Joshua Breckeen JBreckeen
  • Joined on 2023-04-07
Joshua Breckeen opened issue blender/blender-addons#104781 2023-07-27 14:51:45 +02:00
(Sun Position) - "North" indicator will not hide.
Joshua Breckeen opened issue blender/blender#110498 2023-07-26 16:03:09 +02:00
Sun Position "North" indicator will not hide.
Joshua Breckeen commented on issue studio/flamenco#99912 2023-04-11 16:34:46 +02:00
FFmpeg: nicer process report

My pleasure.

And correct, it is just reading the "output = self.proc.stderr.readline()" and then:

            if output:
                if isinstance(output, bytes):
Joshua Breckeen commented on issue studio/flamenco#99912 2023-04-08 00:58:40 +02:00
FFmpeg: nicer process report

Hey all. I stumbled on this looking for something else and just wanted to give a little back.

This is not specific to Flamenco - I use a highly modified version of the Pandora Render Farm…