Sync branch magefile with main #104308

Sybren A. Stüvel merged 85 commits from abelli/flamenco:magefile into magefile 2024-05-13 16:26:32 +02:00
14 changed files with 715 additions and 4 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 61cc8ff04d - Show all commits

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import (
@ -174,10 +175,12 @@ func runFlamencoManager() bool {
shamanServer := buildShamanServer(configService, isFirstRun)
jobDeleter := job_deleter.NewService(persist, localStorage, eventBroker, shamanServer)
farmStatus := farmstatus.NewService(persist)
flamenco := api_impl.NewFlamenco(
compiler, persist, eventBroker, logStorage, configService,
taskStateMachine, shamanServer, timeService, lastRender,
localStorage, sleepScheduler, jobDeleter)
localStorage, sleepScheduler, jobDeleter, farmStatus)
e := buildWebService(flamenco, persist, ssdp, socketio, urls, localStorage)
@ -278,6 +281,13 @@ func runFlamencoManager() bool {
// Run the Farm Status service.
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
// Log the URLs last, hopefully that makes them more visible / encouraging to go to for users.
go func() {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ type Flamenco struct {
localStorage LocalStorage
sleepScheduler WorkerSleepScheduler
jobDeleter JobDeleter
farmstatus FarmStatusService
// The task scheduler can be locked to prevent multiple Workers from getting
// the same task. It is also used for certain other queries, like
@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ func NewFlamenco(
localStorage LocalStorage,
wss WorkerSleepScheduler,
jd JobDeleter,
farmstatus FarmStatusService,
) *Flamenco {
return &Flamenco{
jobCompiler: jc,
@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ func NewFlamenco(
localStorage: localStorage,
sleepScheduler: wss,
jobDeleter: jd,
farmstatus: farmstatus,
done: make(chan struct{}),

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import (
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ import (
// Generate mock implementations of these interfaces.
//go:generate go run -destination mocks/api_impl_mock.gen.go -package mocks PersistenceService,ChangeBroadcaster,JobCompiler,LogStorage,ConfigService,TaskStateMachine,Shaman,LastRendered,LocalStorage,WorkerSleepScheduler,JobDeleter
//go:generate go run -destination mocks/api_impl_mock.gen.go -package mocks PersistenceService,ChangeBroadcaster,JobCompiler,LogStorage,ConfigService,TaskStateMachine,Shaman,LastRendered,LocalStorage,WorkerSleepScheduler,JobDeleter,FarmStatusService
type PersistenceService interface {
StoreAuthoredJob(ctx context.Context, authoredJob job_compilers.AuthoredJob) error
@ -239,3 +240,9 @@ type JobDeleter interface {
var _ JobDeleter = (*job_deleter.Service)(nil)
type FarmStatusService interface {
Report() api.FarmStatusReport
var _ FarmStatusService = (*farmstatus.Service)(nil)

View File

@ -321,6 +321,10 @@ func (f *Flamenco) SaveSetupAssistantConfig(e echo.Context) error {
return e.NoContent(http.StatusNoContent)
func (f *Flamenco) GetFarmStatus(e echo.Context) error {
return e.JSON(http.StatusOK, f.farmstatus.Report())
func flamencoManagerDir() (string, error) {
exename, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT.
// Source: (interfaces: PersistenceService,ChangeBroadcaster,JobCompiler,LogStorage,ConfigService,TaskStateMachine,Shaman,LastRendered,LocalStorage,WorkerSleepScheduler,JobDeleter)
// Source: (interfaces: PersistenceService,ChangeBroadcaster,JobCompiler,LogStorage,ConfigService,TaskStateMachine,Shaman,LastRendered,LocalStorage,WorkerSleepScheduler,JobDeleter,FarmStatusService)
// Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
package mocks
@ -1413,3 +1413,40 @@ func (mr *MockJobDeleterMockRecorder) WhatWouldBeDeleted(arg0 interface{}) *gomo
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "WhatWouldBeDeleted", reflect.TypeOf((*MockJobDeleter)(nil).WhatWouldBeDeleted), arg0)
// MockFarmStatusService is a mock of FarmStatusService interface.
type MockFarmStatusService struct {
ctrl *gomock.Controller
recorder *MockFarmStatusServiceMockRecorder
// MockFarmStatusServiceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockFarmStatusService.
type MockFarmStatusServiceMockRecorder struct {
mock *MockFarmStatusService
// NewMockFarmStatusService creates a new mock instance.
func NewMockFarmStatusService(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockFarmStatusService {
mock := &MockFarmStatusService{ctrl: ctrl}
mock.recorder = &MockFarmStatusServiceMockRecorder{mock}
return mock
// EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (m *MockFarmStatusService) EXPECT() *MockFarmStatusServiceMockRecorder {
return m.recorder
// Report mocks base method.
func (m *MockFarmStatusService) Report() api.FarmStatusReport {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "Report")
ret0, _ := ret[0].(api.FarmStatusReport)
return ret0
// Report indicates an expected call of Report.
func (mr *MockFarmStatusServiceMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "Report", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFarmStatusService)(nil).Report))

