Sean Kim Sean-Kim
  • Joined on 2023-12-14
Sean Kim pushed to add-stroke-cache-comments at Sean-Kim/blender 2024-06-18 06:58:34 +02:00
426b6cfdee Cleanup: Add comments for StrokeCache variables
Sean Kim pushed to add-stroke-cache-comments at Sean-Kim/blender 2024-06-18 06:57:40 +02:00
6810dc5fc8 Cleanup: Add comments for StrokeCache variables
b5a9a67dcf Fix: EEVEE: Object holdout not working
df98aa61bb Nodes: Support hiding labels for string sockets
dde2aa5417 Merge branch 'blender-v4.2-release'
8014b9cbb4 Fix #123183: EEVEE: Optimize velocity geometry buffer
Compare 5 commits »
Sean Kim created branch add-stroke-cache-comments in Sean-Kim/blender 2024-06-18 06:57:39 +02:00
Sean Kim pushed to smooth-mask-brush-refactor at Sean-Kim/blender 2024-06-18 06:16:17 +02:00
a8176af023 Cleanup neighbor code
0197eba6ad Update iteration and neighbor gathering
8b6101e5b7 Cleanup whitespace
Compare 3 commits »
Sean Kim commented on pull request blender/blender#123231 2024-06-18 05:58:04 +02:00
Sculpt: Initial data oriented refactor for crease/blob brushes

Will do some testing of this and the other pending PR tomorrow, otherwise small comments, nothing major.

Sean Kim commented on pull request blender/blender#123231 2024-06-18 05:58:02 +02:00
Sculpt: Initial data oriented refactor for crease/blob brushes

I think it's worth adding a comment to the doc here, or maybe in the file, saying that the invert_strength is what differentiates the BLOB and CREASE brush. Alternatively, I don't think it would be a bad idea to make two functions:

Sean Kim commented on pull request blender/blender#123231 2024-06-18 05:58:00 +02:00
Sculpt: Initial data oriented refactor for crease/blob brushes

I noticed the sculpt_project_v3_cache_init function has a conditional checking against FLT_EPSILON to seemingly prevent it from causing len_sq_inv_neg to be extremely large if the value is nearly 0. I think we probably need a similar check somewhere.

Sean Kim commented on pull request blender/blender#123231 2024-06-18 05:57:59 +02:00
Sculpt: Initial data oriented refactor for crease/blob brushes

Minor nit: Any reason to prefer writing this out over calling pow? Here and below on line 277

Sean Kim commented on pull request blender/blender#123231 2024-06-18 05:57:58 +02:00
Sculpt: Initial data oriented refactor for crease/blob brushes

As far as I understand it, the main reason we add the Scene parameter here and elsewhereis so that we eventually can call this method so we can get either the brush value or the unified value. This doesn't seem to me like a thing that we want long term, though passing it in is certainly better than retrieving it from SculptSession -> ViewContext -> Scene

Sean Kim commented on pull request blender/blender#123231 2024-06-18 05:57:57 +02:00
Sculpt: Initial data oriented refactor for crease/blob brushes

Doesn't this comment contradict the BLI_NOINLINE?

Sean Kim pushed to smooth-mask-brush-refactor at Sean-Kim/blender 2024-06-18 00:59:36 +02:00
927fe5b946 Remove usage of neighbor iterator for grid case
f3c83f311d Extract common function
0e40e291cf Cleanup comment
6917d3bd73 Actually return the clamp value
Compare 4 commits »
Sean Kim pushed to smooth-mask-brush-refactor at Sean-Kim/blender 2024-06-17 19:58:47 +02:00
774155e3ef Add isolate_task
925c54f9d9 Add separate neighbor function
399f190806 Update after merge
32a78e480f Merge branch 'main' of into smooth-mask-brush-refactor
72611e5cda Assume mask exists for grid
Compare 122 commits »
Sean Kim deleted branch more-forward-declarations from Sean-Kim/blender 2024-06-17 18:10:19 +02:00
Sean Kim pushed to main at blender/blender 2024-06-17 18:10:16 +02:00
02449b481b Cleanup: Add forward declarations to mesh_brush_common.hh
Sean Kim merged pull request blender/blender#123209 2024-06-17 18:10:16 +02:00
Cleanup: Add forward declarations to mesh_brush_common.hh
Sean Kim pushed to more-forward-declarations at Sean-Kim/blender 2024-06-17 18:05:44 +02:00
aa2e22de71 Switch forward declarations for #includes
Sean Kim pushed to main at Sean-Kim/.profile 2024-06-15 23:55:29 +02:00
fc5e4f34de Update reports/
Sean Kim commented on pull request blender/blender#123263 2024-06-15 05:18:52 +02:00
Cleanup: Sculpt: Reduce brush code duplication for applying translations

Minor nit: It seems like the only reason we pass down the entire Sculpt object is so we can access the .flags for clipping - do we want to extract this somehow?

Sean Kim commented on pull request blender/blender#123103 2024-06-15 01:47:31 +02:00
Sculpt: Initial data oriented refactor for draw sharp brush

We can just skip SculptOrigVertData completely, using Span<float3> positions = undo::get_node(...)->position

My only issue with this is that I think having an explicit named method like…