300 lines
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300 lines
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"""Override some of looper model forms."""
from typing import List, Tuple
import logging
from django import forms
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.forms.fields import Field
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from localflavor.administrative_areas import ADMINISTRATIVE_AREAS
from localflavor.generic.validators import validate_country_postcode
from stdnum.eu import vat
import localflavor.exceptions
import looper.form_fields
import looper.forms
import looper.models
from subscriptions.form_fields import VATNumberField
from subscriptions.form_widgets import RegionSelect
import subscriptions.models
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
'full_name': 'Your Full Name',
'street_address': 'Street address',
'postal_code': 'ZIP/Postal code',
'region': 'State or province, if applicable',
'company': 'Company, if applicable',
'extended_address': 'Extended address, if applicable',
'locality': 'City',
'country': 'Country',
'email': 'mail@example.com',
'vat_number': 'VAT number, if applicable',
'vat_number': 'VAT Number',
'company': 'Company',
'extended_address': 'Extended address',
# email, country and full name, postcode
class BillingAddressForm(forms.ModelForm):
"""Unify Customer and Address in a single form."""
# Customer.billing_email is exposed as email in the Form
# because Looper scripts and forms already use "email" everywhere.
__customer_fields = {'billing_email': 'email', 'vat_number': 'vat_number'}
# Colliding "full_name" and "company" values are taken from and saved to the Address.
# FIXME(anna): do we need to use company and full_name on the Customer or only Address?
class Meta:
model = looper.models.Address
fields = looper.models.Address.PUBLIC_FIELDS
# What kind of choices are allowed depends on the selected country
# and is not yet known when the form is rendered.
region = forms.ChoiceField(required=False, widget=RegionSelect)
vat_number = VATNumberField(required=False)
email = forms.EmailField(required=True)
def _get_region_choices_and_label(self, country_code: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
regions = ADMINISTRATIVE_AREAS.get(country_code)
if regions:
has_choices = regions.get('used_in_address', False)
if has_choices:
# Regions are not required, so an empty "choice" must be prepended to the list
choices = [
('', f'Select {regions["type"]}'),
return choices, regions['type'].capitalize()
return [], ''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Load additional model data from Customer and set form placeholders."""
instance: looper.models.Address = kwargs.get('instance')
if instance:
assert isinstance(instance, looper.models.Address), 'Must be an instance of Address'
customer = instance.user.customer
initial = kwargs.get('initial') or {}
customer_data = model_to_dict(customer, self.__customer_fields.keys(), {})
# Remap the fields, e.g. turning "billing_email" into "email"
customer_form_data = {v: customer_data[k] for k, v in self.__customer_fields.items()}
# Add Customer data into initial,
# making sure that it still overrides the instance data, as it's supposed to
kwargs['initial'] = {
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Set placeholder values on all form fields
for field_name, field in self.fields.items():
placeholder = BILLING_DETAILS_PLACEHOLDERS.get(field_name)
if placeholder:
field.widget.attrs['placeholder'] = placeholder
label = LABELS.get(field_name)
if label:
field.label = label
# Require the required fields
if field_name in REQUIRED_FIELDS:
field.required = True
# Set region choices, in case country is selected or loaded from the instance
country_code = self.data.get('country') or self.initial.get('country')
region_field = self.fields['region']
choices, label = self._get_region_choices_and_label(country_code)
region_field.choices = choices
region_field.label = label
def clean(self):
"""Perform additional validation of the billing address."""
cleaned_data = super().clean()
return cleaned_data
def clean_postal_code_and_country(self, cleaned_data):
"""Validate the country and postal codes together."""
country_code = cleaned_data.get('country')
postal_code = cleaned_data.get('postal_code')
if postal_code:
if not country_code:
ValidationError(Field.default_error_messages['required'], 'required'),
cleaned_data['postal_code'] = validate_country_postcode(postal_code, country_code)
except localflavor.exceptions.ValidationError as e:
ValidationError(str(e), 'invalid'),
def clean_vat_number_and_country(self, cleaned_data):
"""Validate the VATIN and country code together."""
country_code = cleaned_data.get('country')
vat_number = cleaned_data.get('vat_number')
# TODO(anna): we could prefill the company address based VATIN data here.
if vat_number:
vat_number_country_code = next(iter(vat.guess_country(vat_number)), '').upper()
if vat_number_country_code != country_code:
'Billing address country must match country of VATIN',
def save(self, commit=True):
"""Save Customer data as well."""
# Validation against region choices is already done, because choices are set on __init__,
# however Django won't set the updated blank region value if was omitted from the form.
if self.cleaned_data['region'] == '':
self.instance.region = ''
instance = super().save(commit=commit)
customer = instance.user.customer
for model_field, form_field in self.__customer_fields.items():
setattr(customer, model_field, self.cleaned_data[form_field])
if commit:
return instance
class BillingAddressReadonlyForm(forms.ModelForm):
"""Display the billing details in a payment form but neither validate nor update them.
Used in PaymentMethodChangeView and PayExistingOrderView.
class Meta:
model = looper.models.Address
fields = looper.models.Address.PUBLIC_FIELDS
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Disable all the billing details fields.
The billing details are only for display and for use by the payment flow.
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for field_name, field in self.fields.items():
field.disabled = True
email = forms.EmailField(required=False, disabled=True)
class SelectPlanVariationForm(forms.Form):
"""Form used in the plan selector."""
plan_variation_id = forms.IntegerField(required=True)
def clean_plan_variation_id(self):
"""Check that selected plan_variation_id exists, is active and matches the currency."""
plan_variation_id = self.cleaned_data['plan_variation_id']
plan_variation = looper.models.PlanVariation.objects.active().get(
pk=plan_variation_id, currency=self.initial['currency']
return plan_variation.pk
except looper.models.PlanVariation.DoesNotExist:
logger.exception('Invalid PlanVariation is selected')
'This plan is not available, please reload the page and try again',
class PaymentForm(BillingAddressForm):
"""Handle PlanVariation ID and payment method details in the second step of the checkout.
Billing details are displayed as read-only and cannot be edited,
but are still used by the payment flow.
payment_method_nonce = forms.CharField(initial='set-in-javascript', widget=forms.HiddenInput())
gateway = looper.form_fields.GatewayChoiceField()
device_data = forms.CharField(
initial='set-in-javascript', widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=False
price = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=True)
# These are used when a payment fails, so that the next attempt to pay can reuse
# the already-created subscription and order.
subscription_pk = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=False)
order_pk = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=False)
class AutomaticPaymentForm(PaymentForm):
"""Same as the PaymentForm, but only allows payment gateways that support transactions."""
gateway = looper.form_fields.GatewayChoiceField(
class PayExistingOrderForm(BillingAddressReadonlyForm):
"""Same as AutomaticPaymentForm, but doesn't validate or update billing details."""
payment_method_nonce = forms.CharField(initial='set-in-javascript', widget=forms.HiddenInput())
gateway = looper.form_fields.GatewayChoiceField(
device_data = forms.CharField(
initial='set-in-javascript', widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=False
price = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=True)
class ChangePaymentMethodForm(BillingAddressReadonlyForm, looper.forms.ChangePaymentMethodForm):
"""Add full billing address to the change payment form."""
class CancelSubscriptionForm(forms.Form):
"""Confirm cancellation of a subscription."""
confirm = forms.BooleanField(label='Confirm Subscription Cancellation')
class TeamForm(forms.ModelForm):
"""Configure team subscription at the manage subscription page."""
class Meta:
model = subscriptions.models.Team
fields = (
widgets = {
'emails': forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': 2}),