136 lines
4.4 KiB
136 lines
4.4 KiB
from typing import Optional
import hashlib
import io
from django import urls
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.admin.models import CHANGE, LogEntry
from django.contrib.sites.shortcuts import get_current_site
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
from urllib.parse import urlencode as urllib_urlencode
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import django.conf
import django.db.models
import django.utils.text
import yarl
def login_url_with_redirect(redirect_url: str) -> str:
Construct a login URL which will redirect the user to the given URL after logging in.
:param redirect_url: The URL to redirect the user to after a successful login.
:return: The constructed login URL.
return str(yarl.URL(urls.reverse('oauth:login')).with_query({'next': redirect_url}))
def compact_timesince(timesince):
"""Make timesince filter super compact."""
# Replace long words with letters. (2 days, 3 hours -> 2 d, 3 h)
timesince = (
timesince.replace('minutes', 'm')
.replace('minute', 'm')
.replace('hour', 'h')
.replace('hours', 'h')
timesince = timesince.replace('days', 'd').replace('day', 'd').replace('month', 'mon')
timesince = timesince.replace('months', 'mon').replace('weeks', 'w').replace('week', 'w')
# Remove space between digit and unit. (2 d, 3h -> 2d, 3h)
timesince = timesince.replace('\xa0', '')
# Take only the first, usually interesting part. (2d, 3h -> 2d)
timesince = timesince.split(',', 1)[0]
return timesince
def attach_log_entry(
instance: django.db.models.Model,
message: str,
action_flag: int = CHANGE,
user_id: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
"""Attach a log entry to this model, for in the admin 'history' page.
:param instance:
:param message:
:param action_flag: Either ADDITION, CHANGE, or DELETION, defaults to CHANGE.
:param user_id: Optionally, the user who performs the logged action.
Can be None when the action is performed by the system.
from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
if user_id is None:
user_id = django.conf.settings.SYSTEM_USER_ID
def entries_for(instance: django.db.models.Model) -> 'django.db.models.QuerySet[LogEntry]':
"""Build a query for all log entries attached to an instance."""
from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
return LogEntry.objects.filter(
content_type_id=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(type(instance)).pk, object_id=instance.pk
def get_sha256(file_obj):
"""Calculate a sha256 hash for `file_obj`.
`file_obj` must either be be an open file descriptor, in which case the
caller needs to take care of closing it properly, or a django File-like
object with a chunks() method to iterate over its contents.
hash_ = hashlib.sha256()
if hasattr(file_obj, 'chunks') and callable(file_obj.chunks):
iterator = file_obj.chunks()
iterator = iter(lambda: file_obj.read(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE), b'')
for chunk in iterator:
# This file might be read again by validation or other utilities
return hash_.hexdigest()
def urlencode(items):
"""A Unicode-safe URLencoder."""
return urllib_urlencode(items)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return urllib_urlencode([(k, force_bytes(v)) for k, v in items])
def absolutify(url: str, request=None) -> str:
"""Return an absolute URL."""
if url and url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
return url
proto = 'http' if settings.DEBUG else 'https'
domain = get_current_site(request).domain
return urljoin(f'{proto}://{domain}', url)
def absolute_url(
view_name: str, args: Optional[tuple] = None, kwargs: Optional[dict] = None
) -> str:
"""Same as django.urls.reverse() but returned as an absolute URL."""
relative_url = reverse(view_name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
return absolutify(relative_url)