Sybren A. Stüvel
Introduce an "event bus"-like system. It's more like a fan-out broadcaster for certain events. Instead of directly sending events to SocketIO, they are now sent to the broker, which in turn sends it to any registered "forwarder". Currently there is ony one forwarder, for SocketIO. This opens the door for a proper MQTT client that sends the same events to an MQTT server.
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package main
import (
http_pprof "net/http/pprof"
func buildWebService(
flamenco api.ServerInterface,
persist api_impl.PersistenceService,
ssdp *upnp_ssdp.Server,
socketio *eventbus.SocketIOForwarder,
ownURLs []url.URL,
localStorage local_storage.StorageInfo,
) *echo.Echo {
e := echo.New()
e.HideBanner = true
e.HidePort = true
// The request should come in fairly quickly, given that Flamenco is intended
// to run on a local network.
e.Server.ReadHeaderTimeout = 1 * time.Second
// e.Server.ReadTimeout is not set, as this is quite specific per request.
// Shaman file uploads and websocket connections should be allowed to run
// quite long, whereas other queries should be relatively short.
// See for more info about current
// limitations in Go that get in our way here.
// Hook Zerolog onto Echo:
Logger: lecho.From(log.Logger),
// Ensure panics when serving a web request won't bring down the server.
// For development of the web interface, to get a less predictable order of asynchronous requests.
if cliArgs.delayResponses {
// Disabled, as it causes issues with "204 No Content" responses.
// TODO: investigate & file a bug report. Adding the check on an empty slice
// seems to fix it:
// func (w *gzipResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
// if len(b) == 0 {
// return 0, nil
// }
// ... original code of the function ...
// }
// e.Use(middleware.Gzip())
AllowOrigins: corsOrigins(ownURLs),
// List taken from
AllowHeaders: []string{
AllowMethods: []string{"POST", "GET", "OPTIONS", "PUT", "DELETE"},
// Load the API definition and enable validation & authentication checks.
swagger, err := api.GetSwagger()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("unable to get swagger")
validator := api_impl.SwaggerValidator(swagger, persist)
// Register routes.
api.RegisterHandlers(e, flamenco)
e.GET("/api/v3/openapi3.json", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, swagger)
// Serve UPnP service descriptions.
if ssdp != nil {
e.GET(ssdp.DescriptionPath(), func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.XMLPretty(http.StatusOK, ssdp.Description(), " ")
// Serve static files for the webapp on /app/.
webAppHandler, err := web.WebAppHandler(webappEntryPoint)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("unable to set up HTTP server for embedded web app")
e.GET("/app/*", echo.WrapHandler(http.StripPrefix("/app", webAppHandler)))
e.GET("/app", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, "/app/")
// Serve the Blender add-on. It's contained in the static files of the webapp.
e.GET("/", echo.WrapHandler(webAppHandler))
e.GET("/", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.Redirect(http.StatusPermanentRedirect, "/")
// The favicons are also in the static files of the webapp.
e.GET("/favicon.png", echo.WrapHandler(webAppHandler))
e.GET("/favicon.ico", echo.WrapHandler(webAppHandler))
// Serve job-specific files (last-rendered image, task logs) directly from disk.
Str("onDisk", localStorage.Root()).
Str("url", api_impl.JobFilesURLPrefix).
Msg("serving job-specific files directly from disk")
e.Static(api_impl.JobFilesURLPrefix, localStorage.Root())
// Redirect / to the webapp.
e.GET("/", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, "/app/")
// Register profiler functions.
if cliArgs.pprof {
e.GET("/debug/pprof/", echo.WrapHandler(http.HandlerFunc(http_pprof.Index)))
e.GET("/debug/pprof/cmdline", echo.WrapHandler(http.HandlerFunc(http_pprof.Cmdline)))
e.GET("/debug/pprof/profile", echo.WrapHandler(http.HandlerFunc(http_pprof.Profile)))
e.GET("/debug/pprof/symbol", echo.WrapHandler(http.HandlerFunc(http_pprof.Symbol)))
e.GET("/debug/pprof/trace", echo.WrapHandler(http.HandlerFunc(http_pprof.Trace)))
for _, profile := range pprof.Profiles() {
name := profile.Name()
e.GET("/debug/pprof/"+name, echo.WrapHandler(http_pprof.Handler(name)))
log.Info().Msg("profiler debugging info available on /debug/pprof/")
// Log available routes
routeLogger := log.Level(zerolog.TraceLevel)
routeLogger.Trace().Msg("available routes:")
for _, route := range e.Routes() {
routeLogger.Trace().Msgf("%7s %s", route.Method, route.Path)
return e
// runWebService runs the Echo server, shutting it down when the context closes.
// If there was any other error, it is returned and the entire server should go down.
func runWebService(ctx context.Context, e *echo.Echo, listen string) error {
serverStopped := make(chan struct{})
var httpStartErr error = nil
var httpShutdownErr error = nil
go func() {
defer close(serverStopped)
err := e.Start(listen)
if err == http.ErrServerClosed {
log.Info().Msg("HTTP server shut down")
} else {
log.Warn().Err(err).Msg("HTTP server unexpectedly shut down")
httpStartErr = err
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
log.Info().Msg("HTTP server stopping because application is shutting down")
// Do a clean shutdown of the HTTP server.
err := e.Shutdown(context.Background())
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("error shutting down HTTP server")
httpShutdownErr = err
// Wait until the above goroutine has stopped.
// Return any error that occurred.
if httpStartErr != nil {
return httpStartErr
return httpShutdownErr
case <-serverStopped:
// The HTTP server stopped before the application shutdown was signalled.
// This is unexpected, so take the entire application down with us.
if httpStartErr != nil {
return httpStartErr
return errors.New("unexpected and unexplained shutdown of HTTP server")
// corsOrigins strips everything from the URL that follows the hostname:port, so
// that it's suitable for checking Origin headers of CORS OPTIONS requests.
func corsOrigins(urls []url.URL) []string {
origins := make([]string, len(urls))
// TODO: find a way to allow CORS requests during development, but not when
// running in production.
for i, url := range urls {
// Allow the `yarn run dev` webserver do cross-origin requests to this Manager.
url.Path = ""
url.Fragment = ""
url.Host = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", url.Hostname(), developmentWebInterfacePort)
origins[i] = url.String()
log.Debug().Str("origins", strings.Join(origins, " ")).Msg("acceptable CORS origins")
return origins
// randomDelayMiddleware sleeps for a random period of time, as a development tool for frontend work.
func randomDelayMiddleware(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
err := next(c)
// Delay the response a bit.
var duration int64 = int64(rand.NormFloat64()*250 + 125) // in msec
if duration > 0 {
if duration > 1000 {
duration = 1000 // Cap at one second.
time.Sleep(time.Duration(duration) * time.Millisecond)
return err
func registerOAPIBodyDecoders() {
// Register "decoders" so that binary data other than
// "application/octet-stream" can be handled by our OpenAPI library.
openapi3filter.RegisterBodyDecoder("image/jpeg", openapi3filter.FileBodyDecoder)
openapi3filter.RegisterBodyDecoder("image/png", openapi3filter.FileBodyDecoder)