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ type mockedFlamenco struct {
localStorage *mocks.MockLocalStorage
sleepScheduler *mocks.MockWorkerSleepScheduler
jobDeleter *mocks.MockJobDeleter
farmstatus *mocks.MockFarmStatusService
// Place for some tests to store a temporary directory.
tempdir string
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ func newMockedFlamenco(mockCtrl *gomock.Controller) mockedFlamenco {
localStore := mocks.NewMockLocalStorage(mockCtrl)
wss := mocks.NewMockWorkerSleepScheduler(mockCtrl)
jd := mocks.NewMockJobDeleter(mockCtrl)
fs := mocks.NewMockFarmStatusService(mockCtrl)
clock := clock.NewMock()
mockedNow, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2022-06-09T11:14:41+02:00")
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ func newMockedFlamenco(mockCtrl *gomock.Controller) mockedFlamenco {
f := NewFlamenco(jc, ps, cb, logStore, cs, sm, sha, clock, lr, localStore, wss, jd)
f := NewFlamenco(jc, ps, cb, logStore, cs, sm, sha, clock, lr, localStore, wss, jd, fs)
return mockedFlamenco{
flamenco: f,
@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ func newMockedFlamenco(mockCtrl *gomock.Controller) mockedFlamenco {
localStorage: localStore,
sleepScheduler: wss,
jobDeleter: jd,
farmstatus: fs,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
// package farmstatus provides a status indicator for the entire Flamenco farm.
package farmstatus
import (
const (
// pollWait determines how often the persistence layer is queried to get the
// counts & statuses of workers and jobs.
// Note that this indicates the time between polls, so between a poll
// operation being done, and the next one starting.
pollWait = 5 * time.Second
// Service keeps track of the overall farm status.
type Service struct {
persist PersistenceService
mutex sync.Mutex
lastReport api.FarmStatusReport
func NewService(persist PersistenceService) *Service {
return &Service{
persist: persist,
mutex: sync.Mutex{},
lastReport: api.FarmStatusReport{
Status: api.FarmStatusStarting,
// Run the farm status polling loop.
func (s *Service) Run(ctx context.Context) {
log.Debug().Msg("farm status: polling service running")
defer log.Debug().Msg("farm status: polling service stopped")
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(pollWait):
// Report returns the last-known farm status report.
// It is updated every few seconds, from the Run() function.
func (s *Service) Report() api.FarmStatusReport {
defer s.mutex.Unlock()
return s.lastReport
func (s *Service) poll(ctx context.Context) {
report := s.checkFarmStatus(ctx)
if report == nil {
// Already logged, just keep the last known log around for querying.
s.lastReport = *report
// checkFarmStatus checks the farm status by querying the peristence layer.
// This function does not return an error, but instead logs them as warnings and returns nil.
func (s *Service) checkFarmStatus(ctx context.Context) *api.FarmStatusReport {
log.Trace().Msg("farm status: checking the farm status")
startTime := time.Now()
defer func() {
duration := time.Since(startTime)
log.Debug().Stringer("duration", duration).Msg("farm status: checked the farm status")
workerStatuses, err := s.persist.SummarizeWorkerStatuses(ctx)
if err != nil {
logDBError(err, "farm status: could not summarize worker statuses")
return nil
// Check some worker statuses first. When there are no workers and the farm is
// inoperative, there is little use in checking jobs. At least for now. Maybe
// later we want to have some info in the reported status that indicates a
// more pressing matter (as in, inoperative AND a job is queued).
// Check: inoperative
if len(workerStatuses) == 0 || allIn(workerStatuses, api.WorkerStatusOffline, api.WorkerStatusError) {
return &api.FarmStatusReport{
Status: api.FarmStatusInoperative,
jobStatuses, err := s.persist.SummarizeJobStatuses(ctx)
if err != nil {
logDBError(err, "farm status: could not summarize job statuses")
return nil
anyJobActive := jobStatuses[api.JobStatusActive] > 0
anyJobQueued := jobStatuses[api.JobStatusQueued] > 0
isWorkAvailable := anyJobActive || anyJobQueued
anyWorkerAwake := workerStatuses[api.WorkerStatusAwake] > 0
anyWorkerAsleep := workerStatuses[api.WorkerStatusAsleep] > 0
allWorkersAsleep := !anyWorkerAwake && anyWorkerAsleep
report := api.FarmStatusReport{}
switch {
case anyJobActive && anyWorkerAwake:
// - "active" # Actively working on jobs.
