[Blender_Kistsu] Remove Un-used Collections during Update Output Collection #35

Nick Alberelli wants to merge 0 commits from fix/update_output_collection into main

When changing the target branch, be careful to rebase the branch in your fork to match. See documentation.
846 changed files with 49867 additions and 59824 deletions

.gitattributes vendored
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@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
*.mp4 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text .png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text .mp4 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.jpg filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.whl filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.gif filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
name: CloudRig Bug Report
about: File a bug report
- "Type/Bug"
- "Status/Needs Triage"
- "Priority/Normal"
- type: markdown
value: |
Thank you for wanting to submit a report and help me improve CloudRig.
### Please provide a .blend file with bug reports.
If your issue is about a metarig that fails to generate, please use the "Report Bug" button in the interface:
Select your metarig and go to Properties->Object Data->CloudRig->Generation Log, and click on "Report Bug".
### Please make sure you use the CloudRig version that corresponds to your Blender version.
- type: textarea
id: body
label: "Description"
hide_label: true
value: |
**System Information**
Operating system:
Blender Version:
CloudRig Version:
**Short description of error**
**Exact steps for others to reproduce the error**
Based on the default human metarig or a simplified attached .blend file.

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
name: Bug Report
about: File a bug report
- "Type/Report"
- "Status/Needs Triage"
- "Priority/Normal"
- type: markdown
value: |
Thank you for wanting to submit a report and help me improve CloudRig.
### Please provide a .blend file with bug reports.
If your issue is about a metarig that fails to generate, please use the "Report Bug" button in the interface:
Select your metarig and go to Properties->Object Data->CloudRig->Generation Log, and click on "Report Bug".
### Please make sure you use the CloudRig version that corresponds to your Blender version.
- type: textarea
id: body
label: "Description"
hide_label: true
value: |
**System Information**
Operating system:
Blender Version:
CloudRig Version:
**Short description of error**
**Exact steps for others to reproduce the error**
Based on the default human metarig or a simplified attached .blend file.

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ target/
.python-version .python-version
# dotenv # dotenv
*.env .env
# virtualenv # virtualenv
.venv .venv

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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# This is the list of Blender Studio Tools authors for copyright purposes.
# This does not necessarily list everyone who has contributed code.
# To see the full list of contributors, see the revision history in source
# control.
# Names should be added to this file with this pattern:
# For individuals:
# Name <email address>
# For organizations:
# Organization <fnmatch pattern>
# BEGIN individuals section.
Andy Goralczyk <andy@blender.org>
Demeter Dazdik <demeter@blender.org>
Francesco Siddi <francesco@blender.org>
Nick Alberelli <nick@blender.org>
Paul Golter <paul@blender.org>
Sebastian Parborg <sebastian@blender.org>
Simon Thommes <simon@blender.org>
# Please DO NOT APPEND here. See comments at the top of the file.
# END individuals section.
# BEGIN organizations section.
Blender Foundation <*@blender.org>
# Please DO NOT APPEND here. See comments at the top of the file.
# END organizations section.

View File

@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

View File

@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
# Blender Studio Pipeline # Blender Studio Pipeline
The complete collection of documents, add-ons, scripts and tools that make up the Blender Studio pipeline. Learn more at [studio.blender.org](https://studio.blender.org/pipeline/). The complete collection of documents, add-ons, scripts and tools that make up the Blender Studio pipeline. Learn more at [studio.blender.org](https://studio.blender.org/pipeline-and-tools/).
## Development Setup
Before checking out this repo, ensure that you have `git-lfs` installed and enabled (use `git lfs install` to verify this).
To learn more see https://git-lfs.com/
#### Developer Tip
If you are working with a multiple remotes for this repository (e.g. fork and upstream) and you are receiving errors related to git lfs like `smudge filter lfs failed` you can try enabling autodetect in the repo's local git config with the following command.
git config lfs.remote.autodetect true
##### Requirements
git lfs version: `3.3.0+`

View File

@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (c) 2021, Blender Foundation - Paul Golter
from media_viewer import ( from media_viewer import (
vars, vars,

View File

@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (c) 2021, Blender Foundation
import sys import sys
import re import re

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
from __future__ import annotations from __future__ import annotations
from typing import ( from typing import (
List, List,
@ -20,6 +16,7 @@ from copy import copy
import bpy import bpy
import gpu import gpu
import bgl
import blf import blf
from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader
from bpy.app.handlers import persistent from bpy.app.handlers import persistent
@ -97,7 +94,7 @@ def draw_toggle(region_name: str):
bot_right = (top_left[0] + width, top_left[1] - height) bot_right = (top_left[0] + width, top_left[1] - height)
coordinates = [top_left, top_right, bot_left, bot_right] coordinates = [top_left, top_right, bot_left, bot_right]
shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin("UNIFORM_COLOR") shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin("2D_UNIFORM_COLOR")
batch = batch_for_shader( batch = batch_for_shader(
shader, shader,
@ -117,7 +114,7 @@ def draw_text(region_name: str):
y = region.height + offset_y y = region.height + offset_y
x = 0 + offset_x x = 0 + offset_x
font_id = 0 font_id = 0
gpu.state.blend_set('ALPHA') bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND)
blf.position(font_id, x, y, 0) blf.position(font_id, x, y, 0)
blf.size(font_id, 12, 72) blf.size(font_id, 12, 72)
blf.color(font_id, 1, 1, 1, 0.9) blf.color(font_id, 1, 1, 1, 0.9)
@ -378,7 +375,7 @@ class ButtonDrawer:
def __init__( def __init__(
self, self,
): ):
self._shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin("UNIFORM_COLOR") self._shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin("2D_UNIFORM_COLOR")
self.draw_arrow = True self.draw_arrow = True
self.draw_rect = False self.draw_rect = False
self._arrow_direction = "UP" self._arrow_direction = "UP"
@ -401,8 +398,8 @@ class ButtonDrawer:
def draw_button( def draw_button(
self, button: Button, region: bpy.types.Region, color: Float4 self, button: Button, region: bpy.types.Region, color: Float4
) -> None: ) -> None:
gpu.state.blend_set('ALPHA') bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND)
gpu.state.line_width_set(0) bgl.glLineWidth(0)
coords = button.get_region_coords(region) coords = button.get_region_coords(region)
# Draw rectangle. # Draw rectangle.
@ -444,7 +441,7 @@ class ButtonDrawer:
return return
# Create line batch and draw it. # Create line batch and draw it.
gpu.state.line_width_set(3) bgl.glLineWidth(3)
self._shader.bind() self._shader.bind()
self._shader.uniform_float("color", color) self._shader.uniform_float("color", color)
# print(f"Drawing points: {line_pos}") # print(f"Drawing points: {line_pos}")

View File

@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (c) 2021, Blender Foundation - Paul Golter
import bpy import bpy
from typing import Any, Union, Dict, List, Tuple from typing import Any, Union, Dict, List, Tuple

View File

@ -1,12 +1,29 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (c) 2021, Blender Foundation - Paul Golter
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union, Any, Optional, Set from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union, Any, Optional, Set
from pathlib import Path from pathlib import Path
import bpy import bpy
import gpu import gpu
import bgl
import gpu_extras.presets import gpu_extras.presets
from mathutils import Matrix from mathutils import Matrix
@ -201,7 +218,6 @@ class MV_OT_render_review_img_editor(bpy.types.Operator):
layer_index=layer_idx, layer_index=layer_idx,
pass_index=pass_idx, pass_index=pass_idx,
) )
image_gpu_tex = gpu.texture.from_image(image)
# Create a Buffer on GPU that will be used to first render the image into, # Create a Buffer on GPU that will be used to first render the image into,
# then the annotation. # then the annotation.
@ -216,7 +232,8 @@ class MV_OT_render_review_img_editor(bpy.types.Operator):
with frame_buffer.bind(): with frame_buffer.bind():
# Debugging: Flood image with color. # Debugging: Flood image with color.
#frame_buffer.clear(color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), depth=1.0, stencil=0) # bgl.glClearColor(0, 1, 0, 1)
# bgl.glClear(bgl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
with gpu.matrix.push_pop(): with gpu.matrix.push_pop():
# Our drawing is not in the right place, we need to use # Our drawing is not in the right place, we need to use
@ -235,16 +252,21 @@ class MV_OT_render_review_img_editor(bpy.types.Operator):
gpu.matrix.load_projection_matrix(mat) gpu.matrix.load_projection_matrix(mat)
# Draw the texture. # Draw the texture.
gpu_extras.presets.draw_texture_2d(image_gpu_tex, (0, 0), 1, 1) gpu_extras.presets.draw_texture_2d(image.bindcode, (0, 0), 1, 1)
# Draw grease pencil over it. # Draw grease pencil over it.
gpu_opsdata.draw_callback(GP_DRAWER, frame=frame) gpu_opsdata.draw_callback(GP_DRAWER, frame=frame)
buffer = gpu_texture.read() # Create the buffer with dimensions: r, g, b, a (width * height * 4)
# Make sure that we use bgl.GL_FLOAT as this solves the colorspace issue
# that the saved image would be in linear space. (?)
buffer = bgl.Buffer(bgl.GL_FLOAT, width * height * 4)
bgl.glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, bgl.GL_RGBA, bgl.GL_FLOAT, buffer)
# new_image.scale(width, height) does not seem to do a difference? # new_image.scale(width, height) does not seem to do a difference?
# Set new_image.pixels to the composited buffer. # Set new_image.pixels to the composited buffer.
new_image.pixels = [f_val for row in buffer.to_list() for color in row for f_val in color] new_image.pixels = [v for v in buffer]
return new_image return new_image

View File

@ -1,11 +1,29 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (c) 2021, Blender Foundation - Paul Golter
import math
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union, Any, Optional, Set from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union, Any, Optional, Set
import bpy import bpy
import gpu import gpu
import bgl
from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader
from . import ops from . import ops
@ -18,7 +36,32 @@ Float2 = Tuple[float, float]
Float3 = Tuple[float, float, float] Float3 = Tuple[float, float, float]
Float4 = Tuple[float, float, float, float] Float4 = Tuple[float, float, float, float]
line_shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('UNIFORM_COLOR') # Glsl.
gpu_vertex_shader = """
uniform mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix;
layout (location = 0) in vec2 pos;
layout (location = 1) in vec4 color;
out vec4 lineColor; // output to the fragment shader
void main()
gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(pos.x, pos.y, 0.0, 1.0);
lineColor = color;
gpu_fragment_shader = """
out vec4 fragColor;
in vec4 lineColor;
void main()
fragColor = lineColor;
def get_gpframe_coords( def get_gpframe_coords(
gpframe: bpy.types.GPencilFrame, do_3_dimensions=False gpframe: bpy.types.GPencilFrame, do_3_dimensions=False
@ -82,6 +125,20 @@ def lin2srgb(lin: float) -> float:
class GPDrawerCustomShader: class GPDrawerCustomShader:
def __init__(self):
self._format = gpu.types.GPUVertFormat()
# To find out what attributes are available look here:
# ./source/blender/gpu/GPU_shader.h
self._pos_id = self._format.attr_add(
id="pos", comp_type="F32", len=2, fetch_mode="FLOAT"
self._color_id = self._format.attr_add(
id="color", comp_type="F32", len=4, fetch_mode="FLOAT"
self.shader = gpu.types.GPUShader(gpu_vertex_shader, gpu_fragment_shader)
def draw(self, gpframe: bpy.types.GPencilFrame, line_widht: int, color: Float4): def draw(self, gpframe: bpy.types.GPencilFrame, line_widht: int, color: Float4):
coords = get_gpframe_coords(gpframe) coords = get_gpframe_coords(gpframe)
@ -89,19 +146,26 @@ class GPDrawerCustomShader:
if not coords: if not coords:
return return
gpu.state.blend_set('ALPHA') # TODO: replace with gpu.state.line_width_set(width)
gpu.state.line_width_set(line_widht) bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND)
line_shader.uniform_float("color", color) bgl.glLineWidth(line_widht)
batch = batch_for_shader(
line_shader, 'LINES', colors = [color for c in coords]
{"pos": coords}
) vbo = gpu.types.GPUVertBuf(len=len(coords), format=self._format)
batch.draw(line_shader) vbo.attr_fill(id=self._pos_id, data=coords)
vbo.attr_fill(id=self._color_id, data=colors)
batch = gpu.types.GPUBatch(type="LINES", buf=vbo)
class GPDrawerBuiltInShader: class GPDrawerBuiltInShader:
def __init__(self): def __init__(self):
self.shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin("UNIFORM_COLOR") # 2D_UNIFORM_COLOR is not implemented, documentation is deprecated
# use 3D_UNIFORM_COLOR instead.
self.shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin("3D_UNIFORM_COLOR")
def draw(self, gpframe: bpy.types.GPencilLayer, line_width: int, color: Float4): def draw(self, gpframe: bpy.types.GPencilLayer, line_width: int, color: Float4):
@ -116,8 +180,8 @@ class GPDrawerBuiltInShader:
# Question: Can I change the line width using attributes? # Question: Can I change the line width using attributes?
# Or do I have to do it this way? # Or do I have to do it this way?
# TODO: replace with gpu.state.line_width_set(width) # TODO: replace with gpu.state.line_width_set(width)
gpu.state.blend_set('ALPHA') bgl.glEnable(bgl.GL_BLEND)
gpu.state.line_width_set(line_width) bgl.glLineWidth(line_width)
# print(f"Drawing coords: {coords}") # print(f"Drawing coords: {coords}")
batch = batch_for_shader(self.shader, "LINES", {"pos": coords}) batch = batch_for_shader(self.shader, "LINES", {"pos": coords})

View File

@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (c) 2021, Blender Foundation - Paul Golter
import logging import logging

View File

@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (c) 2021, Blender Foundation - Paul Golter
import subprocess import subprocess
from pathlib import Path from pathlib import Path
@ -375,7 +391,7 @@ class MV_OT_toggle_timeline(bpy.types.Operator):
if area_timeline: if area_timeline:
# Timeline needs to be closed. # Timeline needs to be closed.
timeline_state = TimelineState(area=area_timeline) timeline_state = TimelineState(area=area_timeline)
opsdata.close_area(context, area_timeline) opsdata.close_area(area_timeline)
logger.info("Hide timeline") logger.info("Hide timeline")
elif area_media: elif area_media:
@ -437,7 +453,7 @@ class MV_OT_toggle_filebrowser(bpy.types.Operator):
# If sqe and timeline visible but not filebrowser # If sqe and timeline visible but not filebrowser
# we need to first close timeline and then open it after to # we need to first close timeline and then open it after to
# get correct layout. # get correct layout.
opsdata.close_area(context, area_time) opsdata.close_area(area_time)
# We need to do some custom context assembly here # We need to do some custom context assembly here
# because the bpy.ops.screen.area_close() sets context.screen to NULL. # because the bpy.ops.screen.area_close() sets context.screen to NULL.
@ -452,8 +468,7 @@ class MV_OT_toggle_filebrowser(bpy.types.Operator):
) )
# Screen must be re-drawn, otherwise space.params is None. # Screen must be re-drawn, otherwise space.params is None.
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.wm.redraw_timer(ctx, type="DRAW_WIN_SWAP", iterations=1)
bpy.ops.wm.redraw_timer(type="DRAW_WIN_SWAP", iterations=1)
# Restore previous filebrowser state. # Restore previous filebrowser state.
filebrowser_state.apply_to_area(area_fb) filebrowser_state.apply_to_area(area_fb)
@ -498,7 +513,7 @@ class MV_OT_toggle_filebrowser(bpy.types.Operator):
# Save filebrowser state. # Save filebrowser state.
filebrowser_state = FileBrowserState(area=area_fb) filebrowser_state = FileBrowserState(area=area_fb)
opsdata.close_area(context, area_fb) opsdata.close_area(area_fb)
logger.info("Hide filebrowser") logger.info("Hide filebrowser")
return {"FINISHED"} return {"FINISHED"}
@ -609,9 +624,7 @@ class MV_OT_set_media_area_type(bpy.types.Operator):
# Set annotate tool as active. # Set annotate tool as active.
if area_media.type in ["SEQUENCE_EDITOR", "IMAGE_EDITOR"]: if area_media.type in ["SEQUENCE_EDITOR", "IMAGE_EDITOR"]:
ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_media) bpy.ops.wm.tool_set_by_id({"area": area_media}, name="builtin.annotate")
with context.temp_override(**ctx):
logger.info(f"Changed active media area to: {area_media.type}") logger.info(f"Changed active media area to: {area_media.type}")
@ -636,8 +649,7 @@ class MV_OT_screen_full_area(bpy.types.Operator):
# active_media_area_obj = area_media # active_media_area_obj = area_media
ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_media) ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_media)
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.screen.screen_full_area(ctx, use_hide_panels=True)
is_fullscreen = not is_fullscreen is_fullscreen = not is_fullscreen
# Select previous filepath if in FILE_BROWSER area. # Select previous filepath if in FILE_BROWSER area.
@ -687,8 +699,7 @@ class MV_OT_jump_folder_up(bpy.types.Operator):
return {"CANCELLED"} return {"CANCELLED"}
ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_fb) ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_fb)
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.file.parent(ctx)
return {"FINISHED"} return {"FINISHED"}
@ -750,8 +761,7 @@ class MV_OT_walk_bookmarks(bpy.types.Operator):
# Run Cleanup. # Run Cleanup.
ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_fb) ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_fb)
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.file.bookmark_cleanup(ctx)
# !!!!! # !!!!!
# The following section is the most stupid code in the universe. # The following section is the most stupid code in the universe.
@ -903,8 +913,7 @@ class MV_OT_animation_play(bpy.types.Operator):
ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_media) ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_media)
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.screen.animation_play(ctx)
return {"FINISHED"} return {"FINISHED"}
@ -934,8 +943,7 @@ class MV_OT_next_media_file(bpy.types.Operator):
# If not fullscreen, just call select_wall op # If not fullscreen, just call select_wall op
area_fb = opsdata.find_area(context, "FILE_BROWSER") area_fb = opsdata.find_area(context, "FILE_BROWSER")
ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_fb) ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_fb)
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.file.select_walk(ctx, "INVOKE_DEFAULT", direction=self.direction)
bpy.ops.file.select_walk("INVOKE_DEFAULT", direction=self.direction)
return {"FINISHED"} return {"FINISHED"}
# Get all files and folders and sort them alphabetically. # Get all files and folders and sort them alphabetically.
@ -1032,8 +1040,7 @@ class MV_OT_set_fb_display_type(bpy.types.Operator):
# Redraw if needed to update params. # Redraw if needed to update params.
if not area_fb.spaces.active.params: if not area_fb.spaces.active.params:
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.wm.redraw_timer(ctx, type="DRAW_WIN_SWAP", iterations=1)
bpy.ops.wm.redraw_timer(type="DRAW_WIN_SWAP", iterations=1)
# Set display type. # Set display type.
area_fb.spaces.active.params.display_type = self.display_type area_fb.spaces.active.params.display_type = self.display_type
@ -1116,13 +1123,15 @@ class MV_OT_pan_media_view(bpy.types.Operator):
if area_media.type == "IMAGE_EDITOR": if area_media.type == "IMAGE_EDITOR":
ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_media) ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_media)
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.image.view_pan(
bpy.ops.image.view_pan("EXEC_DEFAULT", offset=(self.deltax, self.deltay)) ctx, "EXEC_DEFAULT", offset=(self.deltax, self.deltay)
elif area_media.type == "SEQUENCE_EDITOR": elif area_media.type == "SEQUENCE_EDITOR":
ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_media, region_type="PREVIEW") ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_media, region_type="PREVIEW")
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.view2d.pan(
bpy.ops.view2d.pan("EXEC_DEFAULT", deltax=self.deltax, deltay=self.deltay) ctx, "EXEC_DEFAULT", deltax=self.deltax, deltay=self.deltay
# Redraw Area. # Redraw Area.
area_media.tag_redraw() area_media.tag_redraw()
@ -1153,21 +1162,19 @@ class MV_OT_zoom_media_view(bpy.types.Operator):
if area_media.type == "IMAGE_EDITOR": if area_media.type == "IMAGE_EDITOR":
ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_media) ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_media)
with context.temp_override(**ctx):
if self.direction == "IN": if self.direction == "IN":
bpy.ops.image.view_zoom_in("EXEC_DEFAULT", location=(0.5, 0.5)) bpy.ops.image.view_zoom_in(ctx, "EXEC_DEFAULT", location=(0.5, 0.5))
elif self.direction == "OUT": elif self.direction == "OUT":
bpy.ops.image.view_zoom_out("EXEC_DEFAULT", location=(0.5, 0.5)) bpy.ops.image.view_zoom_out(ctx, "EXEC_DEFAULT", location=(0.5, 0.5))
elif area_media.type == "SEQUENCE_EDITOR": elif area_media.type == "SEQUENCE_EDITOR":
ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_media, region_type="PREVIEW") ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area_media, region_type="PREVIEW")
with context.temp_override(**ctx):
if self.direction == "IN": if self.direction == "IN":
bpy.ops.view2d.zoom_in("EXEC_DEFAULT") bpy.ops.view2d.zoom_in(ctx, "EXEC_DEFAULT")
elif self.direction == "OUT": elif self.direction == "OUT":
bpy.ops.view2d.zoom_out("EXEC_DEFAULT") bpy.ops.view2d.zoom_out(ctx, "EXEC_DEFAULT")
# Redraw Area. # Redraw Area.
area_media.tag_redraw() area_media.tag_redraw()
@ -1225,7 +1232,7 @@ class MV_OT_delete_active_gpencil_frame(bpy.types.Operator):
return {"CANCELLED"} return {"CANCELLED"}
# Get active layer and remove active frame. # Get active layer and remove active frame.
active_layer = gp_obj.layers[gp_obj.layers.active_index] active_layer = gp_obj.layers.active
if active_layer.active_frame: if active_layer.active_frame:
active_layer.frames.remove(active_layer.active_frame) active_layer.frames.remove(active_layer.active_frame)
@ -1249,9 +1256,8 @@ class MV_OT_delete_all_gpencil_frames(bpy.types.Operator):
return {"CANCELLED"} return {"CANCELLED"}
# Delete all frames of active layer. # Delete all frames of active layer.
active_layer = gp_obj.layers[gp_obj.layers.active_index] for i in reversed(range(len(gp_obj.layers.active.frames))):
for i in reversed(range(len(active_layer.frames))): gp_obj.layers.active.frames.remove(gp_obj.layers.active.frames[i])
return {"FINISHED"} return {"FINISHED"}
@ -1601,8 +1607,7 @@ class MV_OT_flip_media_view(bpy.types.Operator):
elif active_media_area == "IMAGE_EDITOR": elif active_media_area == "IMAGE_EDITOR":
ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area) ctx = opsdata.get_context_for_area(area)
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.image.flip(ctx, use_flip_x=True)
else: else:
return {"CANCELLED"} return {"CANCELLED"}

