Node Wrangler: Improved accuracy on Align Nodes operator #104551

quackarooni wants to merge 18 commits from quackarooni/blender-addons:nw_rework_align_nodes into main

When changing the target branch, be careful to rebase the branch in your fork to match. See documentation.
4 changed files with 165 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -63,7 +63,15 @@ def drawlayout(context, layout, mode='non-panel'):
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.operator(operators.NWAlignNodes.bl_idname, icon='CENTER_ONLY')
col.operator(operators.NWAlignNodes.bl_idname, text='Auto-Align Nodes', icon='CENTER_ONLY').mode = 'AUTOMATIC'
if mode == 'panel':
row = col.row(align=True)
row.operator(operators.NWAlignNodes.bl_idname, text='Align X').mode = 'HORIZONTAL'
row.operator(operators.NWAlignNodes.bl_idname, text='Align Y').mode = 'VERTICAL'
col.operator(operators.NWAlignNodes.bl_idname, text='Align X').mode = 'HORIZONTAL'
col.operator(operators.NWAlignNodes.bl_idname, text='Align Y').mode = 'VERTICAL'
col = layout.column(align=True)

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from bpy.props import (
from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper, ExportHelper
@ -29,7 +30,8 @@ from .utils.draw import draw_callback_nodeoutline
from .utils.paths import match_files_to_socket_names, split_into_components
from .utils.nodes import (node_mid_pt, autolink, node_at_pos, get_nodes_links, is_viewer_socket, is_viewer_link,
get_group_output_node, get_output_location, force_update, get_internal_socket, nw_check,
nw_check_space_type, NWBase, get_first_enabled_output, is_visible_socket, viewer_socket_name)
nw_check_space_type, NWBase, get_first_enabled_output, is_visible_socket, temporary_unframe,
class NWLazyMix(Operator, NWBase):
"""Add a Mix RGB/Shader node by interactively drawing lines between nodes"""
@ -2142,69 +2144,137 @@ class NWAlignNodes(Operator, NWBase):
bl_idname = "node.nw_align_nodes"
bl_label = "Align Nodes"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
margin: IntProperty(name='Margin', default=50, description='The amount of space between nodes')
mode: EnumProperty(
name='Align Mode',
('AUTOMATIC', 'Auto-Align', ''),
('HORIZONTAL', 'Align X', ''),
('VERTICAL', 'Align Y', ''),
def description(cls, context, props):
if props.mode == 'AUTOMATIC':
return "Aligns nodes horizontally/vertically based on which direction takes more space"
elif props.mode == 'HORIZONTAL':
return "Aligns nodes in a row from left to right"
elif props.mode == 'VERTICAL':
return "Aligns nodes in a column from top to bottom"
def poll(cls, context):
selection = (node for node in context.selected_nodes if node.type != 'FRAME')
for index, _ in enumerate(selection):
if index >= 1:
return nw_check(context)
return False
def get_midpoint(node, axis):
reroute_width = 10
weird_offset = 10
if axis == 'X':
width = reroute_width if (node.type == 'REROUTE') else node.dimensions.x
return node.location.x + (0.5 * width)
elif axis == 'Y':
if (node.type == 'REROUTE'):
return node.location.y - (0.5 * reroute_width)
elif node.hide:
return node.location.y - weird_offset
return node.location.y - (0.5 * node.dimensions.y)
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
margin = self.margin
selection = [node for node in context.selected_nodes if node.type != 'FRAME']
active_node = context.active_node
prefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
margin_x, margin_y = prefs.align_nodes_margin
selection = []
for node in nodes:
if and node.type != 'FRAME':
# Somehow hidden nodes would come out 10 units higher that non-hidden nodes when aligned, so this offset has to exist
weird_offset = 10
# If no nodes are selected, align all nodes
active_loc = None
if not selection:
selection = nodes
elif in selection:
active_loc = copy( # make a copy, not a reference
# node.dimensions for reroutes indicate (16.0, 16.0) but using that in calculations puts reroutes off-center
# At least on a purely visual basis, the dimensions of a reroute node seem to be closer to 10 units. (At least for 1.0 unit scale)
reroute_width = 10
# Check if nodes should be laid out horizontally or vertically
# use dimension to get center of node, not corner
x_locs = [n.location.x + (n.dimensions.x / 2) for n in selection]
y_locs = [n.location.y - (n.dimensions.y / 2) for n in selection]
x_range = max(x_locs) - min(x_locs)
y_range = max(y_locs) - min(y_locs)
mid_x = (max(x_locs) + min(x_locs)) / 2
mid_y = (max(y_locs) + min(y_locs)) / 2
horizontal = x_range > y_range
with temporary_unframe(nodes=selection):
active_loc = None
if active_node in selection:
active_loc = copy(active_node.location) # make a copy, not a reference
# Sort selection by location of node mid-point
if horizontal:
selection = sorted(selection, key=lambda n: n.location.x + (n.dimensions.x / 2))
selection = sorted(selection, key=lambda n: n.location.y - (n.dimensions.y / 2), reverse=True)
x_locs = [self.get_midpoint(n, axis='X') for n in selection]
y_locs = [self.get_midpoint(n, axis='Y') for n in selection]
# Alignment
current_pos = 0
for node in selection:
current_margin = margin
current_margin = current_margin * 0.5 if node.hide else current_margin # use a smaller margin for hidden nodes
x_range = max(x_locs) - min(x_locs)
y_range = max(y_locs) - min(y_locs)
horizontal = x_range > y_range
mid_x = 0.5 * (max(x_locs) + min(x_locs))
mid_y = 0.5 * (max(y_locs) + min(y_locs))
# Sort selection by location of node mid-point
if horizontal:
selection.sort(key=lambda n: n.location.x + (n.dimensions.x / 2))
selection.sort(key=lambda n: n.location.y - (n.dimensions.y / 2), reverse=True)
if self.mode != 'AUTOMATIC':
horizontal = (self.mode == 'HORIZONTAL')
# Alignment
current_pos = 0
if horizontal:
node.location.x = current_pos
current_pos += current_margin + node.dimensions.x
node.location.y = mid_y + (node.dimensions.y / 2)
node.location.y = current_pos
current_pos -= (current_margin * 0.3) + node.dimensions.y # use half-margin for vertical alignment
node.location.x = mid_x - (node.dimensions.x / 2)
for node in selection:
if node.type != 'REROUTE':
node.location.x = current_pos
node.location.y = (mid_y + weird_offset) if node.hide else mid_y + (0.5 * node.dimensions.y)
# If active node is selected, center nodes around it
if active_loc is not None:
active_loc_diff = active_loc -
for node in selection:
node.location += active_loc_diff
else: # Position nodes centered around where they used to be
locs = ([n.location.x + (n.dimensions.x / 2) for n in selection]
) if horizontal else ([n.location.y - (n.dimensions.y / 2) for n in selection])
new_mid = (max(locs) + min(locs)) / 2
for node in selection:
if horizontal:
node.location.x += (mid_x - new_mid)
node.location.y += (mid_y - new_mid)
current_pos += margin_x + node.dimensions.x
node.location.x = current_pos + (0.5 * reroute_width)
node.location.y = mid_y
current_pos += margin_x + reroute_width
for node in selection:
if node.type != 'REROUTE':
node.location.x = mid_x - (0.5 * node.dimensions.x)
node.location.y = (current_pos - (0.5 * node.dimensions.y) +
weird_offset) if node.hide else current_pos
current_pos -= margin_y + node.dimensions.y
node.location.x = mid_x
node.location.y = current_pos - (0.5 * reroute_width)
current_pos -= margin_y + reroute_width
# If active node is selected, center nodes around it
if active_loc is not None:
active_loc_diff = (active_loc - active_node.location)
for node in selection:
node.location += active_loc_diff
new_x_locs = [self.get_midpoint(n, axis='X') for n in selection]
new_y_locs = [self.get_midpoint(n, axis='Y') for n in selection]
new_x_mid = 0.5 * (max(new_x_locs) + min(new_x_locs))
new_y_mid = 0.5 * (max(new_y_locs) + min(new_y_locs))
x_diff = mid_x - new_x_mid
y_diff = mid_y - new_y_mid
for node in selection:
node.location.x += x_diff
node.location.y += y_diff
return {'FINISHED'}

