FBX IO: Search for images on separate threads #105125

Thomas Barlow wants to merge 2 commits from Mysteryem/blender-addons:fbx_import_image_search_threaded into main

When changing the target branch, be careful to rebase the branch in your fork to match. See documentation.
3 changed files with 177 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -198,19 +198,20 @@ class ImportFBX(bpy.types.Operator, ImportHelper):
def execute(self, context):
keywords = self.as_keywords(ignore=("filter_glob", "directory", "ui_tab", "filepath", "files"))
from . import import_fbx
from . import import_fbx, fbx_utils_threading
import os
if self.files:
ret = {'CANCELLED'}
dirname = os.path.dirname(self.filepath)
for file in self.files:
path = os.path.join(dirname, file.name)
if import_fbx.load(self, context, filepath=path, **keywords) == {'FINISHED'}:
ret = {'FINISHED'}
return ret
return import_fbx.load(self, context, filepath=self.filepath, **keywords)
with fbx_utils_threading.new_thread_pool_executor(thread_name_prefix=self.bl_idname) as executor:
if self.files:
ret = {'CANCELLED'}
dirname = os.path.dirname(self.filepath)
for file in self.files:
path = os.path.join(dirname, file.name)
if import_fbx.load(self, context, executor, filepath=path, **keywords) == {'FINISHED'}:
ret = {'FINISHED'}
return ret
return import_fbx.load(self, context, executor, filepath=self.filepath, **keywords)
class FBX_PT_import_include(bpy.types.Panel):

View File

@ -13,10 +13,51 @@ _MULTITHREADING_ENABLED = True
# The concurrent.futures module may not work or may not be available on WebAssembly platforms wasm32-emscripten and
# wasm32-wasi.
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, Executor, Future
except ModuleNotFoundError:
ThreadPoolExecutor = None
Executor = object
# So that the same code can be used regardless of whether concurrent.futures is available, create a basic
# implementation of concurrent.futures.Future with the expected methods.
class Future:
"""Minimal Future implementation that is always considered done.
The defined functions match those in concurrent.futures.Future"""
__slots__ = "_result", "_exception"
def __init__(self):
self._result = None
self._exception = None
def cancel(self): return False # The Future cannot be cancelled.
def cancelled(self): return False # The Future can never be cancelled.
def running(self): return False # The Future is never considered to be running.
def done(self): return True # The Future is always considered to be done.
def result(self, timeout=None):
ex = self._exception
if ex is not None:
raise ex
return self._result
def exception(self, timeout=None): return self._exception
def add_done_callback(self, fn):
except Exception as e:
# The Future.add_done_callback documentation specifies that it logs and ignores raised Exception
# subclasses. The behaviour of other BaseException subclasses is undefined, so, for simplicity, we won't
# catch those.
print("Exception in Future done callback: %s" % e)
# No need to implement this because a result or exception should always be set.
def set_running_or_notify_cancel(self): raise NotImplementedError()
def set_result(self, result): self._result = result
def set_exception(self, exception): self._exception = exception
# The module may be available, but not be fully functional. An error may be raised when attempting to start a
@ -29,6 +70,52 @@ else:
# To be able to use the same code on systems that cannot use multithreading, an executor class is needed that simply
# immediately runs submitted tasks on the calling thread. This class can also be used whenever the number of maximum
# worker threads is zero.
class ImmediateExecutor(Executor):
"""Executor that immediately executes submitted callables on the calling thread.
The Future objects returned by this executor will always be done."""
__slots__ = "_shut_down",
def __init__(self):
self._shut_down = False
def __enter__(self): return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass
def shutdown(self, wait=True, *, cancel_futures=False): self._shut_down = True
def map(self, fn, *iterables, timeout=None, chunksize=1):
# To match ThreadPoolExecutor behaviour, all callables are submitted first and then the results are yielded in
# the order the callables were submitted.
futures = [self.submit(fn, *args) for args in zip(*iterables)]
for future in futures:
yield future.result()
def submit(self, __fn, /, *args, **kwargs):
if self._shut_down:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot schedule new callables after shutdown")
future = Future()
result = __fn(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as ex:
return future
def new_thread_pool_executor(max_workers=None, thread_name_prefix='', initializer=None, initargs=()):
"""Create a ThreadPoolExecutor if possible, otherwise fall back to creating an executor that immediately executes
submitted callables on the calling thread."""
if (max_workers is not None and max_workers < 1) or not _MULTITHREADING_ENABLED or ThreadPoolExecutor is None:
return ImmediateExecutor()
return ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers, thread_name_prefix, initializer, initargs)
def get_cpu_count():
"""Get the number of cpus assigned to the current process if that information is available on this system.
If not available, get the total number of cpus.

