Guilherme Emerich Setúbal Guilherme-Emerich-Setubal
  • Joined on 2020-12-18
Guilherme Emerich Setúbal commented on issue blender/blender#112832 2023-09-26 22:09:44 +02:00
EEVEE - Render passes DOF linked to motion blur steps

Just to add up, the AO pass was an example, all passes are affected by this issue, EEVEE Next is just around the corner but I thought of reporting this in case it happens in it too 👍

Guilherme Emerich Setúbal opened issue blender/blender#112832 2023-09-25 08:10:18 +02:00
EEVEE - Render passes DOF linked to motion blur steps
Guilherme Emerich Setúbal commented on issue blender/blender#107924 2023-05-15 05:10:01 +02:00
Constraints: Scaling operator do not affected by min scale limits

Would you mind explain what could this actually mean? I feel like it still wouldn't justify not clamping the scale values to the min/max range.

For some reason, instead of clamping the values,…

Guilherme Emerich Setúbal commented on issue blender/blender#107924 2023-05-14 18:25:04 +02:00
Constraints: Scaling operator do not affected by min scale limits

This is reproduced without constraints, so I've edited the report. Still not sure if this is the expected behavior.

I thought it was a normal behavior, but what got me is that the constraint…

Guilherme Emerich Setúbal opened issue blender/blender#107924 2023-05-14 16:45:17 +02:00
Limit scale constraint goes negative