report.Status = api.FarmStatusActive
case isWorkAvailable:
// - "waiting" # Work to be done, but there is no worker awake.
report.Status = api.FarmStatusWaiting
case !isWorkAvailable && allWorkersAsleep:
// - "asleep" # Farm is idle, and all workers are asleep.
report.Status = api.FarmStatusAsleep
case !isWorkAvailable:
// - "idle" # Farm could be active, but has no work to do.
report.Status = api.FarmStatusIdle
Interface("workerStatuses", workerStatuses).
Interface("jobStatuses", jobStatuses).
Msgf("farm status: unexpected configuration of worker and job statuses, please report this at %s", website.BugReportURL)
report.Status = api.FarmStatusUnknown
return &report
func logDBError(err error, message string) {
switch {
case errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded):
log.Warn().Msg(message + " (it took too long)")
case errors.Is(err, context.Canceled):
log.Debug().Msg(message + " (Flamenco is shutting down)")
log.Warn().AnErr("cause", err).Msg(message)
func allIn[T comparable](statuses map[T]int, shouldBeIn ...T) bool {
for status, count := range statuses {
if count == 0 {
if !slices.Contains(shouldBeIn, status) {
return false
return true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
// package farmstatus provides a status indicator for the entire Flamenco farm.
package farmstatus
import (
type Fixtures struct {
service *Service
persist *mocks.MockPersistenceService
ctx context.Context
func TestFarmStatusStarting(t *testing.T) {
f := fixtures(t)
report := f.service.Report()
assert.Equal(t, api.FarmStatusStarting, report.Status)
func TestFarmStatusLoop(t *testing.T) {
f := fixtures(t)
// Mock an "active" status.
api.WorkerStatusOffline: 2,
api.WorkerStatusAsleep: 1,
api.WorkerStatusError: 1,
api.WorkerStatusAwake: 3,
api.JobStatusActive: 1,
// Before polling, the status should still be 'starting'.
report := f.service.Report()
assert.Equal(t, api.FarmStatusStarting, report.Status)
// After a single poll, the report should have been updated.
report = f.service.Report()
assert.Equal(t, api.FarmStatusActive, report.Status)
func TestCheckFarmStatusInoperative(t *testing.T) {
f := fixtures(t)
// "inoperative": no workers.
report := f.service.checkFarmStatus(f.ctx)
require.NotNil(t, report)
assert.Equal(t, api.FarmStatusInoperative, report.Status)
// "inoperative": all workers offline.
api.WorkerStatusOffline: 3,
report = f.service.checkFarmStatus(f.ctx)
require.NotNil(t, report)
assert.Equal(t, api.FarmStatusInoperative, report.Status)
// "inoperative": some workers offline, some in error,
api.WorkerStatusOffline: 2,
api.WorkerStatusError: 1,
report = f.service.checkFarmStatus(f.ctx)
require.NotNil(t, report)
assert.Equal(t, api.FarmStatusInoperative, report.Status)
func TestCheckFarmStatusActive(t *testing.T) {
f := fixtures(t)
// "active" # Actively working on jobs.
api.WorkerStatusOffline: 2,
api.WorkerStatusAsleep: 1,
api.WorkerStatusError: 1,
api.WorkerStatusAwake: 3,
api.JobStatusActive: 1,
report := f.service.checkFarmStatus(f.ctx)
require.NotNil(t, report)
assert.Equal(t, api.FarmStatusActive, report.Status)
func TestCheckFarmStatusWaiting(t *testing.T) {
f := fixtures(t)
// "waiting": Active job, and only sleeping workers.
api.WorkerStatusAsleep: 1,
api.JobStatusActive: 1,
report := f.service.checkFarmStatus(f.ctx)
require.NotNil(t, report)
assert.Equal(t, api.FarmStatusWaiting, report.Status)
// "waiting": Queued job, and awake worker. It could pick up the job any
// second now, but it could also have been blocklisted already.
api.WorkerStatusAsleep: 1,
api.WorkerStatusAwake: 1,
api.JobStatusQueued: 1,
report = f.service.checkFarmStatus(f.ctx)
require.NotNil(t, report)
assert.Equal(t, api.FarmStatusWaiting, report.Status)
func TestCheckFarmStatusIdle(t *testing.T) {
f := fixtures(t)
// "idle" # Farm could be active, but has no work to do.
api.WorkerStatusOffline: 2,
api.WorkerStatusAsleep: 1,
api.WorkerStatusAwake: 1,
api.JobStatusCompleted: 1,
api.JobStatusCancelRequested: 1,
report := f.service.checkFarmStatus(f.ctx)
require.NotNil(t, report)
assert.Equal(t, api.FarmStatusIdle, report.Status)
func TestCheckFarmStatusAsleep(t *testing.T) {
f := fixtures(t)
// "asleep": No worker is awake, some are asleep, no work to do.
api.WorkerStatusOffline: 2,
api.WorkerStatusAsleep: 2,
api.JobStatusCanceled: 10,
api.JobStatusCompleted: 4,
api.JobStatusFailed: 2,
report := f.service.checkFarmStatus(f.ctx)
