Block a user
Fix #128226: Memory leak generating mesh data outside depsgraph eval
Fix #128226: Memory leak generating mesh data outside depsgraph eval
Cleanup: correct FOREACH_OBJECT_FLAG_BEGIN flag argument
Fix: Sculpt: Debug assert when undoing deformation
Cleanup: Sculpt: Simplify threaded node iteration
Fix #122096: Crash after editing multi-user mesh with two scenes
Memory leask selecting meshes in multi-object edit-mode
Abandoned: Refactor join_triangles operator
Not a full review, replying to some points.
- Python may call this BMesh operator (the UI isn't the only caller).
- The use of a slot instead of
flag check allows the…
- The use of a slot instead of
Cleanup: use const, correct arg names, spelling, use ELEMN(..)
Cleanup: remove redundant null check
Refactor: move BLI_path_util header to C++, rename to BLI_path_utils
GPU: Change GLSL include directive
Even to get something working quickly, this could be a vector of char arrays, to allow inserting of arbitrary text.
GPU: Change GLSL include directive
A short description of what's being done here would be good (commenting our per-processing lines).
GPU: Change GLSL include directive
Overall, if this works, the change is small & isolated enough that any improvements can be made in main
PySide6 shiboken6 conflict