View File

@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (c) 2021, Blender Foundation - Paul Golter
import re import re
import json import json
@ -93,11 +109,6 @@ def find_area(context: bpy.types.Context, area_name: str) -> Optional[bpy.types.
else: else:
screen = context.screen screen = context.screen
# On startup (load-post handler) there's no window/screen set in context.
if not screen:
win = context.window_manager.windows[0]
screen = win.screen
for area in screen.areas: for area in screen.areas:
if area.type == area_name: if area.type == area_name:
return area return area
@ -111,8 +122,7 @@ def fit_timeline_view(context: bpy.types.Context, area: bpy.types.Area = None) -
return return
ctx = get_context_for_area(area) ctx = get_context_for_area(area)
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.action.view_all(ctx)
def fit_image_editor_view( def fit_image_editor_view(
@ -124,8 +134,7 @@ def fit_image_editor_view(
return return
ctx = get_context_for_area(area) ctx = get_context_for_area(area)
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.image.view_all(ctx, fit_view=True)
def fit_sqe_preview(context: bpy.types.Context, area: bpy.types.Area = None) -> None: def fit_sqe_preview(context: bpy.types.Context, area: bpy.types.Area = None) -> None:
@ -135,8 +144,7 @@ def fit_sqe_preview(context: bpy.types.Context, area: bpy.types.Area = None) ->
return return
ctx = get_context_for_area(area) ctx = get_context_for_area(area)
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.sequencer.view_all_preview(ctx)
def fit_view(context: bpy.types.Context, area: bpy.types.Area) -> None: def fit_view(context: bpy.types.Context, area: bpy.types.Area) -> None:
@ -182,8 +190,7 @@ def split_area(
ctx = get_context_for_area(area_split) ctx = get_context_for_area(area_split)
start_areas = screen.areas[:] start_areas = screen.areas[:]
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.screen.area_split(ctx, direction=direction, factor=factor)
bpy.ops.screen.area_split(direction=direction, factor=factor)
for area in screen.areas: for area in screen.areas:
if area not in start_areas: if area not in start_areas:
@ -191,16 +198,15 @@ def split_area(
return area return area
def close_area(context: bpy.types.Context, area: bpy.types.Area) -> None: def close_area(area: bpy.types.Area) -> None:
ctx = get_context_for_area(area) ctx = get_context_for_area(area)
with context.temp_override(**ctx): bpy.ops.screen.area_close(ctx)
def setup_filebrowser_area(filebrowser_area: bpy.types.Area) -> None: def setup_filebrowser_area(filebrowser_area: bpy.types.Area) -> None:
params = filebrowser_area.spaces.active.params params = filebrowser_area.spaces.active.params
params.display_type = "THUMBNAIL" params.display_type = "THUMBNAIL"
params.display_size_discrete = "NORMAL" params.display_size = "NORMAL"
params.use_filter = True params.use_filter = True
params.use_filter_image = True params.use_filter_image = True
params.use_filter_folder = True params.use_filter_folder = True

View File

@ -1,6 +1,23 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (c) 2021, Blender Foundation - Paul Golter
from pathlib import Path from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple, Any, List, Union, Dict, Optional from typing import Tuple, Any, List, Union, Dict, Optional

View File

@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (c) 2021, Blender Foundation - Paul Golter
import re import re
from typing import List, Dict, Set from typing import List, Dict, Set

View File

@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (c) 2021, Blender Foundation - Paul Golter
from __future__ import annotations from __future__ import annotations
import bpy import bpy
@ -72,7 +88,7 @@ class SpaceData:
class FbParams: class FbParams:
directory: str = "" directory: str = ""
display_type: str = "THUMBNAIL" display_type: str = "THUMBNAIL"
display_size_discrete: str = "NORMAL" display_size: str = "NORMAL"
use_filter: bool = True use_filter: bool = True
use_filter_image: bool = True use_filter_image: bool = True
use_filter_folder: bool = True use_filter_folder: bool = True

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
from typing import Set, Union, Optional, List, Dict, Any from typing import Set, Union, Optional, List, Dict, Any
import bpy import bpy
@ -178,10 +174,6 @@ class MV_PT_review_settings(bpy.types.Panel):
context.preferences.view, context.preferences.view,
"show_playback_fps", "show_playback_fps",
) )
def MV_TOPBAR_settings(self: Any, context: bpy.types.Context) -> None: def MV_TOPBAR_settings(self: Any, context: bpy.types.Context) -> None:

View File

@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Blender Studio Tools Authors # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (c) 2021, Blender Foundation - Paul Golter
from pathlib import Path from pathlib import Path
import bpy import bpy

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
# Env settings for docs publishing

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@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
<script setup>
/* Import Vue components for search VPNavBarSearch default theme */
/* TODO: check if import paths are correct */
import VPNavBarAppearance from '../../node_modules/vitepress/dist/client/theme-default/components/VPNavBarAppearance.vue'
import VPNavBarExtra from '../../node_modules/vitepress/dist/client/theme-default/components/VPNavBarExtra.vue'
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<a href="https://fund.blender.org/?utm_medium=nav-global" target="_blank">
<svg class="nav-global-icon" height="100px" width="100px" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000">
<path d="M 273.67169,58.416076 C 201.59785,62.59427 135.79129,94.975269 86.697523,145.11359 37.603742,194.20736 4.1781939,260.01391 0,332.08775 -4.1781926,403.11704 22.980065,480.41362 86.697523,545.17562 l 45.960127,45.96013 339.47823,338.43367 a 43.871033,43.871033 0 0 0 61.62835,0 L 872.1979,591.13575 918.15804,545.17562 c 109.67766,-110.72213 109.67766,-290.38445 0,-400.06203 -110.72213,-110.722127 -290.38445,-110.722127 -400.06204,0 l -15.66822,14.62368 -15.66822,-14.62368 C 423.04211,80.351592 345.74553,53.193334 273.67169,58.416076 Z m 5.22274,86.697514 c 48.04922,-3.13365 98.18754,12.53458 146.23677,60.5838 l 47.00468,47.00468 a 43.871033,43.871033 0 0 0 61.62835,0 l 45.96013,-47.00468 c 76.25204,-76.25203 199.50874,-76.25203 276.80532,0 77.29658,77.29658 77.29658,200.5533 0,277.84988 L 810.56956,529.50739 502.42778,837.64917 194.286,529.50739 148.32588,483.54727 C 100.27665,434.45349 84.608431,384.31516 86.697523,336.26594 c 3.133646,-47.00467 26.113717,-95.0539 61.628357,-130.56855 35.51464,-35.51464 82.51932,-58.49471 130.56855,-60.5838 z" style="stroke-width:1.04455"></path>
<h4>Development Fund</h4>
<p>Support core development with a monthly contribution.</p>
<a href="https://www.blender.org/about/donations/?utm_medium=nav-global" target="_blank">
<h4>One-time Donations</h4>
<p>Perform a single donation with more payment options available.</p>
export default {
data() {
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initDropdownToggles() {
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toggleDropdown(dropdownId) {
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hideAllDropdowns() {
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showDropdown(el) {
removeActiveStyling() {
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addActiveStyling() {
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mounted() {
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// Create function navGlobalLinkOpen to force link open with JavaScript
function navGlobalLinkOpen() {
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item.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
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// Save current link to history object dynamically
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// Redirect to link attrHref dynamically
// Init function navGlobalLinkOpen
// Cleanup VPNav Vitepress attributes to make links work
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// TODO: change to Vue route change
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View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
// Imports for overriding internal components
import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'node:url'
import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress' import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress'
import { html5Media } from 'markdown-it-html5-media' import { html5Media } from 'markdown-it-html5-media'
@ -8,12 +5,12 @@ const studioURL = 'https://studio.blender.org'
// https://vitepress.dev/reference/site-config // https://vitepress.dev/reference/site-config
export default defineConfig({ export default defineConfig({
base: '/pipeline/', base: '/pipeline-and-tools/',
title: "Blender Studio", title: "Blender Studio",
description: "Documentation for the Blender Studio pipeline and tools.", description: "Documentation for the Blender Studio pipeline and tools.",
lastUpdated: true, lastUpdated: true,
cleanUrls: true, cleanUrls: true,
srcExclude: ['**/README',], srcExclude: ['**/README.md',],
head: [ head: [
[ [
'script', 'script',
@ -26,11 +23,8 @@ export default defineConfig({
], ],
themeConfig: { themeConfig: {
logo: { logo: {
Logo is injected from Vue component NavBarGlobal
light: '/blender-studio-logo-black.svg', light: '/blender-studio-logo-black.svg',
dark: '/blender-studio-logo-white.svg' dark: '/blender-studio-logo-white.svg'
}, },
siteTitle: false, siteTitle: false,
footer: { footer: {
@ -44,14 +38,11 @@ export default defineConfig({
}, },
// https://vitepress.dev/reference/default-theme-config // https://vitepress.dev/reference/default-theme-config
nav: [ nav: [
/* { text: 'Open Projects', link: `${studioURL}/films`, target: '_self' },
Nav is injected from Vue component NavBarGlobal { text: 'Training', link: `${studioURL}/training`, target: '_self' },
{ text: 'Films', link: `${studioURL}/films` }, { text: 'Blog', link: `${studioURL}/blog`, target: '_self' },
{ text: 'Training', link: `${studioURL}/training` }, { text: 'Pipeline and Tools', link: '/' },
{ text: 'Blog', link: `${studioURL}/blog` }, { text: 'Characters', link: `${studioURL}/characters`, target: '_self' }
{ text: 'Pipeline', link: '/' },
{ text: 'Characters', link: `${studioURL}/characters`, }
], ],
sidebar: [ sidebar: [
@ -59,234 +50,55 @@ export default defineConfig({
text: 'Pipeline Overview', text: 'Pipeline Overview',
items: [ items: [
{ text: 'Introduction', link: '/pipeline-overview/introduction'}, { text: 'Introduction', link: '/pipeline-overview/introduction'},
{ text: 'Design Principles', link: '/pipeline-overview/design-principles'}, { text: 'Infrastructure', link: '/pipeline-overview/infrastructure'},
{ { text: 'Rigging', link: '/pipeline-overview/rigging'},
text: 'Organization',
collapsed: true,
items: [
{ text: 'Infrastructure', link: '/pipeline-overview/organization/infrastructure'},
{ text: 'Task Review', link: '/pipeline-overview/organization/task-review'},
text: 'Pre-Production',
collapsed: true,
items: [
{ text: 'Storyboard', link: '/pipeline-overview/pre-production/storyboard'},
{ text: 'Editorial', link: '/pipeline-overview/pre-production/editorial'},
{ text: 'Previz', link: '/pipeline-overview/pre-production/previz'},
{ text: 'Research and Development', link: '/pipeline-overview/pre-production/research-and-development'},
{ text: 'Concept and Design', link: '/pipeline-overview/pre-production/concept-and-design'},
text: 'Asset Creation',
collapsed: true,
items: [
{ text: 'Modeling and Sculpting', link: '/pipeline-overview/asset-creation/modeling'},
{ text: 'Shading', link: '/pipeline-overview/asset-creation/shading'},
{ text: 'Rigging', link: '/pipeline-overview/asset-creation/rigging'},
{ text: 'Animation Testing', link: '/pipeline-overview/asset-creation/animation-testing'},
{ text: '2D Assets', link: '/pipeline-overview/asset-creation/2d-assets'},
text: 'Shot Production',
collapsed: true,
items: [
{ text: 'Shot Assembly', link: '/pipeline-overview/shot-production/shot-assembly'},
{ text: 'Layout', link: '/pipeline-overview/shot-production/layout'},
{ text: 'Animation', link: '/pipeline-overview/shot-production/animation'},
{ text: 'Lighting', link: '/pipeline-overview/shot-production/lighting'},
{ text: 'Effects', link: '/pipeline-overview/shot-production/effects'},
{ text: 'Rendering', link: '/pipeline-overview/shot-production/rendering'},
{ text: 'Coloring', link: '/pipeline-overview/shot-production/coloring'},
{ text: 'Publishing', link: '/pipeline-overview/publishing'},
text: 'Add-ons',
collapsed: true,
items: [
{ text: 'Anim Cupboard', link: '/addons/anim_cupboard'},
{ text: 'Asset Pipeline', link: '/addons/asset_pipeline'},
{ text: 'Blender Kitsu', link: '/addons/blender_kitsu'},
{ text: 'Blender SVN', link: '/addons/blender_svn'},
{ text: 'Blender Gizmos', link: '/addons/bone_gizmos'},
{ text: 'Cache Manager', link: '/addons/cache_manager'},
text: 'CloudRig',
collapsed: true,
items: [
{text: 'Introduction', link: '/addons/cloudrig/introduction'},
{text: 'Component Types', link: '/addons/cloudrig/cloudrig-types'},
{text: 'Generator Parameters', link: '/addons/cloudrig/generator-parameters'},
{text: 'Properties UI', link: '/addons/cloudrig/properties-ui'},
{text: 'Organizing Bones', link: '/addons/cloudrig/organizing-bones'},
{text: 'Actions', link: '/addons/cloudrig/actions'},
{text: 'Troubleshooting', link: '/addons/cloudrig/troubleshooting'},
{text: 'Constraint Relinking', link: '/addons/cloudrig/constraint-relinking'},
{text: 'Workflow Boosters', link: '/addons/cloudrig/workflow-enhancements'},
{text: 'Contribute', link: '/addons/cloudrig/code'},
{ text: 'Contact Sheet', link: '/addons/contactsheet'},
{ text: 'Easy Weight', link: '/addons/easy_weight'},
{ text: 'Geonode Shapekeys', link: '/addons/geonode_shapekeys'},
{ text: 'Grease Converter', link: '/addons/grease_converter'},
{ text: 'Lattice Magic', link: '/addons/lattice_magic'},
{ text: 'Lighting Overrider', link: '/addons/lighting_overrider'},
{ text: 'Pose Shape Keys', link: '/addons/pose_shape_keys'},
] ]
}, },
{ {
text: 'Naming Conventions', text: 'Naming Conventions',
collapsed: true,
items: [ items: [
{ text: 'Introduction', link: '/naming-conventions/introduction'}, { text: 'Introduction', link: '/naming-conventions/introduction'},
{ text: 'File Types', link: '/naming-conventions/file-types'}, { text: 'File Types', link: '/naming-conventions/file-types'},
{ text: 'In-file Naming', link: '/naming-conventions/datablock-names'}, { text: 'In-file Prefixes', link: '/naming-conventions/in-file-prefixes'},
{ text: 'Examples', link: '/naming-conventions/examples'}, { text: 'Examples', link: '/naming-conventions/examples'},
{ text: 'Shared Folder Structure', link: '/naming-conventions/shared-folder-structure'},
{ text: 'SVN Folder Structure', link: '/naming-conventions/svn-folder-structure'},
] ]
}, },
{ {
text: 'User Guide', text: 'User Guide',
collapsed: false, collapsed: false,
items: [ items: [
{text: 'Project Setup', link: '/user-guide/project-setup'},
{ {
text: 'Project Tools', text: 'Workstation',
collapsed: true,
items: [ items: [
{ text: 'Project Overview', link: '/user-guide/project_tools/project-overview' }, { text: 'Introduction', link: '/user-guide/workstations/introduction'},
{ }, { text: 'Installing Software', link: '/user-guide/workstations/installing-software'},
{ { text: 'Running Blender', link: '/user-guide/workstations/running-blender'},
text: 'Project Usage', { text: 'Troubleshooting', link: '/user-guide/workstations/troubleshooting'},
collapsed: true,
items: [
{text: 'Introduction', link: '/user-guide/project_tools/project-usage'},
{text: 'Prepare Edit', link: '/user-guide/project_tools/usage-sync-edit'},
{text: 'Building Shots', link: '/user-guide/project_tools/usage-build-shot'},
{text: 'Playblast Shot', link: '/user-guide/project_tools/usage-playblast'},
{text: 'Update Shot', link: '/user-guide/project_tools/usage-update-shot'},
{text: 'Flamenco Render', link: '/user-guide/project_tools/usage-render-flamenco'},
{text: 'Render Review', link: '/user-guide/project_tools/usage-render-review'},
{text: 'Final Render', link: '/user-guide/project_tools/usage-final-render'},
{text: 'Folder Structure', link: '/td-guide/project_folder_structure'},
{ text: 'Project Blender', link: '/user-guide/project_tools/project-blender' },
{ ]
text: 'Organization',
collapsed: true,
items: [
{ text: 'Planning', link: '/user-guide/organization/planning' },
{ text: 'Task Review', link: '/user-guide/organization/task-review' },
{ text: 'Debugging', link: '/user-guide/debugging' },
{ text: 'Kitsu', link: '/user-guide/kitsu' },
}, },
{text: 'SVN', link: '/user-guide/svn'},
{text: 'Debugging', link: '/user-guide/debugging'}
{ {
text: 'TD Guide', text: 'TD Guide',
collapsed: true, collapsed: false,
items: [ items: [
{text: 'Introduction', link: '/td-guide/project-tools-setup'}, {text: 'Project Setup', link: '/td-guide/project-setup'},
{text: 'Repository', link: '/td-guide/repository'},
{text: 'Python', link: '/td-guide/python'},
{text: 'Folder Structure', link: '/td-guide/project_folder_structure'},
{ {
text: 'Shared', text: 'Workstation',
collapsed: true,
items: [ items: [
{text: 'Syncthing Setup', link: '/td-guide/syncthing-setup'}, { text: 'Overview', link: '/td-guide/workstations/overview'},
{text: 'Populating Shared', link: '/td-guide/populating_shared'}, { text: 'Installation', link: '/td-guide/workstations/installation'},
], { text: 'Maintenance', link: '/td-guide/workstations/maintaince'},
text: 'SVN',
collapsed: true,
items: [
{text: 'SVN Setup', link: '/td-guide/svn-setup'},
{text: 'Populating SVN', link: '/td-guide/populating_svn'},
{text: 'Kitsu', link: '/td-guide/kitsu_server'},
text: 'Blender',
collapsed: true,
items: [
{text: 'Blender Setup', link: '/td-guide/blender_setup'},
{text: 'Add-Ons Setup', link: '/td-guide/addon_setup'},
{text: 'Add-Ons Preferences', link: '/td-guide/addon_preferences'},
{text: 'Flamenco', link: '/td-guide/flamenco_setup'},
] ]
}, },
text: 'Archive',
collapsed: true,
items: [
{text: 'Pipeline Proposal', link: '/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/introduction'},
{text: 'Attact Updates', link: '/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/attract-improvements'},
{text: 'Task Companion Add-on', link: '/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/task-companion-add-on'},
{text: 'Shot Caching', link: '/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/shot-caching/introduction', items: [
{text: 'Add-on', link: '/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/shot-caching/add-on', items: [
{text: 'User Stories', link: '/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/shot-caching/user-stories'},
{text: 'Structural Ideas', link: '/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/shot-caching/structural-ideas'}
{text: 'Issues', link: '/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/shot-caching/issues'},
{text: 'Asset Publishing', link: '/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/asset-publishing/introduction'},
{text: 'Character Pipeline Assistant', link: '/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/asset-publishing/character-pipeline-assistant'},
text: 'Gentoo',
collapsed: true,
items: [
text: 'TD',
collapsed: false,
items: [
{ text: 'Overview', link: '/gentoo/td/overview'},
{ text: 'Installation', link: '/gentoo/td/installation'},
{ text: 'Maintenance', link: '/gentoo/td/maintaince'},
{ text: 'Render Farm', link: '/gentoo/td/render_farm'},
{ text: 'Troubleshooting', link: '/gentoo/td/troubleshooting' },
text: 'User',
collapsed: false,
items: [
{ text: 'Introduction', link: '/gentoo/user/introduction' },
{ text: 'Installing Software', link: '/gentoo/user/installing-software' },
{ text: 'Running Blender', link: '/gentoo/user/running-blender' },
{ text: 'SVN', link: '/gentoo/user/svn' },
] ]
}, }
], ],
}, },
markdown: { markdown: {
@ -294,18 +106,6 @@ export default defineConfig({
// Enable the markdown-it-html5-media plugin // Enable the markdown-it-html5-media plugin
md.use(html5Media) md.use(html5Media)
} }
// Override internal component 'VPNavBar'
vite: {
resolve: {
alias: [
find: /^.*\/VPNavBar\.vue$/,
replacement: fileURLToPath(
new URL('./components/NavBarGlobal.vue', import.meta.url)
} }
}) })

