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Cycles Not Updating Texture Painting
Batch Rename Bones Broken
Parent to vertex broken
GIZMO_GT_button_2d draws with antialiased artifacts
Tooltips unnecessary large padding
Sorry, I wasn't sure which commit it was. It was a while ago and Im not really keeping track of things.
Since the UI overhaul on tooltips Was really just an educated guess :P
Asset browser append is broken
Tooltips unnecessary large padding
Asset browser append is broken
Python context internal state bug
GN Bake Node Options Disappear
4.2 - Use Nodes for light broken or redundant
4.2.1a Gpu Subdivision Broken
4.2.1a Gpu Subdivision Broken
Ah sweet, yep it is fixed in newest. Should've updated first before reporting
4.2.1a Gpu Subdivision Broken
Custom Addon Icons Regression
Screenshots dont even really portray the issue accurately due to compression
Custom Addon Icons Regression