepath ))
if image.tag:
@ -1213,12 +1225,43 @@ def export(file,
fw('%s<ImageTexture ' % ident)))
fw('DEF=%s\n' % image_id)
# both branches of the following if-then block will
# set a variable images to a sequence of strings, each string
# a url to be entered into the MFString value of the
# attribute url of the X3D ImageTexture element
if (not image_record.is_packed):
# determine condition under which we want to directly write the the
# image data to a temporary location for purposes of export. This will
# only be done if the path_mode is COPY and either the filepath is empty
# or the image has a packed file embedded in the .blend data
has_packed_file = image.packed_file and image.packed_file.size > 0
if has_packed_file or not imageTextureNode.image.filepath :
# assume that if the data has a packed file or it
# an empty file path then in the url field of the node

comment is a bit tricky to read, maybe simplify: "Write only the filename if image is packed or has no filepath provided"

comment is a bit tricky to read, maybe simplify: "Write only the filename if image is packed or has no filepath provided"
# where just going to give a filename
use_file_format = image.file_format or 'PNG'
image_ext = {'JPEG':'.jpg' , 'PNG':'.png'}[use_file_format]
image_base = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(image.name))[0]
image_filename = image_base + image_ext
if temporary_image_directory:
filepath_full = os.path.join(temporary_image_directory, image_filename)
logger.info("writing image for texture to %s" % filepath_full)
image.save( filepath = filepath_full )
filepath_ref = bpy_extras.io_utils.path_reference(
image_urls = [filepath_ref]
image_urls = [image_filename]
logger.warn("dangling image url %r" % [image_filename])

warn is deprecated, use warning instead

warn is deprecated, use warning instead
# this is the legacy algorithm for determining
# a set of urls based on value of image.filepath and the

Could also get simplified: "Legacy Algorithm for preparing and normalizing image filepaths: Get the full path, reference path (e.g. relative), filename"

Could also get simplified: "Legacy Algorithm for preparing and normalizing image filepaths: Get the full path, reference path (e.g. relative), filename"
# argument path_mode passed in to the export function
@ -1239,22 +1282,20 @@ def export(file,
images = [f.replace('\\', '/') for f in images]
# this is the choice where image_record.is_packed is true
# meaning that the image data can be stored in the blend data
# This happens when the image is retrieved from the binary data
# in a glTF/glb
images = [ image_record.url ]
# note: the following has the effect of eliminating duplicate paths
# while preserving order-priority
image_urls = [f for i, f in enumerate(images) if f not in images[:i]]
# note: the following has the effect of eliminating duplicate paths
# while preserving order-priority
images = [f for i, f in enumerate(images) if f not in images[:i]]
logger.info("node urls: %s" % (images,))
fw(ident_step + "url='%s'\n" % ' '.join(['"%s"' % escape(f) for f in images]))
logger.info("node urls: %s" % (image_urls,))
fw(ident_step + "url='%s'\n" % ' '.join(['"%s"' % escape(f) for f in image_urls]))
# default value of repeatS, repeatT fields is true, so only need to
# specify if extension value is CLIP
if image_record.extension == CLIP:
x3d_supported_extension = ["CLIP", "REPEAT"]
if imageTextureNode.extension not in x3d_supported_extension:
logger.warn("imageTextureNode.extension value %s unsupported in X3D" % imageTextureNode.extension)
if imageTextureNode.extension == "CLIP":
fw(ident_step + "repeatS='false' repeatT='false'")
fw(ident_step + '/>\n')