View File

@ -5,57 +5,4 @@
--vp-c-brand-dark: #008ae0; --vp-c-brand-dark: #008ae0;
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system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto,
'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Noto Sans', sans-serif,
'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol', 'Noto Color Emoji';
--vp-font-family-mono: ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, 'SF Mono', Menlo, Monaco,
Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', monospace;
} }
.VPNav {
/* Fix Vitepress VPNav arbitrary style */
pointer-events: auto !important;
position: relative !important;
width: 100%;
.VPNav-fixed {
position: fixed !important;
z-index: 30;
@media (max-width: 768px) {
.VPNav-fixed {
position: relative !important;
.VPNavBar {
background-color: var(--vp-c-bg);
.VPNavBar.has-sidebar {
background-color: transparent;
.VPHero {
background-image: url("/media/images/hero_banner.jpg");
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margin-bottom: 2em;
.VPHero .name .clip,
.VPHero .tagline,
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/* Web Assets overrides. */
.nav-global .nav-global-logo svg {
display: inline;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme-without-fonts' import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme'
// Import 'navigation-global.css' from JavaScript is needed as '<style>' tags are not supported in Vitepress client component templates
import './navigation-global.css'
import './custom.css' import './custom.css'
export default DefaultTheme export default DefaultTheme

View File

@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
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# Blender Studio Pipeline Docs # Blender Studio Pipeline Docs
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# Actions
<summary> This page goes over the workflow of rigging a character's face with CloudRig and Action Constraints. To understand how this works, first you must be familiar with the <a href="https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/animation/constraints/relationship/action.html#action-constraint">Action constraint</a>. </summary>
TL;DR: Action constraints allow you to move bones into a predetermined pose using a control bone. For example, you can pose your character smiling, save that pose into an Action, then set up constraints so that you can move a controller that will blend the bones into that smiling pose.
## The Problem
If you've ever rigged a character with Action constraints though, you've probably run into the tedium of having to set up those constraints. Each bone affected by an action needs to have an Action constraint set up on it. Even with the Copy Attributes addon that lets you copy constraints, iterating on the setup is tedious. When trying to make a symmetrical setup, it's even worse, since you have to do a copy operation for each side, and control bones along the center of the rig need to have both constraints with half influence. It is a painful workflow.
## The Solution
Action Slots! You can find this when selecting a CloudRig metarig and then going to **Properties->Object Data->CloudRig->Actions**:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/cloudrig_actions.png" width=450>
You can add a slot, select an Action, and input all the information about when this action will activate. This is very similar to setting up an individual Action constraint.
These are the steps one might take to set up a blinking and eye opening action:
- On the metarig, create bones named "Blink.L" and "Blink.R" and assign the [Bone Copy](cloudrig-types#bone-copy) component type. Assign colors, widgets, etc as you wish.
- Generate the rig.
- On the generated rig, pose and keyframe your blink pose on frame 20.
- Then, select all the bones you keyed, reset their transforms, and insert a key on frame 10.
- Optionally, you can pose and key an eye open pose on frame 0.
- I highly recommend to select all your keys, press T and set the key interpolation types to Linear.
- Include both left and right eyes in the poses.
- On the Metarig, add an Action Slot.
- Select the action you've just created. (Give it a descriptive name!)
- Select "Blink.L" as the control bone.
- Set the Transform Channel to which axis of movement you want to activate the blink.
- Symmetry is enabled by default. The UI should indicate that it found "Blink.R" as the opposite side control.
- Input the activation parameters. The frame range should be 1-20, and you can leave the transform min/max default for now
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/blink_action.png" width=450>
Regenerate the rig. When you move the Blink control, the action should activate and the character should blink with one eye for each control.
<video src="/media/addons/cloudrig/sintel_blink.mp4" title="" controls></video>
## Iterating
As previously explained, this works by creating Action constraints on each affected bone, which causes them to be transformed to the keyed pose when the control bone is moved. But now what if you want to edit the pose that you keyed? You can simply assign the Action to the generated rig in an Action Editor Dope Sheet, and scrub the timeline as normal. But, if you do that, and then also move the control, the pose will be applied double; Once by the active Action selected on the timeline, and once by the Action Constraints. If you find this annoying, you can disable all the constraints of a given Action, using the Enable/Disable Constraints button that CloudRig adds into the Action Editor's Header:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/disable_action_constraints.png" width=1200>
## Symmetry
This option becomes available if the bone name can be identified as belonging to the left or right side. In parantheses you will see what the opposite side bone name is expected to be. If a bone with that name doesn't exist, the Symmetry option will be grayed out.
When enabled, each bone that is affected by the action will also be checked for a bone name that can be identified as belonging to the left or right side. Left-side bones will be controlled by the left-side control, and right-side bones by the right side control.
In the above example, we have a "Blink" action. This contains the keyframes for BOTH the left and right eyes of your character. Then, when we select either "Blink.L" or "Blink.R" bones as our control bone (it doesn't matter which, as long as they both exist), the Symmetry option should appear, and you can enable it. Now, the left-side bones will be controlled by "Blink.L" and the right-side bones by "Blink.R".
Not all bones that were keyframed in an action have to be identifiable as belonging to the left or right side. This is expected to only happen for bones which are in the center of the character. In this case, two Action constraints will be created on that bone; One for the left and one for the right side. And they will both have an influence of 0.5. You can imagine setting up actions for raising the eyebrows. You will have left and right eyebrows, but both of them will affect the center of the forehead by 50% each.
## Corrective Actions
When rigging a face, chances are your actions will only work nicely on their own at first.
For example, you might have a LipsWide action and a LipsUp action, but when both of them are activated, the result is probably a disaster. That's where a Corrective Action comes in.
The idea is exactly the same as a Corrective Shape Key: A corrective action activates when exactly two other actions are also activating. This lets your shapes combine correctly.
To set up a corrective action:
0. Make sure you already have two actions fully set up and working. Let's stick with the "LipsUp" and "LipsWide" example.
1. Create a new action. Naming it something like Lips_Up+Wide would make sense.
2. On the generated rig, pose your controls so that both LipsWide and LipsUp are being activated.
3. Pose and keyframe the necessary corrections in the Lips_Up+Wide action. As with a normal action set-up, you need the center frame of your frame range to be keyframed to the default pose.
4. Go back to your Metarig, add a new Action Slot, select Lips_Up+Wide, then enable the Corrective checkbox.
5. Select the two trigger actions in the selection boxes that appear.
5. The eye icon next to the selection box lets you double-check the trigger action's set-up. If you notice something wrong there and want to fix it, you can use the jump button next to the eye, to jump to that action slot.
6. In the Action Slot list, actions that either correct or are corrected by the currently active one will be marked with a link icon.
7. Now just set your Frame Start/End values and then hit Generate.
Note: It doesn't matter where corrective actions are placed in the list. To achieve correct transform mixing, they will be created above the first trigger in the constraint stack.
## Shape Keys
For any shape key of any object that is parented to the generated rig, if the shape key is named the same as one of the Actions in CloudRig's Action Slots, it will be driven. For symmetrical actions, you can put .L/.R at the end of the shape key's name.
So, if you have a symmetrical blink action set-up like in the first example, and your action was called "Blink", you could create shape keys named "Blink.L" and "Blink.R" on the head mesh. As long as the head mesh is parented to the generated rig, when you re-generate, the shape keys will gain drivers so that they are activated by your blink controls the same way your Action Constraints are.

