Sebastián Blanco amarillosebas
  • Joined on 2020-11-25
Sebastián Blanco opened issue blender/blender#117046 2024-01-11 23:04:54 +01:00
Compositor Glare node gives a consistently bad result
Sebastián Blanco commented on issue blender/blender#111576 2023-10-14 00:21:12 +02:00
Unnecessary write operations on blender_assets.cats.txt

Somehow this issue has gotten worse over time for me.

Sebastián Blanco commented on issue blender/blender#106294 2023-03-30 17:25:55 +02:00
Models seem to get corrupted when using multiple Armature modifiers together with Shape Keys

To give a little more insight. Perhaps what is happening is that the vertex order is getting messed up. While recovering a previous non-corrupted version of the model, I transferred a shape key…

Sebastián Blanco commented on issue blender/blender#106294 2023-03-30 16:58:33 +02:00
Models seem to get corrupted when using multiple Armature modifiers together with Shape Keys

Woah I did not meant to close the issue! I only wanted to cancel a reply.

Sebastián Blanco reopened issue blender/blender#106294 2023-03-30 16:57:55 +02:00
Models seem to get corrupted when using multiple Armature modifiers together with Shape Keys
Sebastián Blanco closed issue blender/blender#106294 2023-03-30 16:57:48 +02:00
Models seem to get corrupted when using multiple Armature modifiers together with Shape Keys
Sebastián Blanco commented on issue blender/blender#106294 2023-03-30 16:56:23 +02:00
Models seem to get corrupted when using multiple Armature modifiers together with Shape Keys

I'm sorry, but it might be something with my models then. What's frustrating is that everything was absolutely OK before the update. I stripped down the file to the best of my ability/knowledge of…

Sebastián Blanco opened issue blender/blender#106294 2023-03-30 09:00:11 +02:00
Models seem to get corrupted when using multiple Armature modifiers together with Shape Keys