Eyad Ahmed EyadAhmed
  • Joined on 2019-01-05
Eyad Ahmed commented on pull request blender/blender#121382 2024-05-06 01:47:47 +02:00
RNA: compositor output node API

@mod_moder apologies for delay now it is done

static bNode *ntreeCompositorOutputNode(bNodeTree *ntree)
  /* Make sure we only have single node tagged as output. */
Eyad Ahmed pushed to compositor-output-node-rna-api at EyadAhmed/blender 2024-05-06 01:46:10 +02:00
fbe3b50695 RNA: compositor output node API
8735a8a6be UI: Different Warning for Revert if Unsaved Images
18600e430c Geometry Nodes: show correct type in menu socket tooltips
a7cae51cf7 Cleanup: quite gcc array-bounds warning
Compare 4 commits »
Eyad Ahmed commented on pull request blender/blender#121382 2024-05-05 00:28:01 +02:00
RNA: compositor output node API

Done renamed rna_ShaderNode_is_active_output_set to rna_Node_is_active_output_set and used it in both

Eyad Ahmed commented on pull request blender/blender#121382 2024-05-05 00:27:25 +02:00
RNA: compositor output node API

this is already handled in rna_GroupOutput_is_active_output_set

static void def_group_output(StructRNA *srna)
  RNA_def_property_boolean_funcs(prop, nullptr, "rna_GroupOutput_is_activ…
Eyad Ahmed pushed to compositor-output-node-rna-api at EyadAhmed/blender 2024-05-05 00:25:29 +02:00
7d6b60b0af RNA: compositor output node API
Eyad Ahmed commented on pull request blender/blender#121382 2024-05-04 20:57:12 +02:00
RNA: compositor output node API

This should call ED_node_set_active. Currently there is no check to verify that the node can in fact be used as an output, and it's missing a call to e.g. `BKE_ntree_update_tag_active_output_ch…

Eyad Ahmed pushed to compositor-output-node-rna-api at EyadAhmed/blender 2024-05-04 20:48:13 +02:00
72ca8d644a RNA: compositor output node API
3be6dbb02a Fix #121366: Invalid mat_nr after exact boolean
7ec4218d1d Fix #121296: Surface Deform node-group not marked as modifier
c34a1b5c47 Cleanup: use return instead of an argument for PyC_MainModule_Backup
cdf15010c0 Cleanup: de-duplicate logic to evaluate Python expressions
Compare 28 commits »
Eyad Ahmed pushed to compositor-output-node-rna-api at EyadAhmed/blender 2024-05-04 20:46:20 +02:00
248e8b213e RNA: compositor output node API
Eyad Ahmed created pull request blender/blender#121382 2024-05-03 06:51:56 +02:00
RNA: compositor output node API
Eyad Ahmed pushed to compositor-output-node-rna-api at EyadAhmed/blender 2024-05-03 06:45:40 +02:00
01f79e31aa RNA: compositor output node API
d46fe49ab3 Fix: Memory leak in multiresbake_image_exec
43b46503f1 Cleanup: Use const for mesh selection retrieval functions
ad16a843c1 Cleanup: format, single quote enums & indentation
9918488bb1 Cleanup: use uppercase tags, following own style guide
Compare 10 commits »
Eyad Ahmed created branch compositor-output-node-rna-api in EyadAhmed/blender 2024-05-03 06:45:39 +02:00
Eyad Ahmed opened issue blender/blender#119304 2024-03-11 03:04:02 +01:00
Assertion triggered when exporting an STL file
Eyad Ahmed commented on issue blender/blender#118686 2024-02-24 19:56:55 +01:00
Appending all objects with bpy.data.libraries.load triggers assertion with debug build configuration

Can not reproduce. Checked in daly build and in debug lite builds.

what about a full debug build? anyways I'll double check, one moment

Eyad Ahmed opened issue blender/blender#118686 2024-02-23 21:54:51 +01:00
Appending all objects with bpy.data.libraries.load triggers assertion with debug build configuration
Eyad Ahmed closed issue blender/blender#116450 2024-02-15 07:30:58 +01:00
OpenSubdivision crash after scale and change of scene units
Eyad Ahmed commented on issue blender/blender#116450 2024-02-15 07:30:55 +01:00
OpenSubdivision crash after scale and change of scene units

Ok will do, I suppose let's close this now since it is not really reproducible

Eyad Ahmed commented on issue blender/blender#116450 2024-02-14 11:30:30 +01:00
OpenSubdivision crash after scale and change of scene units

@EyadAhmed hi, steps are still needed. Hard to tell from crash logs where the fault is. ~TopologyRefiner() destructor is defined in OpenSubDiv library: `lib\win64_vc15\opensubdiv\include\opensu…

Eyad Ahmed commented on issue blender/blender#116450 2024-02-14 10:56:18 +01:00
OpenSubdivision crash after scale and change of scene units

The bug isn't really reproducible but the crash info log is very useful here, it indicates where the crash happened, which means the crash is possible and the area needs to be looked at, maybe…

Eyad Ahmed commented on issue blender/blender#118148 2024-02-13 10:32:39 +01:00
STL: Imported object data instanced


Eyad Ahmed deleted branch scene_time_shader_node from EyadAhmed/blender 2024-01-02 11:17:50 +01:00