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# Component Types
## Overview
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/component_hierarchy.png">
These are CloudRig's component types. Most component types are built on top of others, meaning they inherit each other's functionalities. The image above and the table of contents below shows this inheritance hierarchy.
- [Shared Parameters](#shared-parameters)
- [Chain: Toon](#chain-toon)
- [Chain: Face Grid](#chain-face-grid)
- [Chain: Eyelid](#chain-eyelid)
- [Chain: FK](#chain-fk)
- [Chain: Physics](#chain-physics)
- [Feather](#feather)
- [Spine: IK/FK](#spine-ik-fk)
- [Spine: Squashy](#spine-squashy)
- [Shoulder](#shoulder)
- [Chain: IK](#chain-ik)
- [Chain: Finger](#chain-finger)
- [Limb: Generic](#limb-generic)
- [Limb: Biped Leg](#limb-biped-leg)
- [Curve: With Hooks](#curve-with-hooks)
- [Curve: Spline IK](#curve-spline-ik)
- [Lattice](#lattice)
- [Aim](#aim)
- [Bone Copy](#bone-copy)
- [Chain Intersection](#chain-intersection)
- [Bone Tweak](#bone-tweak)
## Assigning Components
You can assign a component to a bone in the metarig. For chain components, the connected children will be part of the same component, as long as they aren't assigned a component of their own. You can assign components to bones in two places in the UI:
- Properties -> Armature -> CloudRig -> Rig Components (Hit the + button to assign a component to the active bone.)
- Properties -> Bone -> CloudRig Component -> Component Type (Only appears when 'CloudRig' is enabled on the armature.)
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/assigning_components.png" width=800>
## Component Samples
Each component type comes with a sample so you can get something up and running quickly and start playing around with it.
You can add these in the 3D View via Add (Shift+A)->Armature->CloudRig Samples:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/add_sample.png" width=500>
## Shared Parameters
All CloudRig component types share some basic functionality, like letting you choose a parent for the component's root, and even specify a parent switching set-up for it.
<summary> Details & Parameters </summary>
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/shared_parameters.png" width=600>
- #### Advanced Mode
This is technically a user preference, but it relates to component parameters. Some component parameters are rarely necessary or only if you want to really fine tune stuff. So, these options are hidden until this option is enabled, to ease the new user experience.
- #### [Constraint Relinking](constraint-relinking)
On any component, you can add constraints to the metarig bones. On generation, these constraints will be moved to the generated bones that make the most sense for a given component type. This is just to allow you to add some constraints when needed, without using Bone Tweak components.
For example, you can add Copy Rotation constraints to the metarig bones of an FK Chain component. That constraint can target the generated rig's bones, even though it's a different armature object. During generation, that constraint will be moved to the corresponding FK control.
- #### Root Parent
If specified, parent the root of this component to the chosen bone. You're choosing from the generated rig's bones here.
If the chosen bone is a bendy bone, additional options appear:
- Use an Armature constraint instead of normal parenting: This constraint takes bendy bone curvature into account, but it also means the parenting transforms will affect the bone's local matrix. If you want to use the bone's local transformations to drive something, you essentially won't be able to.
- Create parent helper bone: This fixes the local matrix issue by creating a parent helper bone for the aforementioned Armature constraint.
- #### Parent Switching
This option lets you create a parent switcher by entering the UI names of each parent on the left side, and the corresponding parent bone on the right side. The bone names are chosen from the generated rig.
The chosen bones will be the available parents for this component's root bone, and a selector will be added to the rig UI.
Different component types may implement parent switching differently. The specific behaviour is explained underneath the checkbox when it is enabled.
- #### Custom Property Storage
This setting will appear for components that need to create custom properties. Custom Properties are used for things like IK/FK switching.
- "Default": A bone named "Properties" will be created to store custom properties.
- "Custom": If you want to store the custom properties on an arbitrary bone, this option lets you select one. The selected bone has to be higher in the metarig hierarchy than this component, else you'll get a warning.
- "Generated": Component types implement their own behaviours for creating a custom property storage bone in a place that makes most sense for that component type. For example, the Biped Leg component will put the properties bone behind the foot control.
- #### Bone Sets
Components organize their bones using parameters called Bone Sets. These live under the Bone Organization sub-panel, which is only visible when Advanced Mode is enabled. Bone Sets are further explained on the [Organizing Bones](organizing-bones#organizing-bones) page.
## Chain: Toon
The most basic bone chain, consisting of independent controls connected by stretchy bendy bones. Can be useful for long, soft props, like a scarf on the floor, or soft circular things like a car tire.
Scaling the stretch controls uniformally gives the connected bendy bones more volume. Scaling them only on their local Y axis affects only the curvature of the chain.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/cloud_chain_toon.gif" width=500>
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/cloud_chain_veejay.gif" width=500>
- #### Stretch Segments
Number of sub-controls for each bone in the meta chain.
- #### Tip Control
Whether there should be a control at the tip of this chain.
- #### B-Bone Density
B-Bone segments will be distributed equally along the chain. As long as this value is >0, each bone will have at least 2 b-bone segments. A high density will not have a severe impact on performance.
- #### Sharp Sections
Bendy bones will not affect the curvature of their neighbours, unless their shared stretch control is scaled up on its local Y axis.
- #### Smooth Spline
Bendy bones will have a wider effect on the curvature of their neighbours, to easily get smoother curves. Works best when Deform Segments is 1, but that is not a requirement. Works fine with Sharp Sections, but it will only take effect once a stretch control is scaled up along its local Y axis.
- #### Preserve Volume
When enabled, deform bones will become fatter when squashed, and slimmer when stretched.
- #### Create Shape Key Helpers
Create helper bones that can be used to read the rotational difference between deform bones. Useful for driving corrective shape keys. These helpers will be prefixed "SKH" for "Shape Key Helper".
- #### Create Deform Controls
Create controls that allow you to translate and scale deform bones by disconnecting them from their neighbours.
## Chain: Face Grid
Extends the functionality of the Toon Chain with functionality to create intersection controls in locations where multiple chains intersect. Can be used to create a grid of bendy bone chains. Can be useful for faces, but I personally no longer recommend this workflow. As cool as it looks, it's difficult and unintuitive to control small areas, and difficult to set up.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/cloud_face_grid.gif" width=500>
- #### Merge Controls
Create controls for points where multiple Face Grid chains intersect. If a [Chain Intersection](#chain-intersection) component is found at that intersection, that will be used instead of generating one from scratch.
## Chain: Eyelid
This component should be parented to an Aim component, presumed to be an eyeball. The rotation of that Aim component (eyeball) will affect this eyelid component. The strength of this effect can be adjusted by animators in the rig UI under a Face Settings panel.
This can give a decent fleshy eyelid set-up very quickly, but for a main character, I advise instead to create Action Set-Ups to connect the eyeball's up-down and left-right rotations to hand-crafted eyelid poses. This will allow you to hand craft the way the eyelids react to the eyes in great detail.
## Chain: FK
Extends the functionality of the Toon Chain. In addition to stretch controls, this also creates FK controls, which are parented to each other in a hierarchy. Useful for fingers, tails, hair, appendages, a vast array of things.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
- #### Create Root
Create a root control for this rig component. This is required for the Hinge Toggle.
- #### Hinge
Set up a hinge toggle. This will add an option to the rig UI. When FK Hinge is enabled, the FK chain doesn't inherit rotation from its parent.
- #### Position Along Bone
How far (0-1) the FK control should be along the length of the bones. A value of 0.5 can make it easier to create smooth curves.
- #### Inherit Scale
Sets the scale inheritance type for FK controls.
- #### Rotation Mode
Rotation Mode for the FK controls.
- #### Duplicate First FK
Create an extra parent control for the first FK control.
- #### Display FK in Center
Display the FK controls in the center of the bone rather than at the head of the bone. Only affects display, no functional difference. Purely up to preference.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/test_animation.gif" width=500>
- #### Test Animation
This panel will only show when the ["Generate Action" Generator Parameter](generator-parameters) is enabled.
When this option is enabled, this component will add keyframes into the generated action which can be used to test character deformations.
- #### Rotation Range
The negative and positive rotation amount in degrees to use for the aforementioned test animation.
- #### Rotation Axes
Which axes you want tested in the test animation. For example for fingers, you probably only need one axis.
## Chain: Physics
Extends the functionality of the FK Chain component with a physics setup that utilizes Blender's built-in cloth simulation (for better or worse). The FK controls are constrained to a cloth mesh, and can't be posed. However, optional Physics controls can be created to deform the cloth mesh. The simulation is applied on top of this deformation. This can be useful for achieving a video-gamey physics sim for things like a character's ponytail or any other appendage.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/physics_chain.gif" width=500>
- #### Cloth Object
The cloth object that the FK chain will be constrained to with Damped Track constraints. The object should have vertex groups named "PSX-FK control_name". You can leave this unspecified at first and a simple object will be generated for you, which you can later modify.
- #### Force Re-Generate
If you intend to modify the cloth mesh, make sure to disable this option since otherwise re-generating the rig will also re-generate the cloth mesh. Enabling this is useful however when you are still iterating on the shape of the bone chain, in which case you want to re-generate the mesh every time.
- #### Pin Falloff
Type of the vertex weight falloff curve for the chain of vertices making up the cloth mesh.
- #### Pin Falloff Offset
Stretch factor for the pin falloff curve. Increasing this will make the cloth more stiff.
- #### Create Physics Controls
When enabled, this will create a PSX control chain which lets you control the cloth simulation. This will only work on pinned vertices - vertices with a pin weight of 0 will only be affected by the cloth simulation, while a weight of 1 means being fully affected by the armature.
## Feather
Some small tweaks to the FK Chain component to work a bit better for an individual feather of a bird. Requires a single bone.
This component type comes with no additional parameters.
## Spine: IK/FK
Builds on the FK Chain component with additional option for creating an IK-like set-up for a spine.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
- #### Create IK Setup
Create an IK-like setup inspired by [BlenRig](https://gitlab.com/jpbouza/BlenRig). This will also add an IK/FK and IK Stretch setting to the rig UI.
- #### Duplicate Controls
Make duplicates of the main spine controls.
- #### World-Align Controls
Align the torso and hips controls fully with the world.
## Spine: Squashy
Also builds on the FK Chain component, but instead of an ability to have the spine be lead by the hip movements, this set-up allows the torso to be squashed, and the animator can control the amount of volume preservation. Useful for more cartoony stuff.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
- #### Duplicate Controls
Make duplicates of the main spine controls.
- #### World-Align Controls
Align the torso and hips controls fully with the world.
## Shoulder
A very simple extension of the FK Chain component, essentially just changes the bone shape.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
- #### Up Axis
Rotate the bone shape to align with this axis of the bone.
## Chain: IK
Extends the FK Chain component with IK functionality. The default direction of the pole target is determined based on the curvature of the bone chain. This requires at least 2 bones.
This rig adds IK/FK switching and snapping and IK Stretch settings to the rig UI.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
- #### Create IK Pole
Whether the IK constraint should use a pole target control, and whether such bone should even be created.
- #### IK At Tail
Put the IK control at the tail of the last bone, rather than at its head.
- #### World-Aligned IK Master
Align the IK master control with the nearest world axis. Not recommended for arms when your resting pose is an A-pose.
- #### Flatten Bone Chain
Although not a parameter, this button will flatten your chain along a plane with as little changes as possible, to ensure predictable IK behaviour.
## Chain: Finger
Changes the IK Chain component with some specific behaviours useful for fingers. The fingers should bend in their local +X axis.
The IK settings of finger rigs are organized into a sub-sub-panel in the rig UI, because there are usually a lot of fingers, resulting in a lot of UI sliders.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
- #### Create IK Switch Control
Instead of using a UI slider for FK/IK switching, create a control in the viewport for the switching.
Whether the IK constraint should use a pole target control, and whether such bone should even be created.
## Limb: Generic
Extends the IK Chain component with cartoony rubber-hose functionality. This requires a chain of exactly 3 bones.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/rubber_hose.gif" width=500>
- #### Duplicate IK Master
Create an extra child control for the IK master.
- #### Limit Elbow Axes
Lock the Y and Z rotation of the elbow, constraining the rig to realistic rotation axes. More importantly, this is necessary for precise IK->FK snapping.
- #### Rubber Hose
This option is only available when Smooth Chain is enabled and Deform Segments is greater than 1.
When this option is enabled, a slider is added to a rig UI which lets you have an automatic cartoony rubber hose limb effect.
- #### With Control
Instead of a UI slider, create a control bone that can be scaled to control the strength of the automatic rubber hose effect.
- #### Type
There are two ways to achieve the rubber hose deformation. One results in lengthening the limbs, while the other results in shortening them. It's a question of which style you prefer.
## Limb: Biped Leg
Extends the functionality of the Generic Limb component with footroll. This requires a chain of exactly 4 bones.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/cloud_leg.gif" width=500>
- #### Foot Roll
Whether to create a foot roll setup.
- #### Heel Pivot
If you are using foot roll, you can specify a bone whose location will be used as the pivot point for when the foot is rolled backwards.
## Curve: With Hooks
Create hook controls for an existing Curve object. Multiple splines within a single curve object are supported. Each spline will have its own root control.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/curve.gif" width=500>
- #### Curve
The target curve object to be hooked up to bone controls. Must be chosen!
- #### Custom Name
String to use to name the bones. If not specified, use the base bone's name.
- #### Inherit Scale
Scale inheritance setting of the curve hook and spline root controls.
- #### X Axis Symmetry
Controls will be named with .L/.R suffixes based on their X position. A curve object that is symmetrical around its own X 0 point is expected, otherwise results may be unexpected.
- #### Controls for Handles
For every curve point hook control, create two children that separately control the handles of that curve point.
- #### Rotatable Handles
Set up the handle controls in a way where they can be rotated. Note that they will still allow translation, but if you translate them, rotating them afterwards will be unpredictable.
- #### Separate Radius Control
Instead of using the hook control's size to control the curve point's radius, create a separate child control to do so.
## Curve: Spline IK
Extends the functionality of the Curve With Hooks component, where instead of adding bones to control an existing curve object, it creates a new curve object along a chain of bones and creates a Spline IK constraint setup. The curve is always re-generated along with the rig. The curve parameter is grayed out, since it will be created for you. You cannot specify a custom curve. Instead, if you want to change the shape of distribution of the curve, simply make those changes in the bone chain. This can contain more information.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/spline_ik.gif" width=500>
- #### Curve Handle Length
A multiplier on curve handle length. 1.0 means the curve handle is long enough to reach the neighbour curve point.
- #### Deform Setup
How this component should behave with Armature modifiers:
- None: Don't create deformation bones. Then this component cannot be used with Armature modifiers.
- Preserve: Preserve the Deform checkbox of the bones as set in the metarig.
- Create: Create DEF- bones that are a separate chain with the Deform checkbox enabled.
- #### Subdivide Bones
When Deform Setup is set to Create, this value defines how many deforming bones to generate along each original bone in the metarig. More bones results in a smoother curvature. However, the Spline IK constraint only supports a chain of up to 255 bones.
- #### Match Controls to Bones
When enabled, control bones will be created at the locations of the meta chain's bones. When disabled, control bones will be distributed an equal distance from each other along the chain.
- #### Number of Hooks
When the above setting is disabled, this specifies how many controls should be placed along the chain.
## Lattice
Creates a lattice with a root and a hook control. The hook control deforms the inside of the lattice using a spherical vertex group that gets generated. You can manually add Lattice modifiers to objects that you want to be deformed by the created lattice. This is a very performant and very flexible way to slightly nudge or bulge things. Every rig should have a few of these lattice set-ups scattered around, particularly clothing and faces. You never know when it might come in handy, but it often does.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/lattice.gif" width=500>
- #### Lattice
The lattice object that will be generated. If empty, one will be created.
- #### Regenerate
Whether the lattice should be re-generated from scratch or not. Disable this if you want to customize the lattice, otherwise any changes beside the object's name, will be lost when you re-generate the rig.
## Aim
This rig creates an aim control for a single bone. Can be useful for cameras, eyes, or anything that needs to aim at a target.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/aim.gif" width=500>
- #### Aim Group
Aim rigs belonging to the same Aim Group will have a shared master control generated for them.
- #### Target Distance
Distance of the aim target from the base bone. This value is not in Blender units, but is a value relative to the scale of the rig.
- #### Flatten X
Discard the X component of the eye vector when placing the target control. Useful for eyes that have significant default rotation. This can result in the eye becoming cross-eyed in the default pose, but it prevents the eye targets from crossing each other or being too far from each other.
- #### Create Deform
Create a deform bone for this rig. May not be always needed, for example if you just want to object-parent something to the aim rig, like a camera.
- #### Create Root
Create a root bone for this rig.
- #### Create Sub-Control
Create a secondary control and deform bone attached to the aim control. Useful for fake eye highlights.
## Bone Copy
This component type lets you copy a connected chain of bones over to the generated rig. Often used just to copy a single bone. Useful for face controls or any other arbitrary control you want to add.
Constraints will be [relinked](constraint-relinking) to the copied bone.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/cloud_bone_parameters.png" width=500>
- #### Create Custom Pivot
Create a parent control whose local translation is not propagated to the main control, but its rotation and scale are.
- #### Create Deform Bone
Create a second bone with the DEF- prefix and the Deform property enabled, so you can use it as a deform bone.
- #### Ensure Free Transformation
If this bone has any constraints, move them to a parent bone prefixed with "CON", unless the constraint name starts with "KEEP".
- #### Custom Properties: UI Sub-panel
Choose which sub-panel the custom properties should be displayed in. If empty, the properties won't appear in the rig UI.
- #### Custom Properties: UI Label
Choose which label the custom properties should be displayed under. If empty, the properties will display at the top of the subpanel.
## Chain Intersection
This component is an extension of Bone Copy with a special interaction with Face Grid components.
<summary> Details </summary>
When a Chain Intersection is placed at the same location as one or more Face Grid bones, the Chain Intersection will be used as the intersection control, rather than automatically creating that intersection control.
This can be useful because the automatically generated intersection controls have unwieldy bone names, and their orientation may also need to be customized.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/cloud_chain_anchor.gif" width=500>
This component has no additional parameters.
## Bone Tweak
This component type lets you tweak aspects of a single bone that is expected to exist in the generated rig.
<summary> Parameters </summary>
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/cloud_tweak_parameters.png" width=500>
- #### Additive Constraints
If true, the constraints on this bone will be added on top of the target bone's already existing constraints, and then [relinked](constraint-relinking). Otherwise, the original constraints will be overwritten.
- #### Tweak Parameters
The bone's properties are split into these categories:
- Transforms
- Locks
- Rotation Mode
- Bone Shape
- Color Palette
- Collections
- Custom Properties
- IK Settings
- B-Bone Settings
Each of these can be chosen to be copied over to the target bone or not. For example if you just want to add some extra constraints to a bone, you probably don't want to overwrite its transforms, bone shape, etc, so you would leave all of those unticked, and they will remain untouched.

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# Contribute
This project has grown large enough that external contributors would be fairly welcome. Just [get in contact with Demeter](https://blender.chat/direct/mets) before you start coding.
### Adding a new component type or parameter
If you have an idea for a new component type or parameter, that is welcome. Here are some notes:
- Open an Issue to discuss the design first.
- Consider if the functionality should just be just a parameter on an existing component type or an entire new type on its own. Usually both are possible, but when one functionality requires multiple parameters that don't make sense on any of the current component types, that's when it should be split out into a new component type.
- No redundant or double functionality. If the new functionality is very similar to that of another component type, let's try to find a way to make them share the relevant code. Maybe that means putting in extra work to also make this functionality work with a bunch of other component types, and a new parameter can be added all the way up in cloud_base.
- Provide clear and convincing explanation of why this functionality is useful, ideally showing a character where the functionality was used where no other solution would've worked as well.
- If I can press it, it should do something. If it doesn't do anything, don't let me press it. (see forced_params dictionary in some component classes)
To get started, check out cloud_template.py. This is what I start with when I start implementing a new component type. That is to say, it's the most basic skeleton code of a CloudRig component type. Note that it inherits a lot of shared functionality from Component_Base.
- Implement all the parameters and code. There is a regular __init__() and then the generator will call `create_bone_infos()` as your entry point.
- Add a component sample in MetaRigs.blend, named according to the convention you'll find in there.
- Add documentation in the wiki's Cloudrig-Types page, again sticking to the conventions established there.
### Conventions
Suggestions for more conventions are welcome, if you find things that could be more consistent. But what's already written down here is unlikely to change. I myself don't always manage to stick to these conventions, but I should. If you'd like to understand a part of the code but can't, feel free to let me know.
- Ideally every file should have fully type annotated functions with clear and verbose docstrings.
- PEP 585 type annotations should be used, with native types like `list`. Avoid the older PEP 484 that used classes like `typing.List`.
- Avoid all short variable names.
- Careful when naming a variable `bone`. It's fine, but it should be `ebone` for EditBone, `pbone` for PoseBone, `bone_info` for BoneInfo instances, and `bone_name` if it's just a string.
- All component types start with `cloud_`
- Always use the Troubleshooting module and the `add_log()` function to warn riggers about potential issues, big or small.
- Functions should be defined top to bottom in roughly the order they run.
- Functions that override an inherited one should specify in the docstring what module they are overriding the function from.
- Always be conscious of whether calls like `bpy.data.objects.get()` should receive a `(string, library)` tuple or not.
- Code is formatted with Black.
## Modules
Here are descriptions of each python module (file) in CloudRig.
<summary> generation </summary>
- #### cloud_generator.py
This module holds the generation operator, which is an important code entry point. From there, you can walk through the entire generation process.
- #### actions_component.py
The [Actions](actions) generator feature is implemented here. UI is implemented in ui/actions_ui.py.
- #### naming.py
Houses CloudNameManager, which is instantiated by the generator and referenced from all rigs via self.naming, and provides string operators useful in creating and mirroring bone names.
- #### test_animation.py
The "Generate Test Action" feature is implemented here. This is drawn in the Generation tab of a metarig, and it works with FK Chain components to save you time in creating an animation where you rotate all the joints to test deformations.
- #### troubleshooting.py
All troubleshooting features:
- The drawing, storage and functionality of the Generation Log UI seen on metarigs.
- The CloudLogManager class which is instantiated by the generator as self.logger. Components have wrapper functions to auto-fill some parameters, those being `self.add_log()` and `self.raise_generation_error()`. These functions add entries to the log storage.
- All Quick Fix operators that help quickly troubleshoot various problems.
- Bug and stack trace reporting functions (opening the Issues page on this repo and pre-filling it with useful information)
- #### cloudrig.py
This is the file that gets loaded with all generated rigs. This script is not procedurally generated. Instead, a nested dictionary is written to a custom property during generation, called 'ui_data'. This is mostly created in `utils/ui.py/add_ui_data()`, and then used by cloudrig.py to draw all the UI elements.
These UI elements are in the sidebar under the CloudRig panel, and contain settings like custom properties, IK/FK switching, parent switching, snapping and baking.
<summary> metarigs </summary>
The `__init__.py` here implements the metarigs and component samples UI lists that appear in the Object->Add->Armature UI. Metarigs and Samples are technically the same thing, and both are loaded from MetaRigs.blend.
<summary> operators </summary>
Operators to help with authoring metarigs and speed up workflow.
- **better_bone_extrude**: Binds to the E key, overwriting Blender's default bone extrude operator. Extruding a bone named "Bone1" will result in a bone named "Bone2" rather than "Bone1.001".
- **bone_selection_pie_ops**: Operators for the bone selection pie menu, bound to Alt+D in armature pose/edit/weight paint modes.
- **bone_selection_pie_ui**: UI elements for said pie menu.
- **copy_mirror_components**: Operators for copying and mirroring metarig component parameters. Found in the CloudRig header menu in the 3D View.
- **edit_widget**: An operator bound to Ctrl+Alt+E to toggle edit mode on a bone's widget.
- **flatten_chain**: Flatten a bone chain along a plane, useful for straightening limbs for good IK behaviour. Drawn in the IK Chain component's UI.
- **pie_bone_parenting**: Pie menu bound to the P key for bone parenting, even in pose mode.
- **pie_bone_specials**: Pie menu bound to the X key for deletion and symmetry in armature pose/edit modes.
- **symmetrize**: The improved symmetrize functionality found in the above pie menu.
- **toggle_action_constraints**: Useful in Action-based rigging workflow, button is drawn in the Action editor header.
- **toggle_metarig**: Toggle between metarig and generated rig (visibility, object mode, bone collections, bone selection). Default shortcut: Shift+T.
<summary> rig_component_features </summary>
- #### widgets/__init__.py
Like metarigs, most widgets are appended from a Widgets.blend file. This is used
- #### bone_gizmos.py
Bone Gizmos is an experimental/abandoned addon of mine, and this module allows components to interface with this addon.
- #### animation.py
Functions used by [cloud_fk_chain](cloudrig-types#cloud_fk_chain) and the [Generate Test Animation](generator-parameters) feature.
- #### bone_set.py
CloudRig's bone organization system that takes care of creating sets of parameters to customize the collection and color assignment of bones. All BoneInfo instances created during generation should be created with my_bone_set.new(), to ensure that every bone can be organized by the rigger.
- #### bone.py
Abstraction layer for bones, constraints and drivers, which are used all over CloudRig. These avoid a lot of headaches that come with interacting with real Blender data directly (in exchange for other, smaller headaches!).
Existing bones are loaded into BoneInfo instances in `load_metarig_bone_infos()`, which are then turned back into real bones in `write_edit_data()` and `write_pose_data()`.
- #### mechanism.py
Houses the CloudMechanismMixin mix-in class which is inherited by all component types and provides generic utilities to manipulate bones, constraints and drivers.
- #### custom_props.py
Implements the shared parameters of all component types relating to storing and displaying custom properties in the rig UI.
- #### object.py
Houses CloudObjectUtilitiesMixin which is inherited by all component types and provides generic utilities to control actual Blender objects, such as making things visible, assigning things to collections, transform locks, etc.
- #### parent_switching.py
UI for the [Parent Switching shared parameters](cloudrig-types#shared-parameters). This just means creating certain UI data, drivers and constraints, which cloudrig.py will use for displaying parent switching sliders and operators. Those operators are implemented in cloudrig.py.
- #### ui.py
Houses CloudUIMixin which is inherited by all component types and provides utilities for drawing the UI of parameters as well as storing UI data. The `add_ui_data()` function is used to store data in the rig's `ui_data` custom property, which will be later read by cloudrig.py in `draw_rig_settings()` to draw the rig's UI.
<summary> rig_components </summary>
All the [component types](cloudrig-types) in the feature set.
Also has cloud_template which is the base I use when starting a new component type.
All component types inherit from cloud_base.py/Component_Base.
Entry points are of course `__init__()` and `create_bone_infos()`.
<summary> ui </summary>
- **actions_ui**: UI for the Action system.
- **cloudrig_dropdown_menu**: The "CloudRig" editor header menu in armature pose/edit mode.
- **cloudrig_main_panel**: The "CloudRig" panel and "Generation" sub-panel in the Properties editor on armatures.
- **rig_component_list**: The "Component List" sub-panel in the Properties->Armature editor.
- **rig_component_subpanels**: The parameter sub-panels in the Properties->Bone editor.
- **rig_component_ui**: The parameter main panel in the Properties->Bone editor.
<summary> utils </summary>
- **curve.py**: Utility functions used by curve-based components, particularly to help with curve symmetry.
- **lattice.py**: Some utilities used by cloud_lattice, taken from my Lattice Magic addon.
- **maths.py**: Any pure math, even if it is only used in one place, goes here. That means this module should never import anything from any other part of CloudRig.
- **misc.py**: Code that hasn't been organized yet. Ideally this module shouldn't exist, since it's not clear what is in it.
- **post_gen.py**: Code that could be useful to run from post-generation scripts. Not actually used anywhere in the add-on.
<summary> Repo root </summary>
- **__init__.py**
Where the add-on registers itself into Blender's RNA system. I implement a pattern where each sub-folder's __init__.py should import its contents and put them in a "modules" list. The listed modules will be traversed recursively here, and any registerable classes they might store in a "registry" list will be registered, and their register() and unregister() functions will be called as appropriate.
- **manual.py**
Makes sure right clicking on CloudRig properties and then clicking on Open Manual goes to the relevant page on this wiki.
- **versioning.py**
Metarig versioning.
All metarigs store a version number, and this module adds an app handler that runs whenever a new blend file is loaded, to check for metarigs whose version is lower than the current one. If it finds any, it will automatically do its best to upgrade the metarig's [component types and parameters](cloudrig-types) to the latest correct names and values.
For example, the cloud_copy and cloud_tweak bone types used to be a single component type with an enum to switch between the two behaviours. When that split was implemented, the old enum value is still accessible, and is used to assign the new correct component type accordingly.

