
119 lines
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"""Commonly used API serializers."""
from django.conf import settings
from django.urls.base import reverse
from rest_framework import relations
from rest_framework import serializers
def make_absolute_url(url: str) -> str:
"""Turn a host-absolute URL into a fully absolute URL.
For simplicity, assumes we're using HTTPS, unless in DEBUG mode,
and not running on some URL prefix.
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from urllib.parse import urljoin
site: Site = Site.objects.get_current()
return urljoin(f'http{not settings.DEBUG and "s" or ""}://{site.domain}/', url)
class IdManyRelatedField(serializers.ManyRelatedField):
"""Append an "_ids" suffix to names of m2m related fields."""
field_name_suffix = '_ids'
def bind(self, field_name, parent):
"""Bind the field is bound to the serializer.
Changes the source so that the original field name is used
(removes the "_ids" suffix).
self.source = field_name[: -len(self.field_name_suffix)]
super().bind(field_name, parent)
class IdPrimaryKeyRelatedField(serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField):
"""Append an "_id" suffix to names of related fields.
Only works together the IdModelSerializer.
many_related_field_class = IdManyRelatedField
field_name_suffix = '_id'
def many_init(cls, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: D102
list_kwargs = {'child_relation': cls(*args, **kwargs)}
for key in kwargs:
if key in relations.MANY_RELATION_KWARGS:
list_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key]
return cls.many_related_field_class(**list_kwargs)
def bind(self, field_name, parent):
"""Bind the field is bound to the serializer.
Changes the source so that the original field name is used
(removes the "_id" suffix).
if field_name:
self.source = field_name[: -len(self.field_name_suffix)]
super().bind(field_name, parent)
class IdModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
"""Change field names of related fields to FIELD_NAME_id/_ids."""
serializer_related_field = IdPrimaryKeyRelatedField
admin_url = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
view_on_site_url = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
def get_admin_url(self, obj):
"""Return an absolute admin URL of the object."""
url_name = f'admin:{obj._meta.app_label}_{obj.__class__.__name__.lower()}_change'
return make_absolute_url(reverse(url_name, args=[]))
def get_view_on_site_url(self, obj):
"""Return an absolute URL to the objects on the Studio website."""
obj_url = None
if hasattr(obj, 'get_absolute_url'):
obj_url = obj.get_absolute_url()
elif hasattr(obj, 'url'):
obj_url = obj.url
if not obj_url:
return None
return make_absolute_url(obj_url)
def get_fields(self): # noqa: D102
fields = super().get_fields()
new_fields = type(fields)()
for field_name, field in fields.items():
field_name += field.field_name_suffix
except AttributeError:
new_fields[field_name] = field
return new_fields
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set some field flags in bulk, override some widgets in API docs.
Handles the following new Meta attributes:
writable_fields: list of writable field names
raw_id_fields: list, overrides heavy selects with simple inputs in API docs
labels: dict, overrides field labels in API docs
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
meta = self.__class__.Meta
for field in self.fields:
if hasattr(meta, 'writable_fields') and field not in meta.writable_fields:
self.fields[field].read_only = True
if hasattr(meta, 'labels') and field in meta.labels:
self.fields[field].label = meta.labels[field]
# Prevent DRF from attempting to render inputs from all of the related model choices
if hasattr(meta, 'raw_id_fields') and field in meta.raw_id_fields:
self.fields[field].style = {'base_template': 'input.html'}