Sybren A. Stüvel 02fac6a4df Change Go package name from git.blender.org to projects.blender.org
Change the package base name of the Go code, from
`git.blender.org/flamenco` to `projects.blender.org/studio/flamenco`.

The old location, `git.blender.org`, has no longer been use since the
[migration to Gitea][1]. The new package names now reflect the actual
location where Flamenco is hosted.

[1]: https://code.blender.org/2023/02/new-blender-development-infrastructure/
2023-08-01 12:42:31 +02:00

669 lines
21 KiB

package config
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import (
yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v2"
shaman_config "projects.blender.org/studio/flamenco/pkg/shaman/config"
// configFilename is used to specify where flamenco will write its config file.
// If the path is not absolute, it will use the flamenco binary location as the
// relative root path. This is not intended to be changed during runtime.
var configFilename = "flamenco-manager.yaml"
const (
latestConfigVersion = 3
// // relative to the Flamenco Server Base URL:
// jwtPublicKeysRelativeURL = "api/flamenco/jwt/public-keys"
var (
// ErrMissingVariablePlatform is returned when a variable doesn't declare any valid platform for a certain value.
ErrMissingVariablePlatform = errors.New("variable's value is missing platform declaration")
// ErrBadDirection is returned when a direction doesn't match "oneway" or "twoway"
ErrBadDirection = errors.New("variable's direction is invalid")
// Valid values for the "audience" tag of a ConfV2 variable.
validAudiences = map[VariableAudience]bool{
VariableAudienceAll: true,
VariableAudienceWorkers: true,
VariableAudienceUsers: true,
// BlenderRenderConfig represents the configuration required for a test render.
type BlenderRenderConfig struct {
JobStorage string `yaml:"job_storage"`
RenderOutput string `yaml:"render_output"`
// TestTasks represents the 'test_tasks' key in the Manager's configuration file.
type TestTasks struct {
BlenderRender BlenderRenderConfig `yaml:"test_blender_render"`
// ConfMeta contains configuration file metadata.
type ConfMeta struct {
// Version of the config file structure.
Version int `yaml:"version"`
// Base contains those settings that are shared by all configuration versions.
type Base struct {
Meta ConfMeta `yaml:"_meta"`
ManagerName string `yaml:"manager_name"`
DatabaseDSN string `yaml:"database"`
DBIntegrityCheck time.Duration `yaml:"database_check_period"`
Listen string `yaml:"listen"`
SSDPDiscovery bool `yaml:"autodiscoverable"`
// LocalManagerStoragePath is where the Manager stores its files, like task
// logs, last-rendered images, etc.
LocalManagerStoragePath string `yaml:"local_manager_storage_path"`
// SharedStoragePath is where files shared between Manager and Workers go,
// like the blend files of a render job.
SharedStoragePath string `yaml:"shared_storage_path"`
Shaman shaman_config.Config `yaml:"shaman"`
TaskTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"task_timeout"`
WorkerTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"worker_timeout"`
/* This many failures (on a given job+task type combination) will ban a worker
* from that task type on that job. */
BlocklistThreshold int `yaml:"blocklist_threshold"`
// When this many workers have tried the task and failed, it will be hard-failed
// (even when there are workers left that could technically retry the task).
TaskFailAfterSoftFailCount int `yaml:"task_fail_after_softfail_count"`
// GarbageCollect contains the config options for the GC.
type ShamanGarbageCollect struct {
// How frequently garbage collection is performed on the file store:
Period time.Duration `yaml:"period"`
// How old files must be before they are GC'd:
MaxAge time.Duration `yaml:"maxAge"`
// Paths to check for symlinks before GC'ing files.
ExtraCheckoutDirs []string `yaml:"extraCheckoutPaths"`
// Used by the -gc CLI arg to silently disable the garbage collector
// while we're performing a manual sweep.
SilentlyDisable bool `yaml:"-"`
// Conf is the latest version of the configuration.