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# Constraint Relinking
When working with CloudRig, you generally don't have to define individual constraints yourself - after all, the whole point of [rig components](cloudrig-types) is to generate the bones and constraints for you.
But unique characters have unique needs, where you may want to **add additional constraints** on specific bones that were generated.
So, if you want to tweak a generated rig by adding a constraint, you have a few options:
- Create a [Tweak Bone](cloudrig-types#tweak-bone) with the name of the bone you want to add the constraint to, and add the constraint. This can make your metarig messy with the addition of many bones.
- Implement adding your constraint in the [post-generation script](generator-parameters#post-generation-script). This is the most flexible solution, but these scripts can also get bloated and messy, and they are a bit secretive. Plus, not everybody knows how to code.
- Your third option is to use Constraint Relinking.
You can do this when you want to add constraints to the primary controls of a rig component, such as the `STR-` controls of a [Toon Chain](cloudrig-types#chain-toon) component, or the `FK-` controls of an [FK Chain](cloudrig-types#chain-fk) component.
All you have to do is add a constraint on the corresponding metarig bone. You can let the constraint target the generated rig if you want, but if you want to avoid that, you can also use a naming convention where you put the target bone's name as the constraint name, separated by an `@` character. See the video below.
<video src="/media/addons/cloudrig/constraint_relinking.mp4" controls></video>

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# Generator Parameters
These parameters are found under Properties->Armature->CloudRig->Generation, and are the high level options used for generating a rig from a metarig.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/generator_parameters.png" width=450>
### Target Rig
The armature object used as the generation target. If empty, a new one will be created, and assigned here. You may rename the object.
### Widget Collection
The collection where rig widgets will be stored. This collection shouldn't contain anything else, since this is also used for detecting duplicate or unused widgets. If not specified, it will be created. You may rename the collection. If the refresh icon is enabled, widgets will be force-reloaded each time you regenerate.
### Ensure Root
Name of the root bone. All rigs must have a root bone, so if there is no bone with this name, it will be created. This bone should have the Bone Copy component assigned. Bones without parents will be automatically parented to this bone. Just like any other Bone Copy component, you may rename or customize this bone however you want. However, note that when you rename the bone, you will need to re-select it in this selection box.
### Properties Bone
Name of the default properties bone to create, when necessary. For example, for a limb rig with IK/FK sliders, those sliders are properties, which need to be stored somewhere. This setting specifies a bone name to create as fallback for that storage.
### Post-Generation Script
You may specify a text datablock stored in this .blend file, to be executed as a python script as one of the last steps of rig generation. You can use this to make hyper-specific tweaks to your rigs, or loop over all the bones and change some settings. You may leave it empty.
### Generate Action
This option is relevant when your rig contains FK Chain components. If this option is enabled, a test Action will be generated with keyframes defined by the generated rig's hierarchy and the parameters of each FK Chain component. The purpose of this Action is to help you in a common weight painting workflow, where the character is rotated on each of their joint to test deformations. If you want to make manual tweaks to this action, make sure to disable this option, so that your pose tweaks don't get overwritten when you regenerate the rig.

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# CloudRig
Welcome to CloudRig!
This page aims to give you an overview of CloudRig's features, with links for further diving into each topic.
## Accessing these pages from Blender
You can right click on most CloudRig UI elements and click on Online Manual to open the relevant page in a browser.
## General workflow
The rig generation workflow with CloudRig revolves around inputting parameters on a simple **Metarig**, which is then used to generate the **Control Rig**, which is what you will actually use to control your character. The Control Rig can be re-generated based on new Metarig parameters or proportions as many times as needed, until you get exactly what you want.
- Create a skeleton outlining the proportions of your character. This is your Metarig.
- Assign a Rig Component to specific bones that define the features that you want in your rig, such as a spine, arms, and legs.
- Customize the components using their parameters to change the available features and have the level of complexity you need.
- Generate the rig.
The simplicity of this workflow allows for fast iteration. If you want to add or remove a feature from the rig, there's no need for copy-pasting and renaming of hundreds of bones, or worse, manually making changes to dozens of bones, constraints and drivers just to make a slight change to how the rig behaves. You just tick or untick a checkbox and hit Regenerate.
So how is it done?
## Getting Started
Spawn the Cloud Basic Human preset metarig via **Add->Armature->CloudRig Metarigs->Cloud Human**.
Now try selecting the "UpperArm.L" bone in pose mode. Then go to **Properties->Bone->CloudRig Component**.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/cloudrig_component.png" width=400>
As you can see here, this bone is assigned the "Limb: Generic" Component Type, and you can see all of its parameters in this panel. This Component Type and these parameters determine the behaviour of the control rig that will be generated when you press the Generate CloudRig button.
CloudRig aims to cover a wide and ever expanding variety of needs with its component types. This is facilitated by the fact that it is being used in production at the Blender Studio. Whatever weird character (or prop!) those crazy guys come up with, CloudRig has to be able to generate a rig for it.
The [CloudRig Types](cloudrig-types) page covers all the available component types included in CloudRig.
## Starting From Scratch
If you want to start from a fresh armature, all you need to do is enable CloudRig under **Properties->Data->CloudRig**. Here you will also find the [Generation Parameters](generator-parameters), which are a few high level pieces of data used for the generation process. The Rig Components sub-panel shows you a hierarchical list of bones which have components assigned to them. You'll also find some other panels, which are mentioned below.
## Actions & Face Rigging
If you want to rig faces with CloudRig, you will probably want to use a combnination of component types such as [Bone Copy](cloudrig-types#bone-copy), [Chain: Eyelid](cloudrig-types#chain-eyelid) and [Aim](cloudrig-types#aim). But the real magic will happen in the [Action system](actions). You can get an example of this by playing with the included Sintel metarig.
## Generation Log
There are many ways to make mistakes while using CloudRig, also while rigging in general. CloudRig will NEVER automatically fix your mistakes, but it will try to detect them and give you suggestions or even one-button solutions to fix them.
After generating your rig, you will find a list of potential issues here, in the Generation Log panel. Some of these issues will have a tailor-fitted button to fix the issue. This is all handled by the [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting) module.
## Rig UI
Once generated, select your generated rig, and press the N key to bring up the Sidebar. You should see a CloudRig tab, which contains the rig UI. This is where the animators will be able to find rig settings and a collection selector.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/rig_ui.png" width=400>
CloudRig provides a way to add arbitrary custom properties to this UI as well, in case you want to allow animators to customize a character's outfits, materials, etc, with a nice and clean UI. Check out the [Properties UI](properties-ui) page to see how that works.
## Organizing Bones
If you don't like the collections that CloudRig assigns the generated bones to by default, you can customize them in the [Bone Organization](organizing-bones#organizing-bones-1) parameters, which are only visible when [Advanced Mode](cloudrig-types#advaned-mode) is enabled.

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# Organizing Bones
In Blender, bones can be organized using [Bone Collections](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/animation/armatures/bones/bone_collections.html), or [Bone Selection Sets](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/addons/animation/bone_selection_sets.html), if you use that addon.
## Bone Collections
If you generate the Cloud Basic Human metarig and select the generated rig, you should be able to find this panel under **Sidebar(N panel)->CloudRig->Bone Collections**:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/sidebar_collections.png" width=500>
You can also summon this collection list menu using Shift+M on a CloudRig armature.
## Organizing Bones
If you want to customize which generated bones get placed in which bone collections, you can do this using Bone Sets.
Let's say we have a strand of hair rigged with the FK Chain component type, and we want the hair FK bones to go on a Hair collection that we created, not the "FK Controls" collection that it uses by default.
Organizing bones is considered an advanced feature, so enable **Advanced Mode**.
At the bottom of the parameters, you'll find the Bone Organization sub-panel:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/bone_sets.png" width=500>
And as you can see, all we have to do is assign our Hair collection as one of the collections that the FK Controls of this component should be assigned to. You can assign them to as many collections as you wish.
#### Bone Colors
You can also choose a color preset to assign. This preset will be converted to a custom color, meaning your personal color presets will propagate to whoever uses your rig. This ensures the rig looks the same way, no matter who's using it.
Additionally, you can change Blender's default color presets to CloudRig's recommended ones in the preferences, using this button:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/bone_color_preset.png" width=800>
## Custom Collections
If you want to create collections even more granularly, you can simply create them on the generated rig, and assign whatever bones you want. You just need to let CloudRig know that you want to preserve these collections when re-generating the rig. And to do that, you first need to enable the collection authoring UI:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/collections_extras.png" width=400>
Then you can create your collections, assign bones, and the important part: Mark the collection as preserved, using the shield icon. These collections will be fully preserved when you regenerate the rig.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/pasted_sel_sets.png" width=400>
## Selection Sets
Instead of having to use multiple systems to organize your bones, CloudRig implements all the features of SelectionSets.
To start, you can easily convert your selection sets to collections:
1. Enable collection authoring UI **on the generated rig**, as mentioned above.
2. Copy Selection Sets to clipboard as you normally would:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/copy_sel_sets.png" width=400>
3. Paste Selection Sets as Collections **on the generated rig** via CloudRig:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/paste_sel_sets.png" width=600>
4. Your selection sets are pasted. The filled circle indicates that they were marked for Quick Access, and the shield indicates that they will be preserved when the rig is re-generated.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/pasted_sel_sets.png" width=400>
## Quick Select
Collections marked with the circle will be included in the Quick Select menu, which is bound to **Shift Alt W** by default:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/collections_quick_select.png" width=300>
## Bone Display Size
You might often encounter that the sizes of the bone shapes are too big or too small for some parts of your character. This can result in an eye sore, or worse, important controls only being visible with Bone X-Ray. For this reason, all CloudRig components' bone shapes will scale according to the BBone scale of the bone in the metarig. You can adjust the BBone scale of bones using Ctrl+Alt+S, but only if your armature's bone display type is set to BBone. This will not affect any behaviour on the rig, it's purely for visual aid.
*Here I increase the BBone scale, then re-generate the rig, to make sure the FK controls are bigger than the mesh.*
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/bbone_scale.gif" width=600>

