  • Joined on 2023-04-11
Ronald-Veldhuizen closed issue blender/blender#106814 2023-04-12 18:55:59 +02:00
Sculpting: Vector Displacement option not enabled on appended brushes
Ronald-Veldhuizen commented on issue blender/blender#106814 2023-04-12 18:55:57 +02:00
Sculpting: Vector Displacement option not enabled on appended brushes

Yes, thats the solution. Shouldn't it be ticked on default? Thanks!

Ronald-Veldhuizen commented on issue blender/blender#106814 2023-04-12 15:58:21 +02:00
Sculpting: Vector Displacement option not enabled on appended brushes

Hi I made two screencaptures. I hope this will clear things out. In version 3.5 the whole mess is also 'exploding'

Ronald-Veldhuizen opened issue blender/blender#106814 2023-04-11 16:23:47 +02:00
Brushes not working as expected in 3.5