I18n: do not extract messages explicitly marked as not translatable #105417

Bastien Montagne merged 1 commits from pioverfour/blender:dp_i18n_fix_double_extraction into blender-v3.5-release 2023-03-07 10:41:30 +01:00

1 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Damien Picard 52a0698489 I18n: do not extract messages explicitly marked as not translatable
Some UI functions have a "translate" argument, which if set to False
specifies that the message is not to be translated. This sometimes
means that it was already translated beforehands.

But many messages were still getting extracted, sometimes twice in
different contexts. Some featured errors because the arguments of
various functions would be concatenated, such as:

col.label(text=iface_("Branch: %s") % bpy.app.build_branch.decode('utf-8', 'replace'), translate=False)

which would get extracted as:

msgid "Branch: %sutf-8replace"
2023-03-03 22:58:50 +01:00