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# Properties UI
CloudRig lets you build a custom rig UI, containing built-in properties, custom properties, and even operators. This page aims to guide you through that process even if you're new to Blender as a whole.
## What are Custom Properties?
In Blender, you can define [Custom Properties](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/files/custom_properties.html) on objects or bones. You can specify their name, min/max/default values, tooltip, whether they're a floating point number, a whole number, a boolean toggle, a color, and so on.
You can then use [Drivers](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/animation/drivers/index.html) to connect these properties to your character and/or rig, to allow animators to intuitively configure things.
##### Use case examples:
- An integer property to swap between different outfits, by driving the visibility of objects and modifiers.
- A boolean toggle to switch between two different rig behaviours, by driving the influence of a set of bone constraints and bone properties.
- A color property to change the eye color of a character, by driving an RGB node in a material.
##### Some general tips:
- Be sure to properly set the default value of each property.
- You can reset any property in Blender to its default by mouse hovering it and hitting Backspace.
- You can enter a Description for properties, which will be shown when they are mouse hovered.
## What can CloudRig do?
If you find Blender's built-in way of displaying custom properties a bit ugly, limited, and disorganized, that's when CloudRig can offer a bit of help. You can see an example of this on the Cloud Human Metarig.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/props_ui_example.png" width=800>
With CloudRig's UI editor you can:
- Organize properties into collapsible panels.
- Display built-in properties alongside custom properties.
- Put properties under text labels.
- Put more than one property in a single row.
- Easily change the order in which panels, labels, and rows are displayed.
- Have hierarchical properties, where a property is only displayed under another property when it has certain values. Useful for complex clothing options.
- Have one Python Operator displayed next to each property. For example, the generation process creates IK/FK snapping buttons next to their relevant properties.
- Easily work with Blender's linking system, because the Library Overridable setting of displayed properties will be enabled automatically.
- Display a custom name for each value of an Integer or Boolean property.
- Display custom icons for the True/False states of a Boolean property.
## UI Editing Workflow
##### Step 1: Enabling UI Edit Mode
Let's say you want to add a property to your rig's Settings panel. You can find CloudRig's Properties UI Editor by selecting any armature with the CloudRig setting enabled (ie. a metarig), and navigating to: 3D View -> Sidebar (N-panel) -> CloudRig -> Settings -> **UI Edit Mode**.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/props_ui_edit_mode.png" width=800>
Enabling this mode reveals (among other things) the "**Add Property to UI**" button. This pops up the following panel, where you can fill in all the info about what/where/how you want to add to the UI. These are all explained in the next section.
##### Step 2: Adding (or editing) a UI Element
Whether you're adding a new UI element or editing an existing one, you will see this same pop-up:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/props_ui_add_prop_simple.png" width=800>
- **Bone icon**: Toggle whether you want to use a convenient bone selector, or type in the data path of a property owner.
- **Property Bone**: Select the bone that should contain the property that you want to add to the UI.
- **Property Owner**: Type in a data path to anything, eg. `pose.bones["Spine"].constraints["Stretch To"]` will point at the Stretch To constraint on the Spine bone.
- **Property Name**: Name of the property on the selected property owner.
- To continue the above constraint example, you could type `influence` in this field, to simply add the constraint's influence slider to the UI.
- If the chosen property owner has Custom Properties, a drop-down selector will be shown of existing ones.
- **Plus icon**: Instead of using the drop-down selector, type in anything, allowing you to create a new property.
- **List icon**: Instead of selecting a single property, add ALL custom properties of the selected owner.
- If the property exists, a preview of how it will look is shown.
***The remaining settings are optional***:
- **Hierarchy icon**: Toggle whether you want to add a UI element to a sub-panel, or a child element to an existing element.
- **Subpanel**: Name of the sub-panel this UI element should be added to. Can be empty, and then it will be placed outside of any sub-panels.
- **Parent Element**: A drop-down selector of all current UI elements. Only visible when the Hierarchy icon is enabled.
- **Parent Value**: What value the parent element's property must be, in order for this property to be visible. You can type in a single number, or comma-separated numbers, like `1, 2, 3`.
- **Label**: If specified, the property will be displayed under this text label. Handy for categorizing things within a panel.
- **Row ID**: When two UI elements share a panel, a label, and a Row ID, they will be displayed next to each other. Handy for left/right properties, or for grouping bone collections.
- **Display Name**: For when you change your mind about the name of a property, but that property has already been used in animations. Changing the name of the property would break those animations, but you can always change the display name without any consequence.
- **Value Names**: Only for Integer and Boolean properties, you can enter a comma-separated list of strings here, eg. `-, Default, Fancy`. This will make it so that "Default" is displayed when the value is 1, and "Fancy" will be displayed when the value is 2. You still need to enter a string for the value 0, even if your property will not use it, which is why I started with a `-,` in this example.
- **True/False Icon**: Only for Boolean properties, you can choose a custom icon for each state.
- **Operator**: You can choose a single operator to be displayed next to this property.
- Selecting an operator will display all available options for that operator, and you can specify them all.
- **Operator Icon**: You can also choose an icon to use for this operator.
That's a lot of options, but most of them are optional, you never see them all at once, and you can edit them any time, so don't feel overwhelmed.
In the example image above, I've pressed the + icon, which let me type in anything, and since the "Shoes" property didn't exist yet on the selected bone, it got created with a value of 1.0.
#### Step 3: Configuring a Custom Property
Let's use the gear cog icon to bring up Blender's [built-in custom property editing operator](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/files/custom_properties.html#editing-properties), and change it to an integer, set the default, min, max, and a tooltip.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/props_ui_edit_prop.png" width=800>
Also note that the **Library Overridable** flag is already enabled. This happened automatically in the previous step. This allows the property to be used even when the rig is linked to another .blend file.
#### Step 4: Managing UI Elements.
Along with the gear cog, we have a few other icons next to each property while UI Edit Mode is enabled.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/props_ui_element_ops.png" width=400>
- **Double-Arrow**: You can re-order elements within an area by clicking on this, then moving your mouse up and down, then left click to confirm or right click to cancel. Simple as that! The button won't be visible if there's a single element in the area.
- **Plus**: Add child properties, which will only appear when this property has certain values. Useful for complex outfits.
- **Gear Cog**: Blender's built-in custom property editing operator, as explained [above](#step-3-configuring-a-custom-property).
- **Pencil**: This lets you edit the UI data of a UI element, as described [below](#step-5-editing-a-ui-element).
- **X**: This lets you remove the property from the UI. If you hold Shift while clicking this, it will also remove the underlying property itself.
##### Step 5: Editing a UI Element
The pencil icon next to a property lets you edit the property's CloudRig UI settings:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/props_ui_edit_value_names.png" width=800>
As you can see, this looks identical to [adding a UI Element](#step-2-adding-or-editing-a-ui-element).
In this case, I just wanted to edit the Value Names of the property. Now it will show the specified words for each value:
- 0: "Barefoot"
- 1: "Default Shoes"
- 2: "Sandals"
You can see a preview of this near the top of the pop-up panel, but you will only see it in the real UI once you confirm by clicking OK.
#### Some things to note:
- Enum Properties are not possible to create as Custom Properties, which is why I use an Integer instead.
- The "Row ID" and "Display Name" fields were filled in automatically when we added the property to the UI.
## Drivers
Of course at the end of the day, these properties don't do anything on their own. They need to be hooked up to things using Drivers. You can do this by right-clicking on properties and using the "Copy as New Driver", "Paste Driver", and "Edit Driver" options. You can learn more from the [Drivers](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/animation/drivers/usage.html) page of the Blender Manual.
## Example Use Case: Bone Collections
Besides outfit swapping, you can also use this system to make a grid UI of Bone Collections, like so:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/props_ui_bone_collections.png" width=600>
Which is done like this:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/props_ui_bone_collections_edit.png" width=600>
## Example Use Case: Custom Operator
You can implement your own Python operator in a text datablock, then display it next to a property.
CloudRig's generation process uses this to add the IK/FK snapping&baking operators, among others.
This example implements a preset button for hair colors:
import bpy
from bpy.props import StringProperty, EnumProperty
presets = {
'Blonde' : [0.696779, 0.565850, 0.183357],
'Dark' : [0.065083, 0.015941, 0.004878],
'Green' : [0.007476, 0.196397, 0.007357]
class MyPresetOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Set some properties according to a hard-coded preset"""
bl_idname = "object.my_preset_operator"
bl_label = "Apply Preset"
prop_bone: StringProperty()
prop_name: StringProperty()
preset_color: EnumProperty(
('Blonde', 'Blonde', 'Blonde'),
('Dark', 'Dark', 'Dark'),
('Green', 'Green', 'Green'),
def poll(cls, context):
return context.active_object is not None
def invoke(self, context, _event):
return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self)
def draw(self, context):
self.layout.prop(self, 'preset_color')
def execute(self, context):
prop_bone = context.active_object.pose.bones[self.prop_bone]
prop_bone[self.prop_name] = presets[self.preset_color]
return {'FINISHED'}
def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":
Then add a color custom property to the UI, and configure this operator next to it, like so:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/props_ui_operator_example.png" width=600>
And the resulting UI looks like this:
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/props_ui_operator_result.png" width=600>

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# Troubleshooting
CloudRig implements a Generation Log, which shows a list of potential issues detected during the rig generation process. Each time you re-generate the rig, this list is re-populated. Ideally, you want to keep this list completely empty.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/generation_log.png" width=600>
If rig generation fails, you will also find the error message here, along with a Bug Report button.
Many issues will have a button to let you fix them as quick as possible.
Feel free to submit suggestions for issues that this system currently doesn't detect.
### Naming
Certain bone naming conventions are reserved for CloudRig's generation process. The following bone naming habits in a metarig **should be avoided**:
- Identifying left/right sides with anything other than a ".L/.R" suffix
- There should be no other dot-separated suffix besides this.
- Any .00x ending on any bone name should be avoided.
- Avoid prefixes that are used by CloudRig: "DEF-", "ORG-", "STR-". These are only allowed in the metarig in the case of a Bone Tweak component.
- For all chain rig types, incrementing bone names should always correspond to parent/child relationships. For example, "Bone2" must be the child of "Bone1". Bones that are named like this should not be siblings, or unrelated to each other.
Such names may result in strange and tricky to identify generation errors.

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# Workflow Enhancements
CloudRig includes several quality of life features, each with a default hotkey. If these interfere with your workflow, you can easily rebind or disable them in the preferences.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/hotkeys_ui.png">
## MetaRig Swapping / Generation
- **Shift+T** swaps between a metarig and its generated rig, syncing bone collections, visibility, and selection.
- **Shift+T** on a mesh object enters pose mode on its deforming armature, if any.
- **Ctrl+Alt+R** regenerates the active metarig/rig. If there is only one metarig in the scene, it doesn't need to be active.
## Better Duplicate & Extrude
- **E** (Extrude) and **Shift+D** (Duplicate) increment bone names:
- Duplicating `Bone1` creates `Bone2`, not `Bone1.001`.
- Hold **Shift** while confirming to keep the original numbering.
- Handles occupied names: if `Bone2` exists, it creates `Bone3`.
- Supports symmetry: increments names on the opposite side.
- **Shift+D** also copies drivers on bone and constraint properties.
<video src="/media/addons/cloudrig/better_duplicate_extrude.mp4" controls></video>
## Bone Selection Pie (Alt+D)
Select bones related to the active bone. Available in Pose, Weight Paint, and Edit modes.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/pie_bone_find.png">
- **Up/Down**: Select a bone with a higher/lower number in its name, e.g., from `Hair1.L` to `Hair2.L`.
- **Left/Right**: Select the parent bone or a child bone. Multiple children are shown in a drop-down menu.
- **Top Left/Right**: Select bones that target or are targeted by this bone via constraints.
- **Bottom Left**: Select the start and end handles of Bendy Bones.
- **Bottom Right**: Open a pop-up menu to search for a bone by name.
## Bone Specials Pie (X)
Bone deletion and symmetry.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/pie_bone_specials.png">
- **Toggle Armature X-Mirror**: Toggle symmetrical armature editing.
- **Toggle Pose X-Mirror**: Toggle symmetrical posing.
- **Delete**: Deletes selected bones and their drivers. Works in Pose Mode. Indicates X-Mirror status to prevent accidental deletions.
- **(Enhanced) Symmetrize**: Works in Pose Mode. Symmetrizes Actions of Action Constraints. Attempts to symmetrize drivers.
## Bone Parenting Pie (P)
Quickly parent and un-parent bones without having to enter Edit Mode.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/pie_bone_parenting.png">
- **Clear Parent**: Clear the parent of selected bones.
- **Selected to Active**: Parent all selected bones to the active one.
- **Disconnect**: Disconnect a bone from its parent without un-parenting, allowing free translation.
- **Parent & Connect**: Parent selected bones to the active one, and connect them to the parent.
- **Active to All Selected**: Parent the active bone to all other selected bones equally using an [Armature Constraint](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/animation/constraints/relationship/armature.html).
<video src="/media/addons/cloudrig/parent_active_to_all_selected.mp4" controls></video>
- **Parent Object to All Selected**: Parent selected objects outside of the active armature equally among all selected bones using Armature Constraints.
<video src="/media/addons/cloudrig/parent_object_to_selected_bones.mp4" controls></video>
## Edit Custom Shapes Pie (Ctrl+Alt+E)
A comprehensive toolset to manage bone custom shapes.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/pie_edit_widget.png">
- **Edit Transforms**: Quick access to custom shape transform properties.
- **Unassign Custom Shape**: Remove the custom shape from selected bones.
- **Assign Selected Object**: Set the selected mesh object as the custom shape of selected bones.
- **Reload Custom Shapes**: Reload widgets from the Widgets.blend file, discarding any modifications to them.
- **Edit Custom Shapes**: Enter mesh edit mode on the selected bones' widgets. Press Ctrl+Alt+E again to return to pose mode.
- **Select Custom Shape**: Assign a widget from a library to the selected bones. Local objects named "WGT-" will also be listed.
- **Duplicate & Edit Custom Shapes**: Duplicate selected bones' widgets before editing them. Handy when you want to edit only one usage of a widget, not all of them.
- **Copy to Selected**: Copy the custom shape and transforms from the active bone selected bones.
## Bone Collections pop-up (Shift+M)
A pop-up menu to can access bone collections without leaving the 3D View.
Available with the rig, even if a user doesn't have CloudRig installed.
<img src="/media/addons/cloudrig/bone_collections_popup.png">
## Quick Select (Shift+Alt+W)
Pops up a list of collections that were [marked](organizing-bones#selection-sets) to be included in this list. Clicking on one of them selects the bones within. Shift+Click extends the selection. Ctrl+Click symmetrizes the selection. Alt+Click deselects the collection's bones.
Available with the rig, even if a user doesn't have CloudRig installed.

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# Easy Weight
Easy Weight is an addon focused on quality of life improvements for weight painting in Blender.
### Installation
In Blender 4.2, Easy Weight can be added through the official extensions repository, so you can simply search for it in Blender.
For older versions, find installation instructions [here](https://studio.blender.org/pipeline/addons/overview).
## Features
Easy Weight allows you to control some scene-level tool settings at the user preference level. You can find these in the add-on's preferences.
![EasyWeight Preferences](../media/addons/easy_weight/prefs.png)
- **Easy Weight Paint Mode**: You don't have to reveal or select the armature to enter weight paint mode. The add-on will take care of it for you.
- **Always Auto-Clean**: A new feature in the add-on which cleans zero-weights after each brush stroke, and automatically ensures opposite side vertex groups when using a Mirror Modifier.
- **Always Show Zero Weights**: Forces [Blender's Show Zero Weights](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/editors/3dview/display/overlays.html#bpy-types-toolsettings-vertex-group-user) overlay option to "Active".
- **Always Auto Normalize**: Forces [Blender's Auto-Normalize](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/sculpt_paint/weight_paint/tool_settings/options.html#bpy-types-toolsettings-use-auto-normalize) setting to be always on.
- **Always Multi-Paint**: Forces [Blender's Multi-Paint](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/sculpt_paint/weight_paint/tool_settings/options.html#bpy-types-toolsettings-use-multipaint) setting to be always on.
### Weight Paint Pie (W)
On the **W** key you'll find a handy nested pie menu:
![EasyWeight Pie](../media/addons/easy_weight/pie.png)
- These three options will affect all weight paint brushes in the scene.
- [Accumulate](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/sculpt_paint/brush/brush_settings.html#advanced)
- [Falloff Shape](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/sculpt_paint/brush/falloff.html)
- [Paint Through Mesh](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/sculpt_paint/brush/brush_settings.html#advanced)
- Operators:
- **Focus Deforming Bones**: Reveal and isolate all deforming bones contributing to the active mesh.
- [Normalize Deform Groups](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/sculpt_paint/weight_paint/editing.html#bpy-ops-object-vertex-group-normalize-all): Ensure influence of deforming groups adds up to exactly 1.0 on each vertex.
- [Smooth Vertex Weights](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/sculpt_paint/weight_paint/editing.html#smooth): Smooth weights of all deforming bones on selected vertices.
- [Transfer All Groups to Selected Objects](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/sculpt_paint/weight_paint/editing.html#transfer-weights): Useful for transferring weights to clothes.
- **Clear Empty Deform Groups**: Remove vertex groups associated with deforming bones, which don't have any weights at all.
- **Clear Unused Groups**: Remove vertex groups which are not associated with a deforming bone, and not used by any shape key, modifier, or constraint.
- **Symmetrize Weights of Selected**: Symmetrize the weights of selected bones, either left->right or right->left depending on the selection. Will handle center vertex groups as well. Implemented using KDTree, which means it will work even if the mesh topology isn't perfectly symmetrical.
- [Assign Automatic From Bones](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/sculpt_paint/weight_paint/editing.html#bpy-ops-paint-weight-from-bones)
- Overlay Settings:
- Bones: Toggles drawing of bones altogether.
- Wireframe: Toggles mesh wireframe overlay.
- [Weight Contours](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/editors/3dview/display/overlays.html#weight-paint-overlays): Additional visualization to see how smooth your weight gradients really are.
- [Armature Display Type](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/animation/armatures/properties/display.html#bpy-types-armature-display-type): How bones without custom widgets should be displayed.
- In Front (X-Ray): Whether bones should be drawn even when behind meshes.
## Hunting Rogue Weights
![Weight Islands](../media/addons/easy_weight/weight_islands.png)
The Weight Islands panel lets you hunt down unintended rogue weights on a mesh. The workflow goes something like this:
- After pressing Calculate Weight Islands and waiting a few seconds, you will see a list of all vertex groups which consist of more than a single island.
- Clicking the magnifying glass icon will focus the smallest island in the group, so you can decide what to do with it.
- If the island is rogue weights, you can subtract them and go back to the previous step. If not, you can press the checkmark icon next to the magnifying glass, and the vertex group will be hidden from the list.
- Continue with this process until all entries are gone from the list.
- In the end, you can be 100% sure that you have no rogue weights anywhere on your mesh. You may click the X button to remove the islands' data, since you no longer need it.
## Vertex Group Operators
![Vertex Group Menu](../media/addons/easy_weight/vg_context_menu.png)
The Vertex Groups context menu is re-organized with more icons and better labels, as well as some additional operators:
- **Delete Empty Deform Groups**: Delete deforming groups that don't have any weights.
- **Delete Unused Non-Deform Groups**: Delete non-deforming groups that aren't used anywhere, even if they do have weights.
- **Delete Unselected Deform Groups**: Delete all deforming groups that don't correspond to a selected pose bone. Only in Weight Paint mode.
- **Focus Deforming Bones**: Reveal and select all bones deforming this mesh. Only in Weight Paint mode.
- **Symmetrize Vertex Groups**: Symmetrizes vertex groups from left to right side, creating missing groups as needed.
If you have any more suggestions, feel free to open an Issue with a feature request.
## Force Apply Mirror Modifier
In Blender, you cannot apply a mirror modifier to meshes that have shape keys.
![Force Apply Mirror](../media/addons/easy_weight/force_apply_mirror.png)
This operator tries to anyways, by duplicating your mesh, flipping it on the X axis and merging into the original. It will also flip vertex groups, shape keys, shape key masks, and even (attempt) shape key drivers, assuming everything is named with .L/.R suffixes.

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# Pose Shape Keys
This add-on enables a workflow where you can continue iterating on your vertex weights and bone constraints after you've already created your shape keys, without having to re-sculpt those shape keys. To put another way, you can think of shape keys as a final shape rather than as deltas on some deformation.
The only limitation is that there is some precision loss when using bendy bone deformations.
It also lets you manage multiple copies of a shape key together. Each copy can have a different vertex group mask, or be applied mirrored around the X axis.
You can find a video tutorial and more detailed explanation of how it works [here](https://studio.blender.org/blog/rig-with-shape-keys-like-never-before/).
## Basic Workflow:
- Create a pose whose deformation you want to correct. A pose is defined as an Action and a frame number.
- Create a Pose Key on the deformed mesh. Assign the action and the frame number.
- Press "Store Evaluated Mesh". This will create a copy of your mesh with all deformations applied.
- Sculpt this mesh into the desired shape.
- Go back to the deformed mesh, and assign one or more Shape Keys to the Pose Key.
- Press "Set Pose" to ensure that the rig is in the pose you created and specified earlier.
- Press "Overwrite Shape Keys".
- When you activate your shape key, your deformed mesh should now look identical to your sculpted shape.
- If you have more than one shape key, the same data will be pushed into each.
The purpose of this is that each copy of the shape key can have a different mask assigned to it.
This can streamline symmetrical workflows, since you can push to a left and a right-side shape key in a single click.
# Example use cases:
### 1. Sculpted facial expressions applied directly on top of a bone deformation based rig:
- A character artist can sculpt facial expressions to great quality and detail
- You pose the rig to be as close to this sculpted shape as possible, and create a rig control that blends into this pose using Action Constraints.
- Using the add-on, create corrective shape keys that blend your posed mesh into the shape of the sculpt.
- Hook up those corrective shape keys to the rig via drivers
- You now have the precise result of the sculpted facial expression, while retaining the freedom of bone-based controls that can move, scale and rotate!
### 2. Author finger correctives 24-at-a-time:
- Create a fist pose where all finger bones (4x2x3=24) are bent by around 90 degrees.
- Create a Pose Key and a storage object, and sculpt the desired deformation result.
- On the rigged mesh, create the 24 shape keys within the PoseKey; One for each section of each finger.
- Assign vertex groups to them that mask the affected areas.
- Normalize the vertex masks.
- Now you can push the sculpted fist shape into all 24 shape keys at the same time.
- Create drivers so each shape key is driven by the corresponding finger bone.
- You can now tweak and iterate on the sculpted shape, and update all 24 shape keys with the click of a single button.

