1 Development utilities
Márton Lente edited this page 2024-04-19 18:12:24 +02:00

Web Assets Development utilities

Web Assets comes with development utilities that help with repetitive changes on the project level. Find them in the dev-utils directory.

Search and replace

Create search and replace map, check with dry-run, and run:

  1. Create the search and replace map text file. The text file must have the following format:
to-search-example| to-change-example
to-search-string| to-change-string
  1. Run the script in dry-mode, with -n flag. Pass in search and replace map, and directory to process: ./search-and-replace.sh -n search-and-replace-map-example.txt
  2. If everything looks correct, run the script: ./search-and-replace.sh search-and-replace-map-example.txt

After running the script, check if changes were picked up by Git.