Vectrobe Vectrobe
  • Joined on 2015-04-23
Vectrobe commented on issue blender/blender-addons#104989 2023-11-06 00:58:25 +01:00
glTF 2.0 export fails with NaN float value from specific shape key

well we can break this down into 4 parts;

1; bug-0, the origin of the NaN values, however I have no clue where this bug exists and this model was not made by me, so for now we just have to…

Vectrobe opened issue blender/blender-addons#104989 2023-11-05 10:20:50 +01:00
glTF 2.0 export fails with NaN float value from specific shape key
Vectrobe opened issue blender/blender#114484 2023-11-04 15:10:14 +01:00
glTF2 exporter fails to export with 'cannot convert float NaN to integer' with nothing to point to