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# Character Pipeline Assistant
::: warning Legacy Documentation
This is a legacy document originally written by Simon in 2020.
![Character Pipeline](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/char_pipeline_01.png)
Jan 2021
# Proposal for updated version for 'Sprite Fright' (August 2020)
With the Sprite Fright project starting to get into a phase where the characters are being designed and tested for shading, rigging and animation, a solid character pipeline will become necessary soon.
So we (Demeter and Simon) re-evaluated the character update tool made for the Settlers project on how applicable it is and how it can be adapted to be more flexible and stable.
So we came up with the following proposal:
## Idea
The idea is the same as was implemented for Settlers but allowing an additional step of adjusting the mesh. For this an additional publishing step is introduced to export the model in a way that makes it easily mergeable with the rig (merging objects, applying mirror modifiers etc).
## File Structure
Character folder including:
- char.modeling.blend (working file)
- char.geometry.blend (source file) → published from char.modeling.blend
- char.rigging.blend (working file/ source file) → sourcing char.geometry.blend
- char.shading.blend (working file/ source file) → sourcing char.geometry.blend
- char.blend (master file) → published from char.rigging.blend and char.shading.blend
![Character Pipeline](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/char_pipeline_02.png)
(Green Blocks are working files, grey files are not worked in, but only procedurally updated)
## Data Flow
### Geometry
The model of the character is appended from char.modeling.blend as a collection into char.geometry.blend, where all adjustments to the mesh, that have to be made for rigging, are reproducibly automated.
This automation has to be manually revised depending on the rig and can be specified as a script in the char.geometry.blend file.
Rigging and Shading file take the geometry directly from the published model version in char.geometry.blend.
The master file takes...
...from the geometry file (option A):
- mesh data / multires data / displacement maps
...from the rigging file:
- mesh data / multires data / displacement maps (option B)
- armature
- modifier stack
- weight paint layers
- shape keys
- drivers
- physics properties
- support objects
...from the shading file:
- material slots
- shaders
- UV layers
- vertex color layers
However, the master file can also source the data from itself, as to only use published states of shading/rigging, without drawing from work-in-progress states of the respective files.
That way every department has an individual control over publishing their updates.
## Scripts
For the automation of updating the different versions of a character in the respective files a couple of scripts are necessary, that can largely be based on the first version implemented for 'Settlers'.
The necessary scripts are:
- publish geometry + support adjustable script to specify necessary changes (merging objects, applying modifers, etc.)
- import geometry and merge with rigging file
- import geometry and merge with shading file
- import and merge all into master file
To be able to easily update the individual scripts across multiple characters, we are proposing to create an add-on that includes all the functionality and can be maintained and pulled via git.
## Example workflow:
- Julien makes a change in the modeling file that is not significant to the vertex order of the mesh
- Demeter and Simon can work in their respective files simultaneously with no restrictions
- Julien publishes his changes to the geometry by pressing the update button in the geometry file
- To import the changes into their working files, Demeter and Simon press the update buttons in their respective files and
- Once a significant change has been made that should be passed to the animation department, Julien, Demeter, Simon (or whoever) updates the master file and commits it to the SVN
## Benefits
- Flexible, simultaneous work to a certain degree
- High level of automation
- Publishing steps for individual version control per department
## Potential Issues
This pipeline relies heavily on the fact that object names and vertex order don't change. But the additional publishing step of the geometry allow manual interference when something goes wrong and optionally the data-transfer modifier can be used to prevent data from breaking due to vertex order.
However, to avoid issues like that, this pipeline should only be picked up after major geometry changes likes adding or removing vertices in the base mesh.
This pipeline is assuming that there are no driver dependencies on the rig in the shader. However, if that should be the case (as it was for 'Settlers'), it can be adjusted to retain that dependency.
## Alternatives
A potential alternative could be using library overrides to link between files instead of appending and only using one single publishing step in the master file. However, this is not feasible with the current, early state of library overrides, as a high level of functionality would be required.
# First version from Settlers (April 2020)
This proof of concept for publishing was created by Simon Thommes during the settlers project. It merges rigging and shading files into a final asset blend file.
![Character Pipeline](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/3-character_pipeline_tool.mp4)
### Target **Workflow**
Separate working files for modelling, rigging and shading that are automatically merged in a single character.blend asset file. This allows for working in parallel and introduces an additional publishing step for each module.
## **Current state (Settlers)**
Video breakdown of functionality for version 1 (Not the latest iteration):
## Features
- merging .rig.blend and .shading.blend files
- updating either [rig + geometry] or [shading] separately
- merging the following data by object name
- From the .rig file:
- Mesh, Armature, Weight Paint, Modifiers, Constraints, etc.
- From the .shading file:
- Materials by slot
- UVs by layer name and vertex order
- VCols by layer name and vertex order
- updating shading drivers pointing to rig objects
*(all drivers within nodegroups using the naming convention DR-'object_name' get repointed to the object 'object_name')*
## Shortcomings
- system is fragile regarding name changes
- data-blocks worked on by multiple modules are not easily mergeable
- python scripts are accumulated with .### notation
## Potential features
- Outsourcing the mesh data to the .modeling file and transferring rigging data by vertex order
- Overwriting modifier settings relevant for shading from the .shading file (e.g. mirrored UVs)

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# Asset Publishing
::: warning Legacy Documentation
This is a legacy document originally written by Andy in 2019 as part of the Spring production retrospective.
**In a nutshell, a publish is the outcome of a process or task.** We introduce publishing into our workflow for the following reasons:
- Formalizing what the output of a given task is.
- Separate working versions from used assets to keep files lighter and to remove confusing content that might be relevant to the working conditions in the file, but not for the next step in the production chain.
- File consistency checks to keep files cleaner
There are different possible scenarios to implement this in our work:
- Simplest way: Copy to new location with check and file cleanup for keeping file sizes to a minimum.
- For libraries: Push individual asset to larger collection file.
- More complicated way: Merge files which are associated with the same asset together into the final linkable asset.
There is no direct link to files that are being worked on.
# Possible Applications
Most studios use publishing as a form of version control. Since we currently use SVN for that (which does not scale well for larger productions) it's not immediately necessary to create a full fledged publishing system.
To serve as a testing ground, we can limit this to the following tasks and find out where it can be useful in the future. This can also be limited to hero assets that have a more complicated creation process.
## Characters
Task result: link-able asset file with collections.
## Pose library
Task result: Action datablock that can be referenced from animation files.
## Props, envs and sets
Task result: link-able asset file with collections.
# File cleanup
The goal is to remove clutter from files and reduce file-size and loading time. Prevent missing textures and links to files which are not in the project.
- remove orphan data from file.
- remove lights and world.
- remove animation data not associated with drivers and pose libs.
- detect paths outside the project tree (and not /render). Links to /shared are cleaned as well.
- remove collections that are used as helpers, do not deform and are not rendered.

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# Attract improvements
::: warning Legacy Documentation
This is a legacy document originally written by Andy in 2019 as part of the Spring production retrospective.
# General goals of Attract
- Define and manage shots and film assets
- Create the relationships between shots, assets and tasks
- Task status tracking and communication both with internal and external entities
- Scheduling of tasks
- Assist with communication of external and internal team members (Review, feedback)
# During project pre-production and set-up
Attract is a communication tool. It holds and displays information relevant to production, its core elements and tasks people have to accomplish.
The following section tries to break down the usage of Attract in production, roughly in chronological order.
![Pre Production Timeline](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/pre_production_timeline.png)
### Project definition
At the top in the hierarchy lies the project that needs to be managed. It contains relevant information which trickles down to each individual component such as:
- Frames per second
- Resolution
- Start frame (preroll) of each shot file.
- Frame Handles of each shot file.
- Viewport render presets
- Render presets
- Other Pipeline definitions
- file paths relative to project root
- absolute file paths
- naming conventions
- more
![Project Structure](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/project_structure.png)
*A project contains these items. Shots are associated with sequences. Assets are specific to each project. Tasks can be completely separate or be associated with a shot (layout, animation, lighting, etc.) or an asset (modeling, shading, rigging, etc.)*
### Editorial
While the movie is in its early stages, we already set up the **edit.blend** file. This is the starting point for Attract to know which sequences and shots are in the project. The edit defines order of shots and their length. This already works in the Blender Cloud add-on.
**We know:**
- Shot numbers
- Length or each shot
- Order of shots
- Sequences associated with shots.
### Breakdown
Once the **edit** is live, more items in the project can be defined in the web interface of Attract:
- What assets do we need
- Tasks for each asset
- People associated with the tasks
- Time-frame for tasks
- Shot details
- Which shot is associated with which assets
- Tasks for each shot
- Time estimation of each shot task
### Asset Creation
Once we have a list of assets, the asset itself can become a 'real' file within our production repository. Also the asset definition on Attract can communicate more details:
- Which files (collections, objects, materials) are associated with an asset.
- Variations, revisions and views
### Shot file building
Attract could provide a simple interface for creating shot files in an automated fashion. This file can be derived from predetermined templates (e.g. blend files) which can differ based on the sequence and task type.
![Shot Builder](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/shot_builder_flow.png)
### Sequence template
Typically, movie sequences differ on their environment and which characters are in them. On Spring we tried to split up the film sequences roughly based on locations. In practice, sequence templates don't define how the file is set up, but **what** can be in it.
- They define a set of assets that are needed in each shot of the sequence
- If needed there can be more than one template for a sequence.
- Two sequences can also use the same template (e.g. in *Spring,* shots from *06-stampede* started out from the same assets as *07-rescue*)
- shots can take sequence definitions as preset but are not tied to them. In the above mock up, they would just define which checks are set when the template is loaded, but users can add or remove assets.
### Task template
Files can be configured differently depending on a task. The task template defines **how** it is set up exactly. Some examples:
- Flatter collection hierarchy for more (and faster) control over what is visible. Each character has their own collection to control visibility. Props are split into their own collections. Rigs have their own collections as well.
- Sequence editor is set up with the latest layout render of the shot.
- Scene is set to use eevee as render engine for viewport renders on the farm.
- Lighting setup for playblasting
- More generalized collection layout (characters, props, set elements, lighting, cache, etc)
- Cycles as render engine with general render presets already set as a starting point.
- Master lighting from sequence is already linked in.
# During production cycles
![Shot Builder](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/production_timeline_2.png)
During production Attract becomes the main landing page relevant information. The artists have to see at a glance:
- Which tasks are assigned to them
- What is their status?
- Overview of the deadlines
- What other tasks depend on their work
- What are crucial notes and requested changes
- Easy access to review process
Some initial ideas for organizing the interface better to help with people's day-to-day work. We have to make more detailed research on what artists need from Attract that can benefit their workflow. A big criteria is that filtering and searching of tasks should be possible with a range of customization.
## User dashboard
The landing page for the user. Displays a list of the user's current tasks and notifications. It should be possible to filter at least by type, due date and status.
![Attract Dashboard](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/attract_dashboard.png)
## Shot list
This is currently the main view of Attract: A list of all the shots in a film and their associated tasks. In the future they should be further grouped by sequences, the grouping can be collapsed. Once shots get more tasks the overview becomes very cluttered in the current layout. Hence, details of tasks and discussions should be moved to their own page.
![Attract Shot List](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/attract_shot_list.png)
## Asset list
List of all the assets and their associated tasks, grouped by asset type.
![Attract Shot List](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/attract_asset_list.png)
## Task page
Detailed info on the task. Discussion and task related dependencies (what tasks does a shot depend on for finalizing).
![Attract Shot List](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/attract_task_page.png)
## Contact sheet
A very simple page that shows a current rendered thumbnail for each individual shot in front of dark grey background. This helps the lighting team to improve the continuity of their work.
![Attract Shot List](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/attract_contact_sheet.png)

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# Pipeline proposal 2019
::: warning Legacy Documentation
This is a legacy document originally written by Andy in 2019 as part of the Spring production retrospective.
This is a proposal of what we can do in the near future to make film production in our studio smoother. It's clear that with our limited resources we cannot implement absolutely every method. Hence, we are first going to focus on optimizing our main production cycles.
Everything noted here should be possible with the current version (with minor improvements and fixes). To handle the complexities of a production, some development needs to happen in the override system.
The graphic below simplifies the production timeline significantly for the sake of clearer communication. We can separate production into two parts: **Asset creation** (chars, props, libs and sets) and **Shot production cycles** (layout, shot building, animation, lighting, etc).
![Production Timeline](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/production_timeline.png)
Layout and story-boarding are currently left out as a target of this proposal*,* developing a robust layout workflow requires additional work. We currently assume that layout is done per-sequence like in *Spring* and delivered as a series of edited shots or grease-pencil files.
This document aims to improve our efficiency during shot cycles by also addressing issues during set-up during pre-production and asset creation.
# The main issues
Here are the main problems we faced in the past in the most generalized way possible.
## Too much manual work
Artists should focus on the quality and the artistic goals of their everyday work, not the technical aspects. Manual naming and set-up of files have in the past left a lot of room for human errors that trickle down the process. Since our staff is limited, this manual work has been responsible for numerous bottlenecks. Manual labour currently includes (but isn't limited to):
- Shot creation
- Naming of assets, scenes, shots, takes
- Play-blasting of animation to multiple locations for approval and passing-along
- Setting names for directories
- Keeping track of assets statuses
- Browsing assets and linking
- Passing animation data along to lighting
- Keeping layout cameras synchronized with sets and shots
- Synchronizing constraints and relationships between objects in animation, simulation and lighting.
## Unclear communication and approval process
There has not been a single place to track the planning of production related tasks. Attract is meant to fill in that role, but still has limited functionality that needs the be expanded. For projects with around 8 people on-site it is already vital to have a communication tool to keep track of each person's jobs, reviewing work and pushing it further into the next department. It gets more tricky once people are off-site, on different time zones and cannot communicate in real-time.
- pushing tasks to next line of the process depends on direct communication
- extra overhead with external team members
- review is not streamlined for quick access
- order of production steps is not clearly defined and optimized (see Spring anim post mortem)
- There should be a clear responsibility per task. (see Coffee Run 2K issue)
## Work files and results are mixed together
For the past 10 years, Open Movie productions have heavily relied on linking rigged characters and assets directly into shots. Updates in the process always trickle down instantly. This make changes more immediate, but can also break files very often. A change in an asset can make partial re-renders of shots impossible. If the rigger breaks the rig with a commit, the animator cannot work and is interrupted until the file is either reverted or fixed. The question is whether the benefits of direct linking outweigh the delays caused by broken files.
## Scaling up
As a result of the points mentioned above, it is very difficult to scale up our current production methods to accommodate for productions larger than 50 shots. This proposal aims for letting us handle multiple productions with more than 100 shots each. We should aim to make it robust enough to handle a feature film production.
# Proposed solutions
Here are some of the possible improvements. Jump to the sub-pages to read more.
## Improved production tracking
Communication is the most important task during a production. By improving our task tracking tool *Attract* we can make sure that there is a basic tool set for people to know what they have to do, how much time they have for it, and what the context of their work is.
Sharing our production tools is the main business model of the Blender Cloud, it is very important that we give this goal a higher priority.
[Attract improvements](attract-improvements)
## Automation
We have to make clearer steps towards automating tasks that require a higher degree of precision. Also repetitive jobs like creating files for people to edit (e.g. anim prep) or cleaning up scenes can easily be done by scripts and add-ons.
We should also strive to automate communication tools like reviewing rendered media; an animator should not have to worry about where to save a play-blast (or create the location if necessary), they only have to initiate it, but then the system takes care of storing it and notifying the reviewers.
[Task Companion Add-on](task-companion-add-on)
## Caching animation
In the past we have exclusively relied on Blender's linking system to bring animated characters into a file where they can be lit and rendered. Linking of data-blocks in and between scene files is one of the strengths of Blender and should still be used to its full potential in the future. However, when everything is linked, everything can change and break at once. At some point the links have to be broken to produce repeatable operations.
Using either Alembic or USD to write animation data to caches means we can keep shading and grooming linked, but we do not rely on the rig or constraints set up by the animator. Once animation in a shot has been approved, it can be cached to be reliably repeatable during rendering.
[Shot caching](shot-caching/introduction)
## Publishing
It's a common concept in the industry and means more than just committing your changes to SVN. We should still keep our files version controlled, but introduce an additional step at the end to 'publish' the changes made.
Published assets exist next to version controlled working files. This makes it easier to **pinpoint outputs of tasks**. The artist clearly defines when their work is pushed forward in the process.
[Asset Publishing](asset-publishing/introduction))

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# Proof of concept Add-on
::: warning Legacy Documentation
This is a legacy document originally written by Andy in 2019 as part of the Spring production retrospective.
This is a proof of concept for a more streamlined caching workflow. It also addresses some shortcomings of Blender's current cache system, namely the lack of property animation.
![Shot Builder](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/cache_tool.mp4)
This work is largely based on the research below:
* [Caching Workflow User Stories](user-stories.md)
* [Structural Ideas](structural-ideas.md)

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# Shot caching
::: warning Legacy Documentation
This is a legacy document originally written by Andy in 2019 as part of the Spring production retrospective.
Currently Alembic caching is limited to deformed meshes and position of objects. Hair is not fully implemented as the resulting hair curves cannot be handled by Blender's particle system. That means, it's not possible to simulate or use the more advanced shading parameters of particle hair geometry in Cycles.
This is a proposal of how to handle caching of animated characters, while at the same time enabling us to simulate the hair in the conventional way.
![Shot Builder](/media/archive/pipeline-proposal-2019/shot_caching.png)
### Animation file
1. Animator chooses which characters or props to cache
2. Subsurf is disabled on all objects in the asset
3. For each asset (char, prop), one cache file is created per shot
4. in the caching options, hair curves should be disabled.
5. The renderfarm generates a play-blast of the shot together with cache and puts each into the right directory.
### Simulation file
1. Sim-file links in hair emitter meshes that need to be simulated
2. Hair emitters get stripped of all deforming modifiers
3. Add mesh sequence cache modifier on hair emitter mesh in place of the previous deforming modifiers and load the animation cache into it.
4. Subsurf modifier is retained, has to be at the same resolution as render level for sim bake (!)
5. Do hair dynamics bake, perform to disk cache (to /render), results in a directory full of bphys files.
### Lighting file
1. Link all assets that were originally cached in anim file as full collection hierarchies
2. Make all objects local (only objects, material updates should thus be still reflected in the file). (Or use Overrides once possible).
3. Strip objects of all deforming modifiers.
4. Add mesh sequence cache on all objects before subsurf, hair particles should still be intact
5. On hair systems that were simulated, check 'hair dynamics' and load the bphys cache from render
6. This should result in the render meshes following the abc cache and particle systems following the bpys cache.
More notes and research on how we can do caching currently:
[Proof of concept Add-on](https://www.notion.so/Proof-of-concept-Add-on-7f7b3686ab234c6f9daa54ff1db07c48)
[Issues and show-stoppers in Blender](https://www.notion.so/Issues-and-show-stoppers-in-Blender-de90bbaed4cc4580a4462cfd2f7f6c4c)

