  • Joined on 2023-09-30
Patrick-Poon opened issue blender/blender#113421 2023-10-08 19:20:23 +02:00
The attribute value does not show in instances from the spreadsheet
Patrick-Poon commented on issue blender/blender#113418 2023-10-08 18:44:41 +02:00
collection info: cannot reuse the attribute value as instance produced from the individual geometry nodes.

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Patrick-Poon opened issue blender/blender#113418 2023-10-08 18:09:24 +02:00
collection info: cannot reuse the attribute value as instance produced from the individual geometry nodes.
Patrick-Poon commented on issue blender/blender#113196 2023-10-03 15:40:13 +02:00
The vertex group cannot be selected from the geometry which is from object info node

yes, thanks! I have solved this by using named attributes but you are correct. This is a very needed feature.

Patrick-Poon opened issue blender/blender#113196 2023-10-03 11:32:49 +02:00
The vertex group cannot be selected from the geometry which is from object info node
Patrick-Poon commented on issue blender/blender#113087 2023-10-03 11:05:22 +02:00
Inactive geometry dependencies preventing snapping between objects

Well, it is actually not an inactive geometry. Originally, the object info node was connected to the selection of the delete geometry node for deleting the points which is supposed it is snapped…

Patrick-Poon commented on issue blender/blender#113087 2023-10-01 12:29:23 +02:00
Inactive geometry dependencies preventing snapping between objects

I not sure what result if expected, but everything is worked for me.

Sorry! I have put the wrong file. I 've just changed and uploaded the file with suspected bug. The camera cannot snap…

Patrick-Poon opened issue blender/blender#113087 2023-09-30 16:32:54 +02:00
The "snap during transform" is lost when the object is used in the "object info" node of geometry nodes