require.NotNil(t, report)
assert.Equal(t, api.FarmStatusAsleep, report.Status)
func Test_allIn(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
statuses map[api.WorkerStatus]int
shouldBeIn []api.WorkerStatus
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want bool
{"none", args{map[api.WorkerStatus]int{}, []api.WorkerStatus{api.WorkerStatusAsleep}}, true},
{"match-only", args{
map[api.WorkerStatus]int{api.WorkerStatusAsleep: 5},
}, true},
{"match-some", args{
map[api.WorkerStatus]int{api.WorkerStatusAsleep: 5, api.WorkerStatusOffline: 2},
}, false},
{"match-all", args{
map[api.WorkerStatus]int{api.WorkerStatusAsleep: 5, api.WorkerStatusOffline: 2},
[]api.WorkerStatus{api.WorkerStatusAsleep, api.WorkerStatusOffline},
}, true},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := allIn(tt.args.statuses, tt.args.shouldBeIn...); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("allIn() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
func fixtures(t *testing.T) *Fixtures {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
f := Fixtures{
persist: mocks.NewMockPersistenceService(mockCtrl),
ctx: context.Background(),
f.service = NewService(f.persist)
return &f
func (f *Fixtures) mockWorkerStatuses(workerStatuses persistence.WorkerStatusCount) {
f.persist.EXPECT().SummarizeWorkerStatuses(f.ctx).Return(workerStatuses, nil)
func (f *Fixtures) mockJobStatuses(jobStatuses persistence.JobStatusCount) {
f.persist.EXPECT().SummarizeJobStatuses(f.ctx).Return(jobStatuses, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package farmstatus
import (
// Generate mock implementations of these interfaces.
//go:generate go run -destination mocks/interfaces_mock.gen.go -package mocks PersistenceService
type PersistenceService interface {
SummarizeJobStatuses(ctx context.Context) (persistence.JobStatusCount, error)
SummarizeWorkerStatuses(ctx context.Context) (persistence.WorkerStatusCount, error)
var _ PersistenceService = (*persistence.DB)(nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
// Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT.
// Source: (interfaces: PersistenceService)
// Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
package mocks
import (
context "context"
reflect "reflect"
gomock ""
persistence ""
// MockPersistenceService is a mock of PersistenceService interface.
type MockPersistenceService struct {
ctrl *gomock.Controller
recorder *MockPersistenceServiceMockRecorder
// MockPersistenceServiceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockPersistenceService.
type MockPersistenceServiceMockRecorder struct {
mock *MockPersistenceService
// NewMockPersistenceService creates a new mock instance.
func NewMockPersistenceService(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockPersistenceService {
mock := &MockPersistenceService{ctrl: ctrl}
mock.recorder = &MockPersistenceServiceMockRecorder{mock}
return mock
// EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (m *MockPersistenceService) EXPECT() *MockPersistenceServiceMockRecorder {
return m.recorder
// SummarizeJobStatuses mocks base method.
func (m *MockPersistenceService) SummarizeJobStatuses(arg0 context.Context) (persistence.JobStatusCount, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "SummarizeJobStatuses", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(persistence.JobStatusCount)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// SummarizeJobStatuses indicates an expected call of SummarizeJobStatuses.
func (mr *MockPersistenceServiceMockRecorder) SummarizeJobStatuses(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "SummarizeJobStatuses", reflect.TypeOf((*MockPersistenceService)(nil).SummarizeJobStatuses), arg0)
// SummarizeWorkerStatuses mocks base method.
func (m *MockPersistenceService) SummarizeWorkerStatuses(arg0 context.Context) (persistence.WorkerStatusCount, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "SummarizeWorkerStatuses", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(persistence.WorkerStatusCount)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// SummarizeWorkerStatuses indicates an expected call of SummarizeWorkerStatuses.
func (mr *MockPersistenceServiceMockRecorder) SummarizeWorkerStatuses(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "SummarizeWorkerStatuses", reflect.TypeOf((*MockPersistenceService)(nil).SummarizeWorkerStatuses), arg0)

