I think I found it, indeed there is an asset management addon (that you drag them to the 3d viewer) that makes the menu not to appear when dragging objects to the viewer. I don't understand why…
I don't know. I use the same addons as in version 3.6. In this case, what would be the solution? reinstall without addons?
Is the same result:
drop file C:\Users\bgpac\Documents\boombox_4k.blend RNA_string_set: WM_OT_drop_blend_file.filepath not found. WARN (bpy.rna): C:\Users\blender\git\blender-v400\blender.git\…
drop file C:\Users\bgpac\Qsync\PROYECTOS\VICENTE PICO\2023 11 29 Casa Inclinada\inclinada.blend RNA_string_set: WM_OT_drop_blend_file.filepath not found. WARN (bpy.rna): C:\Users\blender\git\blen…
I download the versions from the web, not with steam. When I drag files to the 3d viewer the mouse pointer changes and the square with the add symbol that has always appeared appears, but when I…