// Currently it is version 3.
type Conf struct {
Base `yaml:",inline"`
// Store GOOS in a variable so it can be modified by unit tests, making the
// test independent of the actual platform.
currentGOOS VariablePlatform `yaml:"-"`
// Variable name → Variable definition
Variables map[string]Variable `yaml:"variables"`
// Implicit variables work as regular variables, but do not get written to the
// configuration file.
implicitVariables map[string]Variable `yaml:"-"`
// audience + platform + variable name → variable value.
// Used to look up variables for a given platform and audience.
// The 'audience' is never "all" or ""; only concrete audiences are stored here.
VariablesLookup map[VariableAudience]map[VariablePlatform]map[string]string `yaml:"-"`
// Variable defines a configuration variable.
type Variable struct {
IsTwoWay bool `yaml:"is_twoway,omitempty" json:"is_twoway,omitempty"`
// Mapping from variable value to audience/platform definition.
Values VariableValues `yaml:"values" json:"values"`
// VariableValues is the list of values of a variable.
type VariableValues []VariableValue
// VariableValue defines which audience and platform see which value.
type VariableValue struct {
// Audience defines who will use this variable, either "all", "workers", or "users". Empty string is "all".
Audience VariableAudience `yaml:"audience,omitempty" json:"audience,omitempty"`
// Platforms that use this value. Only one of "Platform" and "Platforms" may be set.
Platform VariablePlatform `yaml:"platform,omitempty" json:"platform,omitempty"`
Platforms []VariablePlatform `yaml:"platforms,omitempty,flow" json:"platforms,omitempty"`
// The actual value of the variable for this audience+platform.
Value string `yaml:"value" json:"value"`
// ResolvedVariable represents info about the variable, resolved for a specific platform & audience.
type ResolvedVariable struct {
IsTwoWay bool
Value string
// getConf parses flamenco-manager.yaml and returns its contents as a Conf object.
func getConf() (Conf, error) {
return loadConf(configFilename)
// DefaultConfig returns a copy of the default configuration.
func DefaultConfig(override ...func(c *Conf)) Conf {
c, err := defaultConfig.copy()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to create copy of default config: %v", err))
c.Meta.Version = latestConfigVersion
c.currentGOOS = VariablePlatform(runtime.GOOS)
return *c
// loadConf parses the given file and returns its contents as a Conf object.
func loadConf(filename string, overrides ...func(c *Conf)) (Conf, error) {
log.Debug().Str("file", filename).Msg("loading configuration")
yamlFile, err := os.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
var evt *zerolog.Event
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
evt = log.Debug()
} else {
evt = log.Warn().Err(err)
evt.Msg("unable to load configuration, using defaults")
return DefaultConfig(overrides...), err
// First parse attempt, find the version.
baseConf := Base{}
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &baseConf); err != nil {
return Conf{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse %s: %w", filename, err)
// Versioning was supported from Flamenco config v1 to v2, but not further.
if baseConf.Meta.Version != latestConfigVersion {
return Conf{}, fmt.Errorf(
"configuration file %s version %d, but only version %d is supported",
filename, baseConf.Meta.Version, latestConfigVersion)
// Second parse attempt, based on the version found.
c := DefaultConfig()
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &c); err != nil {
return c, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse %s: %w", filename, err)
return c, nil
// processAfterLoading processes and checks the loaded config.
// This is called not just after loading from disk, but also after getting the
// default configuration.
func (c *Conf) processAfterLoading(override ...func(c *Conf)) {
for _, overrideFunc := range override {
// MockCurrentGOOSForTests can be used in unit tests to make the variable
// replacement system think it's running a different operating system. This
// should only be used to make the tests independent of the actual OS.
func (c *Conf) MockCurrentGOOSForTests(mockedGOOS string) {
c.currentGOOS = VariablePlatform(mockedGOOS)
func (c *Conf) processStorage() {
// The shared storage path should be absolute, but only if it's actually configured.
if c.SharedStoragePath != "" {
storagePath, err := filepath.Abs(c.SharedStoragePath)
if err != nil {
Str("storage_path", c.SharedStoragePath).