View File

@ -86,3 +86,33 @@ func (db *DB) QueryJobTaskSummaries(ctx context.Context, jobUUID string) ([]*Tas
return result, tx.Error
// JobStatusCount is a mapping from job status to the number of jobs in that status.
type JobStatusCount map[api.JobStatus]int
func (db *DB) SummarizeJobStatuses(ctx context.Context) (JobStatusCount, error) {
logger := log.Ctx(ctx)
logger.Debug().Msg("database: summarizing job statuses")
// Query the database using a data structure that's easy to handle in GORM.
type queryResult struct {
Status api.JobStatus
StatusCount int
result := []*queryResult{}
tx := db.gormDB.WithContext(ctx).Model(&Job{}).
Select("status as Status", "count(id) as StatusCount").
if tx.Error != nil {
return nil, jobError(tx.Error, "summarizing job statuses")
// Convert the array-of-structs to a map that's easier to handle by the caller.
statusCounts := make(JobStatusCount)
for _, singleStatusCount := range result {
statusCounts[singleStatusCount.Status] = singleStatusCount.StatusCount
return statusCounts, nil

View File

@ -4,9 +4,12 @@ package persistence
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import (
@ -141,3 +144,58 @@ func TestQueryJobTaskSummaries(t *testing.T) {
assert.True(t, expectTaskUUIDs[summary.UUID], "%q should be in %v", summary.UUID, expectTaskUUIDs)
func TestSummarizeJobStatuses(t *testing.T) {
ctx, close, db, job1, authoredJob1 := jobTasksTestFixtures(t)
defer close()
// Create another job
authoredJob2 := duplicateJobAndTasks(authoredJob1)
job2 := persistAuthoredJob(t, ctx, db, authoredJob2)
// Test the summary.
summary, err := db.SummarizeJobStatuses(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, JobStatusCount{api.JobStatusUnderConstruction: 2}, summary)
// Change the jobs so that each has a unique status.
job1.Status = api.JobStatusQueued
require.NoError(t, db.SaveJobStatus(ctx, job1))
job2.Status = api.JobStatusFailed
require.NoError(t, db.SaveJobStatus(ctx, job2))
// Test the summary.
summary, err = db.SummarizeJobStatuses(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, JobStatusCount{
api.JobStatusQueued: 1,
api.JobStatusFailed: 1,
}, summary)
// Delete all jobs.
require.NoError(t, db.DeleteJob(ctx, job1.UUID))
require.NoError(t, db.DeleteJob(ctx, job2.UUID))
// Test the summary.
summary, err = db.SummarizeJobStatuses(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, JobStatusCount{}, summary)
// Check that a context timeout can be detected by inspecting the
// returned error.
func TestSummarizeJobStatusesTimeout(t *testing.T) {
ctx, close, db, _, _ := jobTasksTestFixtures(t)
defer close()
subCtx, subCtxCancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 1*time.Nanosecond)
defer subCtxCancel()
// Force a timeout of the context. And yes, even when a nanosecond is quite
// short, it is still necessary to wait.
time.Sleep(2 * time.Nanosecond)
summary, err := db.SummarizeJobStatuses(subCtx)
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, context.DeadlineExceeded)
assert.Nil(t, summary)

