Lameque Lamek
  • Joined on 2019-06-11
Lameque commented on issue blender/blender#127843 2024-09-20 16:40:11 +02:00
Blender Closing when i hit Render (old #127089)

All alpha and beta versions have the same problem, but since yesterday i was trying EVEE, and seems ok, 0 crash, dont know if can be a clue.

Lameque commented on issue blender/blender#127843 2024-09-20 14:36:30 +02:00
Blender Closing when i hit Render (old #127089)

Is possible be the 4090 Nvidia Driver?

Lameque commented on issue blender/blender#127843 2024-09-20 14:32:30 +02:00
Blender Closing when i hit Render (old #127089)

Anything from bug file?

Ok i will reinstall windows them. Is the only thing i didnt.

When i send the file for friends they are able to render too.

Lameque opened issue blender/blender#127843 2024-09-19 12:42:15 +02:00
Blender Closing when i hit Render (old #127089)
Lameque commented on issue blender/blender#127089 2024-09-19 00:50:46 +02:00
4.2.1 Crash within Open Subdiv

Guuys problem is back. I dont now how to add any more info, blender closer when i hit render. NEw bug report attached

Lameque reopened issue blender/blender#127089 2024-09-18 22:16:25 +02:00
4.2.1 Crash within Open Subdiv
Lameque commented on issue blender/blender#127089 2024-09-12 16:07:30 +02:00
4.2.1 Crash within Open Subdiv

Hey @ChengduLittleA , so yesterday i disable subdivision and blender work like a champ.

Lameque commented on issue blender/blender#127089 2024-09-11 03:02:20 +02:00
4.2.1 Crash within Open Subdiv

Ok, this is really weird, when i open a screenrecorder to record the problem, blender keep working like a champ. WTF? But when i close Blender keeping closing, i used Loom and OBS, maybe is a…

Lameque commented on issue blender/blender#127089 2024-09-04 20:44:02 +02:00
4.2.1 Crash within Open Subdiv

Hey guys got permission, here is the file

Lameque commented on issue blender/blender#127089 2024-09-04 01:39:39 +02:00
4.2.1 Crash within Open Subdiv

I cant upload the file because a big NDA. But is not a big mesh, but i have a lot of boolean.

Lameque opened issue blender/blender#127089 2024-09-03 01:39:06 +02:00
Blender is closing from no where