We do not consider reports of building problem on the tracker. Report it on the forum: https://devtalk.blender.org/, or in the chat:https://blender.chat/channel/blender-builds
I can't open attached file, not enough memory (just 16).
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@shmuel You should simply stack the groups on top of each other to group all the overlapping keys, and then use accumulation to create a new key that is the index of the duplicate.
Hi, thanks for report. The one thing isn't enough clean for me is what means physics does not work
? I can see small wobbles under its own weight, have you can't?
Hi, thanks for report. blender-2.93.18
this blender version is too old (see: https://projects.blender.org/milestones?repos=[]&sort=&state=closed&q=). Can you check 3.0 or 4.0 blender versions?
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