'segment->start_index + segment->length >= fcu->totvert - 1' to segment->start_index + segment->length > fcu->totvert and segment->start_index <= 1 to segment->start_index == 0. I tried it and it…
your suggestion of adding continue to the condition for the warning works, but made me realize 2 things:
1.- I need to split the warning into two possibilities. One when we don't have two…
Hey, Sorry I didn't check for those obvious changes I should have done when I took some lines outside from the loops.
In regard to changing 'segment->start_index + segment->length >= fcu->totver…
What are the future plans for this operator? Would it ever need to be able to sheer the other side as well?
Maybe my comment was misleading. We are using both sides of the slider.
I added the lines you suggested to avoid memory leaks, and when compiling I get this message in regard to one of the lines:
warning: ignoring return value of function declared with…
I'm not too sure about the name of this slider, any suggestion is welcome.
Why can I compile it? do I need to set something I haven't for make
When you say C doesn't allow variable length array, I'm not sure I follow. I thought by declaring an array with a fixed…
I see you approved, did you change the typo? don't know if I should publish the error correction and ask for a new review.
addressed your notes and also another to simplify that came from another slider.
I simplified the code using your suggestions and even found other places to implement the same to simplify it even more.
I added the warning but it is not working right at the moment. I added…