Metal: Add textureGrad support #106805

Jeroen Bakker merged 2 commits from Jason-Fielder/blender:MetalTextureGradSupport into main 2023-04-21 07:45:42 +02:00
1 changed files with 31 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -83,9 +83,7 @@ struct constexp_uvec3 {
uint3 xyz;
constexpr constexp_uvec3(uint _x, uint _y, uint _z) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z)
constexpr constexp_uvec3(uint _x, uint _y, uint _z) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) {}
constexpr uint operator[](int i)
/* Note: Need to switch on each elem value as array accessor triggers
@ -270,6 +268,8 @@ struct SStruct {
#define textureGather3(__tex, __uv, __comp) _texture_gather_internal(__tex, __uv, __comp)
#define textureGatherOffset(__tex, __offset, __uv, __comp) \
_texture_gather_internal(__tex, __uv, __comp, __offset)
#define textureGrad(__tex, __uv, __dpdx, __dpdy) \
_texture_grad_internal(__tex, __uv, __dpdx, __dpdy)
#define TEXURE_MACRO(_1, _2, _3, TEXNAME, ...) TEXNAME
#define texture(...) TEXURE_MACRO(__VA_ARGS__, texture3, texture2)(__VA_ARGS__)
@ -825,6 +825,34 @@ inline vec<T, 4> _texture_gather_internal(
return tex.texture->gather(*tex.samp, uva.xy, uint(uva.z), offset);
/* Texture Grad. */
inline float4 _texture_grad_internal(
thread _mtl_combined_image_sampler_2d<float, access::sample> tex,
float2 uv,
float2 dpdx,
float2 dpdy)
return tex.texture->sample(*tex.samp, uv, gradient2d(dpdx, dpdy));
inline float4 _texture_grad_internal(
thread _mtl_combined_image_sampler_2d_array<float, access::sample> tex,
float3 uva,
float2 dpdx,
float2 dpdy)
return tex.texture->sample(*tex.samp, uva.xy, uint(uva.z), gradient2d(dpdx, dpdy));
inline float4 _texture_grad_internal(
thread _mtl_combined_image_sampler_3d<float, access::sample> tex,
float3 uvw,
float3 dpdx,
float3 dpdy)
return tex.texture->sample(*tex.samp, uvw, gradient3d(dpdx, dpdy));
/* Texture write support. */
template<typename S, typename T, access A>
inline void _texture_write_internal(thread _mtl_combined_image_sampler_1d<S, A> tex,