View File

@ -2091,7 +2091,7 @@ def blen_read_material(fbx_tmpl, fbx_obj, settings):
# -------
# Image & Texture
def blen_read_texture_image(fbx_tmpl, fbx_obj, basedir, settings):
def blen_read_texture_image(executor, fbx_tmpl, fbx_obj, basedir, settings):
import os
from bpy_extras import image_utils
@ -2127,31 +2127,42 @@ def blen_read_texture_image(fbx_tmpl, fbx_obj, basedir, settings):
else :
filepath = filepath.replace('\\', '/') if (os.sep == '/') else filepath.replace('/', '\\')
image = image_cache.get(filepath)
if image is not None:
cached_image = image_cache.get(filepath)
if cached_image is not None:
# Data is only embedded once, we may have already created the image but still be missing its data!
if not image.has_data:
pack_data_from_content(image, fbx_obj)
return image
def extra_pack_from_content(image):
if not image.has_data:
pack_data_from_content(image, fbx_obj)
image_future, finish_loading_callbacks = cached_image
return image_future
image = image_utils.load_image(
image_future = executor.submit(image_utils.load_image,
# Try to use embedded data, if available!
pack_data_from_content(image, fbx_obj)
image_cache[filepath] = image
# name can be ../a/b/c
image.name = os.path.basename(elem_name_utf8)
desired_image_name = os.path.basename(elem_name_utf8)
if settings.use_custom_props:
blen_read_custom_properties(fbx_obj, image, settings)
# We don't use image_future.add_done_callback because it logs and then ignores exceptions, and we need to ensure
# that images are named in a deterministic order in-case there are duplicate names. So we'll run callback
# functions on the main thread to finish loading the images in the order they were read.
def finish_loading(image):
# Try to use embedded data, if available!
pack_data_from_content(image, fbx_obj)
return image
# name can be ../a/b/c
image.name = desired_image_name
if settings.use_custom_props:
blen_read_custom_properties(fbx_obj, image, settings)
image_cache[filepath] = image_future, [finish_loading]
return image_future
def blen_read_camera(fbx_tmpl, fbx_obj, settings):
@ -2988,7 +2999,7 @@ class FbxImportHelperNode:
return None
def load(operator, context, filepath="",
def load(operator, context, executor, filepath="",
@ -3009,7 +3020,8 @@ def load(operator, context, filepath="",
global fbx_elem_nil
fbx_elem_nil = FBXElem('', (), (), ())
@ -3226,6 +3238,31 @@ def load(operator, context, filepath="",
fbx_connection_map_reverse.setdefault(c_dst, []).append((c_src, fbx_link))
_(); del _
perfmon.step("FBX import: Textures...")
# ----
# Load image & textures data
# This is done early on because searching for an image can take a long time, especially if starting from close to a
# top-level directory, but it can run in the background on a different thread.
def _():
fbx_tmpl_tex = fbx_template_get((b'Texture', b'KFbxFileTexture'))
fbx_tmpl_img = fbx_template_get((b'Video', b'KFbxVideo'))
# Important to run all 'Video' ones first, embedded images are stored in those nodes.
# XXX Note we simplify things here, assuming both matching Video and Texture will use same file path,
# this may be a bit weak, if issue arise we'll fallback to plain connection stuff...
for fbx_uuid, fbx_item in fbx_table_nodes.items():
fbx_obj, blen_data = fbx_item
if fbx_obj.id != b'Video':
fbx_item[1] = blen_read_texture_image(executor, fbx_tmpl_img, fbx_obj, basedir, settings)
for fbx_uuid, fbx_item in fbx_table_nodes.items():
fbx_obj, blen_data = fbx_item
if fbx_obj.id != b'Texture':
fbx_item[1] = blen_read_texture_image(executor, fbx_tmpl_tex, fbx_obj, basedir, settings)
_(); del _
perfmon.step("FBX import: Meshes...")
# ----
@ -3242,7 +3279,7 @@ def load(operator, context, filepath="",
fbx_item[1] = blen_read_geom(fbx_tmpl, fbx_obj, settings)
_(); del _
perfmon.step("FBX import: Materials & Textures...")
perfmon.step("FBX import: Materials...")
# ----
# Load material data
@ -3258,27 +3295,6 @@ def load(operator, context, filepath="",
fbx_item[1] = blen_read_material(fbx_tmpl, fbx_obj, settings)
_(); del _
# ----
# Load image & textures data
def _():
fbx_tmpl_tex = fbx_template_get((b'Texture', b'KFbxFileTexture'))
fbx_tmpl_img = fbx_template_get((b'Video', b'KFbxVideo'))
# Important to run all 'Video' ones first, embedded images are stored in those nodes.
# XXX Note we simplify things here, assuming both matching Video and Texture will use same file path,
# this may be a bit weak, if issue arise we'll fallback to plain connection stuff...
for fbx_uuid, fbx_item in fbx_table_nodes.items():
fbx_obj, blen_data = fbx_item
if fbx_obj.id != b'Video':
fbx_item[1] = blen_read_texture_image(fbx_tmpl_img, fbx_obj, basedir, settings)
for fbx_uuid, fbx_item in fbx_table_nodes.items():
fbx_obj, blen_data = fbx_item
if fbx_obj.id != b'Texture':
fbx_item[1] = blen_read_texture_image(fbx_tmpl_tex, fbx_obj, basedir, settings)
_(); del _
perfmon.step("FBX import: Cameras & Lamps...")
# ----
@ -3870,9 +3886,12 @@ def load(operator, context, filepath="",
material = fbx_table_nodes.get(fbx_uuid, (None, None))[1]
for (fbx_lnk,
fbx_lnk_type) in connection_filter_reverse(fbx_uuid, b'Texture'):
# Waits for the image to load if it's still loading, or raises the exception it threw while loading.
image = image_future.result()
if fbx_lnk_type.props[0] == b'OP':
lnk_type = fbx_lnk_type.props[3]
@ -3974,6 +3993,19 @@ def load(operator, context, filepath="",
obj.visible_shadow = False
_(); del _
perfmon.step("FBX import: Finish remaining image loading...")
def _():
# Finish image loading on the main thread to simplify exception propagation and to ensure that images are named
# deterministically in the case of duplicate names.
for image_future, finish_loading_callbacks in image_cache.values():
# Waits until the Future has a result or raises the Future's exception if it raised an exception.
image = image_future.result()
for func in finish_loading_callbacks:
_(); del _
perfmon.level_down("Import finished.")