- In "Solid view", only ovrlay/ wireframe responds to transform/ translation.
I cannot confirm it with HD 4600 and Linux
- With "Viewport debug" & "Overlay Next" enabled, Blender…
The debug output doesn't show any related info. If it's crashing, could you attach the crash report?
Hi! Blender crashes on start.
[dv@manjaro blender-4.0.0-alpha+main-PR111616.1e5cdea…
Do you have the same problem with the Workbench or not? I openned an issue but its is closed as duplicate
Mesa 23.1.3 has a bug, Mesa 23.1.4 resolved the issue
I registered new issue https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues/9290
Today, I downloaded both files - Blender 3.6 and Blender 4.0, last 4.x build don't have the issue. I don't understand what it depends on.
While they appear to be the same width, they do have different vertex coordinates
Yes. Thank you! I didn't check it
Thanks for all, guys! :) I understand! :) Help me this link:
i will know now
I followed that link, nothing understand, only it is stated that the graph is not symmetrical. Moreover, the graph is also not symmetrical in the positive direction, and not only in the negative!…
divmod(-12.56, 1.0) (-13.0, 0.4399999999999995)
This is working as designed, not a bug
Here - yes, as designed because div is division but not fraction:
Hi, thanks for the report. Don't think this is a bug. For me, this looks expected codewise and conceptwise. To calculate the decimal part of any real number, the logic is to subtract floor…