Aras Pranckevicius aras_p
Aras Pranckevicius commented on issue blender/blender#119823 2024-03-29 15:36:32 +01:00
Obj import generate some not valid meshes

@scurest I have not validated (ha :)) this, but if you say so, then to me it sounds like neither OBJ nor glTF are directly related, but actual issue/regression would be along the lines of "in…

Aras Pranckevicius created pull request blender/blender#120033 2024-03-28 20:42:02 +01:00
WIP: Video: 10/12 BPP and HDR video output support
Aras Pranckevicius pushed to ffmpeg_hdr at aras_p/blender 2024-03-28 20:41:10 +01:00
6fbbbdc490 Video: initial code to support >8bpp and/or HDR (HLG) video output
df22461490 Video: add video_bpp and video_hdr enum settings to FFMpegCodecData
265bfdb019 Cleanup: Resolve allocation size warning in Hook modifier RNA
0cdd429b44 Cleanup: Use newer API for creating IDProperties in most places
e0567eadbd Cleanup: Use FunctionRef for IDProperty iteration callback
Compare 10 commits »
Aras Pranckevicius created branch ffmpeg_hdr in aras_p/blender 2024-03-28 20:41:10 +01:00
Aras Pranckevicius commented on issue blender/blender#118493 2024-03-27 09:13:58 +01:00
Video Output: Support higher bits per pixel formats

Question about representation of "video format types" within Blender codebase.

  • Some parts of UI and logic, like "which bit depths does a file format support?" are purely based on `ImageFormatDat…
Aras Pranckevicius deleted branch vk-compressed-textures from aras_p/blender 2024-03-26 14:50:10 +01:00
Aras Pranckevicius merged pull request blender/blender#119866 2024-03-26 14:50:06 +01:00
Vulkan: implement support for compressed textures
Aras Pranckevicius pushed to main at blender/blender 2024-03-26 14:50:05 +01:00
3663c8147c Vulkan: implement support for compressed textures
Aras Pranckevicius commented on pull request blender/blender#119866 2024-03-26 11:42:18 +01:00
Vulkan: implement support for compressed textures

OpenGL has the same assert, and Metal recently got it too. @fclem commented wrt it here: blender/blender#119835 (comment)

My understanding is that…

Aras Pranckevicius commented on issue blender/blender#119823 2024-03-25 11:59:38 +01:00
Obj import generate some not valid meshes

The issue that the OBJ in question does have literally duplicate faces, which in Blender is considered "invalid". E.g. from Portraits repro that Philipp made (around line 3925):

Aras Pranckevicius deleted branch mtl-compressed-textures from aras_p/blender 2024-03-25 11:40:33 +01:00
Aras Pranckevicius pushed to main at blender/blender 2024-03-25 11:40:30 +01:00
26337b9fb4 Metal: implement support for compressed textures
Aras Pranckevicius merged pull request blender/blender#119835 2024-03-25 11:40:30 +01:00
Metal: implement support for compressed textures
Aras Pranckevicius created pull request blender/blender#119866 2024-03-25 10:34:58 +01:00
Metal: implement support for compressed textures
Aras Pranckevicius pushed to vk-compressed-textures at aras_p/blender 2024-03-25 10:33:33 +01:00
4204cdba6e Vulkan: implement GPU compressed textures
e9eb2d35f8 USD: Add new test files for curves and point instancing
792f4cc1d1 Merge branch 'blender-v4.1-release'
31aec5ae1d I18N: Updated UI translstions from git/weblate repo (5f533cb92100b).
05a9f96446 Fix: Add missing callback reset in RE_InitRenderCB
Compare 10 commits »
Aras Pranckevicius created branch vk-compressed-textures in aras_p/blender 2024-03-25 10:33:33 +01:00
Aras Pranckevicius closed issue blender/blender#119841 2024-03-24 21:31:19 +01:00
Eevee: mipmaps only "kick in" at much larger distance since 4.1
Aras Pranckevicius commented on issue blender/blender#119841 2024-03-24 21:31:16 +01:00
Eevee: mipmaps only "kick in" at much larger distance since 4.1

Derp, ignore me. Turns out my preferences between 4.1/4.2 and earlier versions had system preference of anisotropic filtering at 2x (4.0 and earlier), and 16x (4.1 and later).

Aras Pranckevicius commented on pull request blender/blender#119835 2024-03-24 17:13:58 +01:00
Metal: implement support for compressed textures

gpu::MTLTexture::read seems suspicious, since it asserts for compressed textures. Maybe this is related to why it wasn't implemented. Do you happened to know anything about that?