Msg("unable to determine absolute storage path")
} else {
c.SharedStoragePath = storagePath
// Shaman should use the Flamenco storage location.
c.Shaman.StoragePath = c.SharedStoragePath
// EffectiveStoragePath returns the absolute path of the job storage directory.
// This is made from a combination of the configured job storage path and a
// Shaman-specific subpath (if enabled).
func (c *Conf) EffectiveStoragePath() string {
var jobStorage string
if c.Shaman.Enabled {
jobStorage = c.Shaman.CheckoutPath()
} else {
jobStorage = c.SharedStoragePath
absPath, err := filepath.Abs(jobStorage)
if err != nil {
Str("storagePath", jobStorage).
Bool("shamanEnabled", c.Shaman.Enabled).
Err(err).Msg("unable to find absolute path of storage path")
absPath = jobStorage
return absPath
func (c *Conf) addImplicitVariables() {
c.implicitVariables = make(map[string]Variable)
// The 'jobs' variable MUST be one-way only. There is no way that the Manager
// can know how this path can be reached on other platforms.
c.implicitVariables["jobs"] = Variable{
IsTwoWay: false,
Values: []VariableValue{
Audience: VariableAudienceAll,
Platform: VariablePlatformAll,
Value: c.EffectiveStoragePath(),
// ensureVariablesUnique erases configured variables when there are implicit
// variables with the same name.
func (c *Conf) ensureVariablesUnique() {
for varname := range c.implicitVariables {
if _, found := c.Variables[varname]; !found {
log.Warn().Str("variable", varname).
Msg("configured variable will be removed, as there is an implicit variable with the same name")
delete(c.Variables, varname)
func (c *Conf) constructVariableLookupTable() {
// Always start with a fresh map, so that variables (or values) that have been
// removed are actually gone. This is even necessary to account for
// differences between the default config and the loaded config.
c.VariablesLookup = map[VariableAudience]map[VariablePlatform]map[string]string{}
// log.Trace().
// Interface("variables", c.Variables).
// Msg("constructed lookup table")
func (c *Conf) constructVariableLookupTableForVars(vars map[string]Variable) {
// Construct a list of all audiences except "" and "all"
concreteAudiences := []VariableAudience{}
isWildcard := map[VariableAudience]bool{"": true, VariableAudienceAll: true}
for audience := range validAudiences {
if isWildcard[audience] {
concreteAudiences = append(concreteAudiences, audience)
// log.Trace().
// Interface("concreteAudiences", concreteAudiences).
// Interface("isWildcard", isWildcard).
// Msg("constructing variable lookup table")
// Just for brevity.
lookup := c.VariablesLookup
// setValue expands wildcard audiences into concrete ones.
var setValue func(audience VariableAudience, platform VariablePlatform, name, value string)
setValue = func(audience VariableAudience, platform VariablePlatform, name, value string) {
if isWildcard[audience] {
for _, aud := range concreteAudiences {
setValue(aud, platform, name, value)
if lookup[audience] == nil {
lookup[audience] = map[VariablePlatform]map[string]string{}
if lookup[audience][platform] == nil {
lookup[audience][platform] = map[string]string{}
// log.Trace().
// Str("audience", string(audience)).
// Str("platform", string(platform)).
// Str("name", name).
// Str("value", value).
// Msg("setting variable")
lookup[audience][platform][name] = value
// Construct the lookup table for each audience+platform+name
for name, variable := range vars {
// log.Trace().
// Str("name", name).
// Interface("variable", variable).
// Msg("handling variable")
for _, value := range variable.Values {
// Two-way values should not end in path separator.