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
@ -176,3 +177,33 @@ func (db *DB) WorkerSeen(ctx context.Context, w *Worker) error {
return nil
// WorkerStatusCount is a mapping from job status to the number of jobs in that status.
type WorkerStatusCount map[api.WorkerStatus]int
func (db *DB) SummarizeWorkerStatuses(ctx context.Context) (WorkerStatusCount, error) {
logger := log.Ctx(ctx)
logger.Debug().Msg("database: summarizing worker statuses")
// Query the database using a data structure that's easy to handle in GORM.
type queryResult struct {
Status api.WorkerStatus
StatusCount int
result := []*queryResult{}
tx := db.gormDB.WithContext(ctx).Model(&Worker{}).
Select("status as Status", "count(id) as StatusCount").
if tx.Error != nil {
return nil, workerError(tx.Error, "summarizing worker statuses")
// Convert the array-of-structs to a map that's easier to handle by the caller.
statusCounts := make(WorkerStatusCount)
for _, singleStatusCount := range result {
statusCounts[singleStatusCount.Status] = singleStatusCount.StatusCount
return statusCounts, nil

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package persistence
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import (
@ -334,3 +335,65 @@ func TestDeleteWorkerWithTagAssigned(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Empty(t, tag.Workers)
func TestSummarizeWorkerStatuses(t *testing.T) {
f := workerTestFixtures(t, 1*time.Second)
defer f.done()
// Test the summary.
summary, err := f.db.SummarizeWorkerStatuses(f.ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, WorkerStatusCount{api.WorkerStatusAwake: 1}, summary)
// Create more workers.
w1 := Worker{
UUID: "fd97a35b-a5bd-44b4-ac2b-64c193ca877d",
Name: "Worker 1",
Status: api.WorkerStatusAwake,
w2 := Worker{
UUID: "82b2d176-cb8c-4bfa-8300-41c216d766df",
Name: "Worker 2",
Status: api.WorkerStatusOffline,
require.NoError(t, f.db.CreateWorker(f.ctx, &w1))
require.NoError(t, f.db.CreateWorker(f.ctx, &w2))
// Test the summary.
summary, err = f.db.SummarizeWorkerStatuses(f.ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, WorkerStatusCount{
api.WorkerStatusAwake: 2,
api.WorkerStatusOffline: 1,
}, summary)
// Delete all workers.
require.NoError(t, f.db.DeleteWorker(f.ctx, f.worker.UUID))
require.NoError(t, f.db.DeleteWorker(f.ctx, w1.UUID))
require.NoError(t, f.db.DeleteWorker(f.ctx, w2.UUID))
// Test the summary.
summary, err = f.db.SummarizeWorkerStatuses(f.ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, WorkerStatusCount{}, summary)
// Check that a context timeout can be detected by inspecting the
// returned error.
func TestSummarizeWorkerStatusesTimeout(t *testing.T) {
f := workerTestFixtures(t, 1*time.Second)
defer f.done()
subCtx, subCtxCancel := context.WithTimeout(f.ctx, 1*time.Nanosecond)
defer subCtxCancel()
// Force a timeout of the context. And yes, even when a nanosecond is quite
// short, it is still necessary to wait.
time.Sleep(2 * time.Nanosecond)
// Test the summary.
summary, err := f.db.SummarizeWorkerStatuses(subCtx)
assert.ErrorIs(t, err, context.DeadlineExceeded)
assert.Nil(t, summary)