  • Joined on 2023-03-12
8594c29e49 WIP 2d sample corner detection & tangent curvature estimation
b63918c8ee Corner detection. Kinda works but I should use better tangent estimation to eliminatie false corners
8d83ffdce1 WIP corner detection
4065907e4e Still not optimal, should trry other algorithms
820a592769 Fixed some bugs. But still not working. I suspect the 3-scale curvature values are not right.
1be990b389 WIP corner detection. The corner intensity is not right.
ff2c7a0f52 Fix bas 2d sample topo due to marking every curve head as sub-seg head
6923923b70 Fix some bugs of corner detection.
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70dc6daf9b WIP corner detection
50c749b337 WIP corner detection
479899a56f Expand customizable sections of segloopconv1d operator.
3b8255567d Segmentation of 2d samples, finished but I suspect there to be some unnoticed bugs
e85c4baaa5 WIP 2d sample segmentation
793a4c1a25 WIP, 2d sample segmentation
WangZiWei-Jiang pushed tag v3.3.19 to WangZiWei-Jiang/fork-npr-strokegen 2024-05-21 16:43:59 +02:00
WangZiWei-Jiang pushed tag v3.6.12 to WangZiWei-Jiang/fork-npr-strokegen 2024-05-21 16:43:59 +02:00
b15b1f5fad WIP 2d sample segmentation
63c3063858 Fix idmapping bug. stupid bug... my brain's getting worse
4f3744d313 Fix bad contour topo
5ba9ee092e Resampling is working now. Next step is to detect corners
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