// Given a variable 'apps' with value '/path/to/apps',
// '/path/to/apps/blender' should be remapped to '{apps}/blender'.
if variable.IsTwoWay {
value.Value = crosspath.TrimTrailingSep(value.Value)
if value.Platform != "" {
setValue(value.Audience, value.Platform, name, value.Value)
for _, platform := range value.Platforms {
setValue(value.Audience, platform, name, value.Value)
func updateMap[K comparable, V any](target map[K]V, updateWith map[K]V) {
for key, value := range updateWith {
target[key] = value
// ExpandVariables converts "{variable name}" to the value that belongs to the
// given audience and platform. The function iterates over all strings provided
// by the input channel, and sends the expanded result into the output channel.
// It will return when the input channel is closed.
func (c *Conf) ExpandVariables(inputChannel <-chan string, outputChannel chan<- string,
audience VariableAudience, platform VariablePlatform) {
// Get the variables for the given audience & platform.
varsForPlatform := c.getVariables(audience, platform)
if len(varsForPlatform) == 0 {
Str("audience", string(audience)).
Str("platform", string(platform)).
Msg("no variables defined for this platform given this audience")
// Get the two-way variables for the Manager platform.
twoWayVars := make(map[string]string)
if platform != c.currentGOOS {
twoWayVars = c.GetTwoWayVariables(audience, c.currentGOOS)
doValueReplacement := func(valueToExpand string) string {
expanded := valueToExpand
// Expand variables from {varname} to their value for the target platform.
for varname, varvalue := range varsForPlatform {
placeholder := fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", varname)
expanded = strings.Replace(expanded, placeholder, varvalue, -1)
// Go through the two-way variables, to make sure that the result of
// expanding variables gets the two-way variables applied as well. This is
// necessary to make implicitly-defined variable, which are only defined for
// the Manager's platform, usable for the target platform.
// Practically, this replaces "value for the Manager platform" with "value
// for the target platform".
isPathValue := false
for varname, managerValue := range twoWayVars {
targetValue, ok := varsForPlatform[varname]
if !ok {
if !isValueMatch(expanded, managerValue) {
expanded = targetValue + expanded[len(managerValue):]
// Since two-way variables are meant for path replacement, we know this
// should be a path.
if c.isTwoWay(varname) {
isPathValue = true
if isPathValue {
expanded = crosspath.ToPlatform(expanded, string(platform))
return expanded
for valueToExpand := range inputChannel {
outputChannel <- doValueReplacement(valueToExpand)
// getVariables returns the variable values for this (audience, platform) combination.
// If no variables are found, just returns an empty map. If a value is defined
// for both the "all" platform and specifically the given platform, the specific
// platform definition wins.
func (c *Conf) getVariables(audience VariableAudience, platform VariablePlatform) map[string]string {
platformsForAudience := c.VariablesLookup[audience]
if len(platformsForAudience) == 0 {
return make(map[string]string)
varsForPlatform := map[string]string{}
updateMap(varsForPlatform, platformsForAudience[VariablePlatformAll])
updateMap(varsForPlatform, platformsForAudience[platform])
return varsForPlatform
func (c *Conf) isTwoWay(varname string) bool {
return c.implicitVariables[varname].IsTwoWay || c.Variables[varname].IsTwoWay
// GetTwoWayVariables returns the two-way variable values for this (audience,
// platform) combination. If no variables are found, just returns an empty map.
// If a value is defined for both the "all" platform and specifically the given
// platform, the specific platform definition wins.
func (c *Conf) GetTwoWayVariables(audience VariableAudience, platform VariablePlatform) map[string]string {
varsForPlatform := c.getVariables(audience, platform)
// Only keep the two-way variables.
twoWayVars := map[string]string{}
for varname, value := range varsForPlatform {
if c.isTwoWay(varname) {
twoWayVars[varname] = value
return twoWayVars
// ResolveVariables returns the variables for this (audience, platform) combination.
