196 lines
6.2 KiB
196 lines
6.2 KiB
import re
from django import forms
from django.contrib import admin
import nested_admin
from looper.admin.filters import ChoicesFieldListWithEmptyFilter
from common.form_fields import S3DirectFileField, S3DirectFileFieldWidget
from common.mixins import AdminUserDefaultMixin
from static_assets.models import static_assets, licenses
import common.storage
re_content_disp = re.compile(r'attachment;\s+filename="([^"]+)"')
class LicenseAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
prepopulated_fields = {'slug': ('name',)}
class ImageInline(nested_admin.NestedTabularInline):
model = static_assets.Image
show_change_link = True
extra = 0
max_num = 1
class VideoVariationInline(nested_admin.NestedTabularInline):
model = static_assets.VideoVariation
show_change_link = True
extra = 0
class VideoTrackInline(nested_admin.NestedTabularInline):
model = static_assets.VideoTrack
show_change_link = True
extra = 0
class VideoInline(nested_admin.NestedTabularInline):
model = static_assets.Video
inlines = [VideoVariationInline, VideoTrackInline]
show_change_link = True
extra = 0
readonly_fields = ['play_count']
class StaticAssetAdmin(AdminUserDefaultMixin, nested_admin.NestedModelAdmin):
save_on_top = True
actions = ['process_videos', 'transcribe_videos']
inlines = [ImageInline, VideoInline]
autocomplete_fields = ['user', 'author', 'contributors']
list_display = [
fieldsets = (
'fields': [
('source_type', 'content_type'),
('user', 'author', 'contributors'),
('date_created', 'view_count', 'download_count'),
'If you are uploading an image or a video',
'fields': (),
'description': 'The fields below depend on the source type of the uploaded '
'asset. Add an <strong>Image</strong> if you are uploading an '
'image, or a <strong>Video</strong> for video uploads.',
list_filter = [
('video__tracks__language', ChoicesFieldListWithEmptyFilter),
search_fields = [
readonly_fields = [
class _Form(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
field_classes = {'source': S3DirectFileField}
# For some reason defining S3DirectFileField.widget isn't enough:
# it gets overriden by default UploadInput in the admin.
widgets = {'source': S3DirectFileFieldWidget(dest='default')}
def clean(self, *args, **kwargs):
_ = super().clean(*args, **kwargs)
source = self.cleaned_data.get('source')
if source:
headers = common.storage.file_head(source)
content_disposition = headers.get('ContentDisposition')
if content_disposition:
name_found = re_content_disp.match(content_disposition)
if name_found:
original_filename = name_found.groups()[0]
self.cleaned_data['original_filename'] = original_filename
return _
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
original_filename = self.cleaned_data.get('original_filename')
if original_filename:
self.instance.original_filename = original_filename
return super().save(*args, **kwargs)
form = _Form
def process_videos(self, request, queryset):
"""For each asset, process all videos attached if available."""
videos_processing_count = 0
for a in queryset:
videos_processing_count += 1
if videos_processing_count == 0:
message_bit = "No video is"
elif videos_processing_count == 1:
message_bit = "1 video is"
message_bit = "%s videos are" % videos_processing_count
self.message_user(request, "%s processing." % message_bit)
process_videos.short_description = "Process videos for selected assets"
def transcribe_videos(self, request, queryset):
"""For each asset, transcribe all videos attached if available."""
videos_transcribing_count = 0
for a in queryset:
videos_transcribing_count += 1
if videos_transcribing_count == 0:
message_bit = "No video is"
elif videos_transcribing_count == 1:
message_bit = "1 video is"
message_bit = "%s videos are" % videos_transcribing_count
self.message_user(request, "%s transcribing." % message_bit)
transcribe_videos.short_description = "Transcribe videos for selected assets"
def has_tracks(self, obj):
"""Display yes/no icon indicating that this is a video with tracks.
Checks if track files actually exist in storage (e.g. by calling AWS S3).
if obj.video is None:
return None
return any(
track.source.storage.exists(track.source.name) for track in obj.video.tracks.all()
has_tracks.boolean = True
class VideoTrackAdmin(nested_admin.NestedModelAdmin):
list_display = ('id', 'video', 'language')
readonly_fields = ['video']