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# Issues and show-stoppers in Blender
::: warning Legacy Documentation
This is a legacy document originally written by Andy in 2019 as part of the Spring production retrospective.
- Materials need to exist (appended or linked) in blend file before alembic import so names can be matched (could also be an automated post process)
- *Sybrens idea: have some way to automatically (re)map materials based on name, and/or auto-create dummy materials otherwise. Still TBD.*
- Hair curves support of intercept and UV maps not clear (or non-existent)
- Particle hair currently lags one frame behind playback (and render)
- Blenders hair simulation system does not support sim from alembic cache
- We have to find a workaround for simulating hair, alembic curves (result of anim export) cannot be simulated
- No support for caching animated values (camera cache, driven material values)
- *Design task in [T69046](https://developer.blender.org/T69046)*

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# Structural Ideas
::: warning Legacy Documentation
This is a legacy document originally written by Andy in 2019 as part of the Spring production retrospective.
**Anim.cache.view**: exactly what the animator sees during animation. Good for faster playblasts (e.g. when there are groups of chars in a shot) and verifying correct bake (debugging).
**Anim.cache.sim**: Only objects that are needed to create interaction during sim (collision, flow,..._)
**Anim.cache.lighting**: Similar to render but with less dense geo and less hair (faster viewport feedback during lighting)
**Anim.cache.render**: geometry used in final rendering. Hair particles at final density
- Could be possible to put this data all in one cache file, and only read certain parts of it. Or even create collections in import to manage their visibility.
- Alternatively there could only be .view and .render caches.
- Lighting file then needs a way to simplify .render cache for faster viewport performance.
- Writing performance is important. We might not want to generate the entire high res cache when only sim interaction objects are needed for example.
### Ideas on structuring character assets
This time they may need to be structured in a certain way to allow for caching different parts of the asset.
Collection layout could be:
### Anim file creation notes (unrelated to caching)
- How to handle collection visibility in anim file?
- In the past animators found collection setup confusing, they need simplicity and less items in subcollections.
- Char e.g. should only consist of 2 elements: geo and rig. Easier for animator to handle
- Is it possible to create automatic overrides without having to instance the collection
- Select collection instance -> Make Library Override is currently the only way
- Caches should be linked to SVN revision or at least we should be able to identify where it came from in the history
- The animator is not allowed to move collections within the main asset hierarchy which is linked into the blend file. Otherwise the override fails to update in the future
- We have to be careful how overrides are made. If it happens without purging orphan data in the blend file, it can happen that objects get different names (numbering with .002, etc). In that case, alembic import will most likely fail to match names. (e.g. if an existing cache is re-exported but with different object naming)
### Lighting File and rendering notes
- How to put linked materials back on ABC import?
- works: link in materials, import alembic
- Hair material is left out
- Cycles visibility needs to be restored in imported objects
- For example, victors corneas were set to only render in camera. This avoids shadow casting on the eyeball. On import victors eyes were black because visibility wasnt set.
- Particles are currently still lagging one frame behind
- Are ABC curves rendered as cycles hair?
- What about intercept, parent mesh UV, etc
- Render resolution is used by default, needs automation before export to cache different resolutions
- Vertex group and face sets should be on in export to make materials work properly
- Camera cache needs animation of properties
- How are material drivers (rig influences shading) handled?
- Hair curves do not get emitted from render resolution mesh if export caps subdivision at 0. This causes issues with dense, short fur for example. The origin of the particle has to be on the high res mesh
- Animation cache can exclude particle hair
- Blenders hair system does not work with cached hair

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# Caching workflow user stories
::: warning Legacy Documentation
This is a legacy document originally written by Andy in 2019 as part of the Spring production retrospective.
This is a list of potential ways of caching an animation to Alembic and then reading it back from another file.
## Without hair cache
### Anim file
1. Animator chooses which characters or props to cache
2. Subsurf is disabled on all objects in the asset
3. For each asset (char, prop), one cache file is created per shot
4. Farm generates playblast of the shot together with cache and puts each into the right directory
### Lighting File
1. Lighting file is set up and is aware what assets are associated with its shot
2. Materials from assets get linked in from original asset files so they get applied correctly on objects
3. Caches get imported into lighting file
4. Restore collection hierarchy from asset files
5. Restore object cycles visibility from asset files
6. Restore Subsurf modifiers
7. Lighting artist can choose whether they want to see low res preview or final render resolution assets
### Sim File
1. Simulation file loads sim interaction cache (for example to let hair collide with head. Or smoke collide with character)
2. Sim artist defines influence of cache objects in scene
3. Export sim cache to shot folder location
### Lighting File
1. Import sim cache into lighting file.
*Note that this example does not include hair simulation. This cannot be done with alembic currently. In order to enable hair sim, emitters need to be cached, then the particle data has to be transferred back. After that, blender can simulate the hair to its own internal cache system. The resulting sim can be linked to lighting as a collection.*
## Alternate solution for using simulated hair in the lighting stage
### Sim File
- Link character collection from the animation file
- make hair particle emitters local (on object level) and enable hair dynamics
- add force fields and effectors and do the simulation
- bake the sim into blender's hair sim cache
## Very Adventurous Cache Method That Might Work ™
This is the short version without putting objects into collections. All the steps can be automated for more convenience. Needs further research to see if particles deform correctly with subsurf cache objects.
### Anim file
1. Cache is written from anim file as usual (select objects to cache, export ABC) all on subsurf 0
### Sim File
1. sim file links in hair emitter meshes that need to be simulated
2. hair emitters get stripped of all deforming modifiers
3. subsurf modifier is retained, has to be at the same resolution as render level for sim bake (!)
4. Do hair dynamics bake, perform to disk cache (to render), results in a directory full of bphys files.
### Lighting File
1. lighting file links all objects that were originally cached in anim file
2. make all objects local (only objects, material updates should thus be still reflected in the file)
3. strip objects of all deforming modifiers
4. add mesh sequence cache on all objects before subsurf, hair particles should still be intact
5. on hair systems that were simulated, check 'hair dynamics' and load the bphys cache from render
6. this should result in the render meshes following the abc cache and particle systems following the bpys cache.

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# Task companion add-on
::: warning Legacy Documentation
This is a legacy document originally written by Andy in 2019 as part of the Spring production retrospective.
We need an add-on that adapts to the current task an artist has to work on. On *Spring* and *Agent* this used to be called *Shot Tool,* it was only used for building shot files and for automation during lighting.
For the near future we should have a more general **tool that assists artist during their task.** The tool needs to be aware of what the purpose of the currently opened file is, and which task it is associated with. For this purpose it has to connect to Attract like the Blender Cloud add-on (it could also be included in it).
**Task awareness:**
- Asset editing, animation and lighting require slightly different working methods
- Is the current file a library asset file or a shot file
- File paths associated with the task
- Naming and collection hierarchy conventions
**Shot awareness:**
- Which shot is this file associated with
- Which assets are currently used/needed in this shot
- Which assets need to be cached (and where they go to)
- What is the output of the specific shot task (cache, collection, etc) and where does it go.
# Task context
This is how the helper add-on can change based on the context.
## Asset editing
- Conform objects to naming conventions
- Create collections to set up asset variations/LODs
- Push latest render to Attract asset page for feedback.
- Publishing of the asset.
- File integrity check
## General shot context
- Fetch frame start and end updates from Attract if they have changed
- check correct file naming and output paths
- Quick access to assets that need to be linked in manually.
- Provide interface for manual switching of assets (variations/LODs)
- File cleanup
## Animation
- Creating a playblast for review.
→ Renders animation with eevee on the farm. Puts output to shot footage directory and posts it on task page in Attract for review)
- Shot publish
→ Cache animation to Alembic. Create Eevee render and put into shot footage directory.
## Simulation
- Set output directories based on type of simulation and cache
## Lighting
- loading animation caches.
- updating to newer publish of caches
- Setting render defaults
- Push latest render to contact sheet in Attract
## Editorial
- Current Blender Cloud add-on functionality (managing and sending shot definitions to Attract)
- Load shots as new clips from shared directory
- Replace shots/versions/iterations
## Shot review
- Load animation to be reviewed from Attract
- Send rendered clip (with annotations) as attachment to the relevant task page on Attract

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# Workstation System Maintenance
## How to Update Build Server & Clients
To update Client Workstations; the Build Server will pull all of the latest changes from the [main gentoo repository](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Ebuild_repository#:~:text=The%20Gentoo%20ebuild%20repository%20is%20the%20main%20ebuild%20repository%20for,to%20be%20available%20to%20Portage.) and compile a system update. When done, it will ask if you want to push out the compiled changes to the clients. The clients ask for updates to be pushed from the build server every five minutes. If the build server signals that there are updates, the clients will perform a sync, downloading the compiled packages from the build server and installing all updated packages.
1. `ssh user@build-server-addr` connect to your build server via ssh
2. Use `su` to Login as root or login as root directly
3. `cd` to change directory to the root home folder
4. Run `./update_build_server.sh`
## Update custom package recipes on Build Server
Some applications on Blender Studio workstations are not included in the main Gentoo repository
and are instead sourced from an external repository. To learn more about how external repositories
are used in Gentoo see the [Gentoo Handbook](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Ebuild_repository#Repository_synchronization). This is known as an overlay repository
[Blender Studio Overlay Repo](https://projects.blender.org/ZedDB/blender-studio-overlay). To update the recipe for an existing package in an overlay repo follow the steps below.
1. Commit changes to the package recipes on the [Blender Studio Overlay Repo](https://projects.blender.org/ZedDB/blender-studio-overlay)
2. `ssh user@build-server-addr` connect to your build server via ssh
3. Update the package recipes on the Build Server `emaint sync --repo blender-studio-overlay`
Once an update of the recipe is complete any affected packages can be installed our updated by following the [Installing Packages on Build Server](/gentoo/td/maintaince#installing-packages-on-build-server) guide.
## Installing Packages on Build Server
Packages need to be compiled on the Build Server and marked with a date to be able to discovered by the workstations. Follow the below steps to install/update a package on the build server.
1. `ssh user@build-server-addr` connect to your build server via ssh
2. Use `su` to Login as root or login as root directly
3. Run `emerge --oneshot {package-name}` to update a live package.
- Run `emerge --oneshot blender-studio-tools` to update the studio Add-ons
4. Run `~/signal_updates.sh` to mark this update as the latest
::: info Info
The command `emerge --oneshot {package-name}` compiles package, but does not add the packages to the [@world](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/World_set_(Portage)), this means these packages will be removed when running `--depclean`.. We add this because these packages are already pulled in by another set. So we dont want to add it again to the @world set. To learn more visit the [Gentoo Handbook](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Emerge#:~:text=fetchonly%20%2D%2Demptytree%20%40world-,Do%20not%20add%20dependencies%20to%20the%20world%20file,-If%20a%20dependency)
## Manually Update the Blender daily build
If you want to manually update the Blender daily build on the computers you:
1. `ssh user@build-server-addr` connect to your build server via ssh
2. Use `su` to Login as root or login as root directly
3. Run `emerge --oneshot blender-bin` to download the current daily build from https://builder.blender.org/download/daily/.
4. Run `~/signal_updates.sh` to let the client computers know they should update
::: info How to specify a specific daily build
If you want to deploy a specific daily build version from the daily archive (https://builder.blender.org/download/daily/archive/),
then you can do the following:
1. Get the URL for the .tar file you want to deploy.
2. Assign the URL to the bash variable `BLENDER_BIN_URL`
For example:
`BLENDER_BIN_URL=https://url.to.the.blender-daily-build.tar.xz emerge -1 blender-bin`
## Update Local Add-Ons
Add-Ons are locally stored in the following directories; `/usr/share/flamenco` and `/usr/share/blender_studio_tools`. These are updated by running the following commands. These directories are automatically updated daily by the Gentoo package manager.
Note that the Flamenco package installs and updates the addon, manager, and worker per default.
emerge -1 blender-studio-tools
emerge -1 flamenco
### How to update to specific version?
In some cases, users may want to specify what version of an add-on to deploy. Users can accomplish this using `eclass` variables found in the [Gentoo Devmanual](https://devmanual.gentoo.org/eclass-reference/git-r3.eclass/index.html#:~:text=more%20creative%20ways.-,EGIT_BRANCH,-The%20branch%20name).
- Run `EGIT_COMMIT=<hash> emerge {package-name}` to update to a specific commit
- Run `EGIT_BRANCH=<branch> emerge {package-name}` to update to a specific branch
- Run `EGIT_COMMIT=<hash> EGIT_BRANCH=<branch> emerge {package-name}` to update to a specific commit with in a specific branch
## Wake on LAN
Wake on LAN is used turn on computers from a "low power" or sleeping state so they can be updated. Wake on LAN uses the hardware information provided by the clients to immediately wake up all that are currently offline. The following guide covers how to parse the hardware info sent by client computers and to use that information to wake any sleeping computers via Wake on LAN.
::: info Will Computers Turn Off after updating?
If this is used in combination with a system update, the client computers will turn off after the system update has completed. (Unless any users are logged into the system when the update finishes).
1. `ssh user@build-server-addr` connect to your build server via ssh
2. Use `su` to Login as root or login as root directly
3. `cd` to change directory to the root home folder
4. `mkdir comps` To create a folder to store parsed client hardware info if none exists
5. `parse_output.py /var/studio_scripts/hw_data/* comps/` to parse client hardware info
6. Run `./wol_shared_comps.py comps/*` to wake any computers that are asleep

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# Introduction
The workstation section will cover the setup/maintenance of workstations in the Blende Studio Pipeline. This section is intended for IT Professionals, Technical Directors or any technically inclined members of a studio's team. The following is a brief overview of the workstation eco-system.
# Overview
Blender Studio workstations use the [Gentoo](https://www.gentoo.org/) Operating system. It is a source based distribution, which means you download the source code for every package and compile it yourself. The advantage of Gentoo is that we can much more easily interact with source code and upstream projects. To learn about how to work with Gentoo see the [Gentoo Handbook](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64)
The Gentoo package manager allows a single computer to compile and serve pre-built packages to a network of computers, this can be useful in a studio environment. This server is called the "Build Server" which provides software to the client systems.
Here is an overview of how we deploy Gentoo at the Blender Studio:
![Gentoo Overview](/media/td-guide/server/gentoo_server_overview.png)
|**IPXE File Host**| This is simple a http server that hosts boot images. [IPXE](https://ipxe.org/) is a network based boot loader that can boot over the network|
|**Gentoo Build Server**|Server that serves pre-built packages to a network of computers. It also keeps track of client hardware info and client update error logs|
|**Client System**|Workstations for users within the studio that receive software & updates from Build Server|
::: info Note
Clients do not strictly depend on the Build Server. The build server can be unavailable and all clients will still be able to install packages and work as normal. They will simply not receive any automatic updates or download any precompiled packages if the build server is down.
After the install process is done, the IPXE file host is only needed for reinstalls or if any of them wants to access it for running MemTest or any other utilities hosted there.

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# Render Farm
This page contains instructions on how to update the [Flamenco](https://flamenco.blender.org/) render farm deployed at the Blender Studio. Most if not all studio computers will run Gentoo. The "Non Gentoo" computer section is for computers not managed directly by the studio.
::: info Note
This assumes that you are on the same local network as the other computers on the render farm.
## Non Gentoo workstation computers
To update Flamenco, you will need to run the `deploy.sh` on the Flamenco Manager.
This will update the manager, worker, and add-on on the non Gentoo computers.
After the `deploy.sh` has finished, you need to restart the workers from the manager webUI.
::: warning Extra credentials needed
Note to complete the following steps you need the correct SSH key to access the Flamenco Manager.
Contact your Flamenco administrator to retrieve the SSH key.
### Workers
1. Run the `deploy.sh` script from the Flamenco [git repo](https://projects.blender.org/studio/flamenco) on the Flamenco Manager
2. Go to the manager [webui](http://flamenco.farm.blender/app/workers)
3. Select the workers you want to restart.
4. Choose one of the "Restart" options in the menu, and press Apply.
5. The workers are configured to automatically start again after they've been shut down from the web interface.
<details><summary>If that doesn't work, click here for an alternative method</summary>
::: info How to restart the worker without the manager
1. ssh into the computer that is having issues restarting the worker
2. Run the following command: `sudo systemctl restart flamenco-worker`
3. Keep an eye on the Flamenco Manager web interface. It should show the worker is offline, and then it should become available again.
### Add-on
The Blender add-on also needs to be reloaded, make sure that Blender is restarted on the affected computers.
## Gentoo workstations
This section will only provide a quick rundown of how to update the Flamenco package that is part of the Render Farm setup.
For more details and how to update other packages, see the [Maintenance](/gentoo/td/maintaince) page.
::: info Note
The Flamenco package should already have the correct [USE flags](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Working/USE) configured.
However if you want to inspect what USE flags the current install has, you can use `eix flamenco`.
This should tell you if the manager, worker, and/or add-on is included in the package deployment.
### How to update the Flamenco package
To update the workers on the workstations, you need to:
1. SSH to the build server `ssh user@build-server-addr`
2. Use `su` to login as root directly
3. Run `emerge --oneshot flamenco` to update the [Flamenco](https://flamenco.blender.org/) worker/add-on
4. Run `~/signal_updates.sh` to signal to all workstations that there are updates available
### Workers
You need to manually restart the workers from the webui after the Flamenco package has been updated
1. Go to the manager [webui](http://flamenco.farm.blender/app/workers)
2. Select the workers you want to restart.
3. Choose one of the "Restart" options in the menu, and press Apply.
4. The workers are configured to automatically start again after they've been shut down from the web interface.
<details><summary>If that doesn't work, click here for an alternative method</summary>
::: info How to restart the worker without the manager
1. ssh into the computer that is having issues restarting the worker and become root
2. Run the following command: `rc-service flamenco-worker -s restart`
3. Keep an eye on the Flamenco Manager web interface. It should show the worker is offline, and then it should become available again.
### Manager
If any of the Gentoo computers is running the manager, it can be restarted on that computer with:
`rc-service flamenco-manager -s restart`
Note that the manager is not deployed by default. It is only deployed if `manager` [USE flag](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Working/USE) has been turned on.
### Add-on
The Blender add-on also needs to be reloaded, make sure that Blender is restarted on the affected computers.

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hero: hero:
name: "Blender Studio Pipeline and Tools" name: "Blender Studio Pipeline and Tools"
tagline: "Sharing production knowledge based on the Blender open movie projects. Welcome to the official documentation of the Blender-centric pipeline." tagline: "Documentation for the Blender Studio pipeline and tools."
actions: actions:
- theme: brand - theme: brand
text: Get Started text: Get Started
link: /pipeline-overview/introduction link: /pipeline-overview/introduction
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text: User Guide text: User Guide
link: /user-guide/project_tools/project-overview link: /user-guide/project-setup
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