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Fresh Blender 3.5 starts in lower right quadrant of the screen on Wayland and does not listen to mouse clicks.
GHOST/Wayland Support
@ideasman42 Yesterday, March 22 2023, GNOME 44 was released, now it is waiting for the many distros to adapt it too.
Blender 3.5.0 Beta crashes on MacOS 10.15.7
Does this also happen when using the OpenGL "GPU Backend"...? In the 10-15 seconds that Blender does not crash for you yet, press Cmd - , to get to the Preferences, select the System…
BCon Video Processing Tooling
For file copying you could for example use shasum -a 256 at the source as well as at the target after copying, to compare their contents.
Blender crashes with Glass BSDF + Sharp + Linux CPU
Currently using Fedora 37 and an Alpha version 3.5.0 of Blender and can't get things to their proverbial knees now... Lots of things have changed... Cycles X and more... As far as I am concerned…
Lost the ability to use the keyboard shortcuts with Blender 3.5 Alpha moved to another GNOME workspace