// If no variables are found, just returns an empty map. If a value is defined
// for both the "all" platform and specifically the given platform, the specific
// platform definition wins.
func (c *Conf) ResolveVariables(audience VariableAudience, platform VariablePlatform) map[string]ResolvedVariable {
varsForPlatform := c.getVariables(audience, platform)
resolvedVars := make(map[string]ResolvedVariable)
for name, value := range varsForPlatform {
resolvedVar := ResolvedVariable{Value: value}
// Find the 'IsTwoway' property by finding the actual foundVar, which can be
// defined in two places.
if foundVar, ok := c.Variables[name]; ok {
resolvedVar.IsTwoWay = foundVar.IsTwoWay
} else if foundVar, ok := c.implicitVariables[name]; ok {
resolvedVar.IsTwoWay = foundVar.IsTwoWay
} else {
log.Error().Str("variable", name).Msg("unable to find this variable, where did it come from?")
resolvedVars[name] = resolvedVar
return resolvedVars
// checkVariables performs some basic checks on variable definitions.
// All errors are logged, not returned.
func (c *Conf) checkVariables() {
for name, variable := range c.Variables {
for valueIndex, value := range variable.Values {
// No platforms at all.
if value.Platform == "" && len(value.Platforms) == 0 {
Str("name", name).
Interface("value", value).
Msg("variable has a platformless value")
// Both Platform and Platforms.
if value.Platform != "" && len(value.Platforms) > 0 {
Str("name", name).
Interface("value", value).
Str("platform", string(value.Platform)).
Interface("platforms", value.Platforms).
Msg("variable has a both 'platform' and 'platforms' set")
value.Platforms = append(value.Platforms, value.Platform)
value.Platform = ""
if value.Audience == "" {
value.Audience = "all"
} else if !validAudiences[value.Audience] {
Str("name", name).
Interface("value", value).
Str("audience", string(value.Audience)).
Msg("variable invalid audience")
variable.Values[valueIndex] = value
func (c *Conf) checkDatabase() {
c.DatabaseDSN = strings.TrimSpace(c.DatabaseDSN)
// Overwrite stores this configuration object as flamenco-manager.yaml.
func (c *Conf) Overwrite() error {
tempFilename := configFilename + "~"
if err := c.Write(tempFilename); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing config to %s: %w", tempFilename, err)
if err := os.Rename(tempFilename, configFilename); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("moving %s to %s: %w", tempFilename, configFilename, err)
log.Info().Str("filename", configFilename).Msg("saved configuration to file")
return nil
// Write saves the current in-memory configuration to a YAML file.
func (c *Conf) Write(filename string) error {
data, err := yaml.Marshal(c)
if err != nil {
return err
f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0600)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(f, "# Configuration file for %s.\n", appinfo.ApplicationName)
fmt.Fprintln(f, "# For an explanation of the fields, refer to flamenco-manager-example.yaml")
fmt.Fprintln(f, "#")
fmt.Fprintln(f, "# NOTE: this file will be overwritten by Flamenco Manager's web-based configuration system.")
fmt.Fprintln(f, "#")
now := time.Now()
fmt.Fprintf(f, "# This file was written on %s by %s\n\n",
now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05 -07:00"),
n, err := f.Write(data)
if err != nil {
return err
if n < len(data) {
return io.ErrShortWrite
if err = f.Close(); err != nil {
return err
log.Debug().Str("filename", filename).Msg("config file written")
return nil
// copy creates a deep copy of this configuration.
func (c *Conf) copy() (*Conf, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := gob.NewEncoder(&buf)
dec := gob.NewDecoder(&buf)
err := enc.Encode(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var copy Conf
err = dec.Decode(&copy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &copy, nil
// GetTestConfig returns the configuration for unit tests.
// The config is loaded from `test-flamenco-manager.yaml` in the directory
// containing the caller's source.
// The `overrides` parameter can be used to override configuration between
// loading it and processing the file's contents.
func GetTestConfig(overrides ...func(c *Conf)) Conf {
_, myFilename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
myDir := path.Dir(myFilename)
filepath := path.Join(myDir, "test-flamenco-manager.yaml")
conf, err := loadConf(filepath, overrides...)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal().Err(err).Str("file", filepath).Msg("unable to load test config")
return conf