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import bpy
from bpy.props import EnumProperty, BoolProperty, StringProperty
from bpy.props import EnumProperty, BoolProperty, StringProperty, IntVectorProperty
from nodeitems_utils import node_categories_iter
from . import operators
@ -102,11 +102,25 @@ class NWNodeWrangler(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
description="Expand this box into a list of all naming tags for principled texture setup"
align_nodes_margin: IntVectorProperty(
default=(50, 15),
description='The amount of space between nodes during when the Align Nodes operator is called'
principled_tags: bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=NWPrincipledPreferences)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
col = layout.column()
col = layout.column(heading="Margin (Align Nodes):")
col.prop(self, "align_nodes_margin", text="")
col.label(text="Merge Node Options:")
col.prop(self, "merge_position")
col.prop(self, "merge_hide")

View File

@ -229,6 +229,22 @@ def is_visible_socket(socket):
return not socket.hide and socket.enabled and socket.type != 'CUSTOM'
class temporary_unframe(): # Context manager for temporarily unparenting nodes from their frames
def __init__(self, nodes):
self.parent_dict = {}
for node in nodes:
if node.parent is not None:
self.parent_dict[node] = node.parent
node.parent = None
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
for node, parent in self.parent_dict.items():
node.parent = parent
class NWBase:
def poll(cls, context):