Alexander Gavrilov angavrilov
  • Cyprus
  • Joined on 2015-08-20
Alexander Gavrilov commented on pull request blender/blender#110758 2023-09-18 16:11:55 +02:00
Bendy Bones: implement a new curve-aware vertex to segment mapping mode.

Here is the latest blend file for completeness. It reflects the change in managing the bsp division bias value.

Alexander Gavrilov commented on pull request blender/blender#110758 2023-09-18 16:09:35 +02:00
Bendy Bones: implement a new curve-aware vertex to segment mapping mode.

I think I was thinking in terms of a 'weighted sum' here, hence the somewhat weird math expression.

Alexander Gavrilov pushed to pr-bbone-curved-mapping at angavrilov/blender 2023-09-18 16:07:50 +02:00
1257a9913c Bendy Bones: implement a new curve-aware vertex to segment mapping mode.
Alexander Gavrilov pushed to main at blender/blender-addons 2023-09-18 08:57:01 +02:00
21c4924974 Rigify: add an api to use runtime-evaluated expressions in panel scripts.
bcfed198d0 Rigify: alert the user if they forgot to assign any layer UI buttons.
Compare 2 commits »
Alexander Gavrilov pushed to main at angavrilov/blender-addons 2023-09-18 08:56:55 +02:00
21c4924974 Rigify: add an api to use runtime-evaluated expressions in panel scripts.
bcfed198d0 Rigify: alert the user if they forgot to assign any layer UI buttons.
Compare 2 commits »
Alexander Gavrilov pushed to main at angavrilov/blender-addons 2023-09-16 16:08:02 +02:00
0c77065441 Rigify: add a utility class for managing helper objects.
8f16645901 Rigify: adopt new leg features from the experimental feature set.
b36844ec64 Rigify: keep the pole target switch as integer.
73f1732f26 Rigify: handle more rig types when upgrading layer references.
8f6b6bb465 UITranslate: Initial refactor/changes for repositories changes.
Compare 38 commits »
Alexander Gavrilov pushed to main at blender/blender-addons 2023-09-16 16:07:55 +02:00
0c77065441 Rigify: add a utility class for managing helper objects.
8f16645901 Rigify: adopt new leg features from the experimental feature set.
b36844ec64 Rigify: keep the pole target switch as integer.
73f1732f26 Rigify: handle more rig types when upgrading layer references.
Compare 4 commits »
Alexander Gavrilov commented on pull request blender/blender#110758 2023-09-16 09:51:49 +02:00
Bendy Bones: implement a new curve-aware vertex to segment mapping mode.

Biasing toward the previous rather than the first split also seems ok, so fixed.

Alexander Gavrilov pushed to pr-bbone-curved-mapping at angavrilov/blender 2023-09-16 09:35:16 +02:00
d552481667 Bendy Bones: implement a new curve-aware vertex to segment mapping mode.
Alexander Gavrilov commented on pull request blender/blender#110758 2023-09-15 18:34:22 +02:00
Bendy Bones: implement a new curve-aware vertex to segment mapping mode.

bbone_primary_split can be adjusted by the above condition checks to ensure the conditions hold, even if somehow they don't hold for segments / 2.

Alexander Gavrilov commented on pull request blender/blender#110758 2023-09-15 18:33:38 +02:00
Bendy Bones: implement a new curve-aware vertex to segment mapping mode.

Well, bias cannot be rolled into it cleanly, and it ensures that the ends get the maximum number of bsp splits for symmetry and smoothness.

Alexander Gavrilov commented on pull request blender/blender#110758 2023-09-15 18:32:24 +02:00
Bendy Bones: implement a new curve-aware vertex to segment mapping mode.

The return value is not used, but failing the conditions still disables the curved mapping through side effects.

Alexander Gavrilov commented on issue blender/blender#112289 2023-09-13 09:43:11 +02:00
Armatures in In Front mode disappear on linux when no meshes are visible.

I would hazard a guess on general principles that maybe if there are no non-overlay objects the depth buffer isn't initialised properly and is thus in an undefined state, which naturally depends…

Alexander Gavrilov opened issue blender/blender#112289 2023-09-12 16:20:51 +02:00
Armatures in In Front mode disappear on linux when no meshes are visible.
Alexander Gavrilov pushed to pr-shrinkwrap-tproj at angavrilov/blender 2023-09-12 13:28:21 +02:00
011daab04a Shrinkwrap: fix stability of the Target Normal Project mode.
6920c690f1 Vulkan: Implement Component Swizzling
ded7d96ba1 Vulkan: Texture View
65a88c3d60 Vulkan: Fix Incorrect UINT formats.
c0850237a1 Fix: "use_duplicated_keyframes" not found
Compare 1580 commits »
Alexander Gavrilov pushed to pr-driver-var-default at angavrilov/blender 2023-09-12 12:17:58 +02:00
89923a2a18 Drivers: implement fallback values for RNA path based variables.
0a3cbac67c Drivers Editor: apply red underline to drivers that failed evaluation.
6920c690f1 Vulkan: Implement Component Swizzling
ded7d96ba1 Vulkan: Texture View
65a88c3d60 Vulkan: Fix Incorrect UINT formats.
Compare 1404 commits »
Alexander Gavrilov pushed to pr-bbone-curved-mapping at angavrilov/blender 2023-09-12 12:06:31 +02:00
5cfb6ab797 Bendy Bones: implement a new curve-aware vertex to segment mapping mode.
6920c690f1 Vulkan: Implement Component Swizzling
ded7d96ba1 Vulkan: Texture View
65a88c3d60 Vulkan: Fix Incorrect UINT formats.
c0850237a1 Fix: "use_duplicated_keyframes" not found
Compare 283 commits »
Alexander Gavrilov pushed to main at blender/blender-addons 2023-09-11 16:20:34 +02:00
ec1a4f3747 Rigify: expect collections.move is always there now.
f39ed89170 Rigify: fix some type annotations and warnings.
3a8c0547dc Rigify: implement an operator to validate bone collection references.
1b7b5fe108 Rigify: use name hash in bone collection uid assignment.
Compare 4 commits »
Alexander Gavrilov commented on pull request blender/blender#111965 2023-09-09 12:16:28 +02:00
Fix #111780: bone collections and undo don't work together

(On a longer term, it's likely best to investigate getting entirely rid of the edit data and special edit mode undo for armatures, it makes really little sense to have it in the first place). …

Alexander Gavrilov commented on issue blender/blender#112134 2023-09-09 12:12:52 +02:00
Animation: create a full separate copy of BoneCollections while in armature edit mode

How would this work with the Python API? The Armature.collections property would probably have to magically choose which list to use.