Initial Grease Pencil 3.0 stage #106848

Falk David merged 224 commits from filedescriptor/blender:grease-pencil-v3 into main 2023-05-30 11:14:22 +02:00
1 changed files with 52 additions and 97 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 1f413c26ff - Show all commits

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@ -226,9 +226,11 @@ static void grease_pencil_batches_ensure(GreasePencil &grease_pencil, int cfra)
BLI_assert(cache->vbo == nullptr && cache->ibo == nullptr);
BLI_assert(cache->geom_batch == nullptr);
/* First count how many vertices and triangles are needed for the whole object. */
/* First, count how many vertices and triangles are needed for the whole object. Also record the
* offsets into the curves for the verticies and triangles. */
int total_points_num = 0;
int total_triangles_num = 0;
int v = 0;
Vector<Vector<int>> verts_start_offsets_per_visible_drawing;
Vector<Vector<int>> tris_start_offsets_per_visible_drawing;
grease_pencil.foreach_visible_drawing(cfra, [&](GreasePencilDrawing &drawing) {
@ -244,18 +246,18 @@ static void grease_pencil_batches_ensure(GreasePencil &grease_pencil, int cfra)
total_triangles_num += (curves.points_num() + num_cyclic) * 2;
total_triangles_num += drawing.runtime->triangles_cache.size();
/* Calculate the vertex and triangle offsets for all the curves. */
int t = 0;
int v = 0;
for (const int curve_i : curves.curves_range()) {
IndexRange points = points_by_curve[curve_i];
const bool is_cyclic = cyclic[curve_i];
tris_start_offsets[curve_i] = t;
if (points.size() >= 3) {
t += points.size() - 2;
verts_start_offsets[curve_i] = v;
v += 1 + points.size() + (is_cyclic ? 1 : 0) + 1;
@ -283,51 +285,58 @@ static void grease_pencil_batches_ensure(GreasePencil &grease_pencil, int cfra)
GPU_indexbuf_init(&ibo, GPU_PRIM_TRIS, total_triangles_num, 0xFFFFFFFFu);
/* Fill buffers with data. */
// int v = 0;
int drawing_i = 0;
grease_pencil.foreach_visible_drawing(cfra, [&](GreasePencilDrawing &drawing) {
bke::CurvesGeometry &curves = drawing.geometry.wrap();
bke::AttributeAccessor attributes = curves.attributes();
offset_indices::OffsetIndices<int> points_by_curve = curves.points_by_curve();
const bke::CurvesGeometry &curves = drawing.geometry.wrap();
const bke::AttributeAccessor attributes = curves.attributes();
const offset_indices::OffsetIndices<int> points_by_curve = curves.points_by_curve();
const Span<float3> positions = curves.positions();
const VArray<bool> cyclic = curves.cyclic();
VArray<float> radii = attributes.lookup_or_default<float>("radius", ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT, 1.0f);
VArray<float> opacities = attributes.lookup_or_default<float>(
const VArray<float> radii = attributes.lookup_or_default<float>(
"radius", ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT, 1.0f);
const VArray<float> opacities = attributes.lookup_or_default<float>(
"opacity", ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT, 1.0f);
VArray<int> materials = attributes.lookup_or_default<int>(
const VArray<int> materials = attributes.lookup_or_default<int>(
"material_index", ATTR_DOMAIN_CURVE, -1);
Span<uint3> tris = drawing.runtime->triangles_cache.as_span();
Span<int> verts_start_offsets = verts_start_offsets_per_visible_drawing[drawing_i].as_span();
Span<int> tris_start_offsets = tris_start_offsets_per_visible_drawing[drawing_i].as_span();
const Span<uint3> tris = drawing.runtime->triangles_cache.as_span();
const Span<int> verts_start_offsets =
const Span<int> tris_start_offsets =
auto populate_point = [&](int curve_i, int point_i, int verts_start_offset, int v) {
copy_v3_v3(verts[v].pos, positions[point_i]);
verts[v].radius = radii[point_i];
verts[v].opacity = opacities[point_i];
verts[v].point_id = v;
verts[v].stroke_id = verts_start_offset;
verts[v].mat = materials[curve_i] % GPENCIL_MATERIAL_BUFFER_LEN;
auto populate_point = [&](IndexRange verts_range,
int curve_i,
int point_i,
int idx,
GreasePencilStrokeVert &s_vert,
GreasePencilColorVert &c_vert) {
copy_v3_v3(s_vert.pos, positions[point_i]);
s_vert.radius = radii[point_i];
s_vert.opacity = opacities[point_i];
s_vert.point_id = verts_range[idx];
s_vert.stroke_id = verts_range.first();
s_vert.mat = materials[curve_i] % GPENCIL_MATERIAL_BUFFER_LEN;
/* TODO */
verts[v].packed_asp_hard_rot = pack_rotation_aspect_hardness(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
s_vert.packed_asp_hard_rot = pack_rotation_aspect_hardness(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
/* TODO */
verts[v].u_stroke = 0;
s_vert.u_stroke = 0;
/* TODO */
verts[v].uv_fill[0] = verts[v].uv_fill[1] = 0;
s_vert.uv_fill[0] = s_vert.uv_fill[1] = 0;
/* TODO */
copy_v4_v4(cols[v].vcol, float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
copy_v4_v4(cols[v].fcol, float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
copy_v4_v4(c_vert.vcol, float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
copy_v4_v4(c_vert.fcol, float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
/* TODO */
cols[v].fcol[3] = (int(cols[v].fcol[3] * 10000.0f) * 10.0f) + 1.0f;
c_vert.fcol[3] = (int(c_vert.fcol[3] * 10000.0f) * 10.0f) + 1.0f;
int v_mat = (verts_range[idx] << GP_VERTEX_ID_SHIFT) | GP_IS_STROKE_VERTEX_BIT;
GPU_indexbuf_add_tri_verts(&ibo, v_mat + 0, v_mat + 1, v_mat + 2);
GPU_indexbuf_add_tri_verts(&ibo, v_mat + 2, v_mat + 1, v_mat + 3);
threading::parallel_for(curves.curves_range(), 256, [&](IndexRange range) {
threading::parallel_for(curves.curves_range(), 512, [&](IndexRange range) {
for (const int curve_i : range) {
IndexRange points = points_by_curve[curve_i];
const bool is_cyclic = cyclic[curve_i];
@ -335,19 +344,16 @@ static void grease_pencil_batches_ensure(GreasePencil &grease_pencil, int cfra)
const int tris_start_offset = tris_start_offsets[curve_i];
const int num_verts = 1 + points.size() + (is_cyclic ? 1 : 0) + 1;
IndexRange verts_range = IndexRange(verts_start_offset, num_verts);
// MutableSpan<GreasePencilStrokeVert> verts_slice = verts.slice(verts_range);
// MutableSpan<GreasePencilColorVert> cols_slice = cols.slice(verts_range);
MutableSpan<GreasePencilStrokeVert> verts_slice = verts.slice(verts_range);
MutableSpan<GreasePencilColorVert> cols_slice = cols.slice(verts_range);
// int num_triangles = 0;
/* First point is not drawn. */
verts[verts_range.first()].mat = -1;
// v++;
/* First vertex is not drawn. */
verts_slice.first().mat = -1;
/* If the stroke has more than 2 points, add the triangle indices to the index buffer. */
if (points.size() >= 3) {
// num_triangles = points.size() - 2;
Span<uint3> tris_slice = tris.slice(tris_start_offset, points.size() - 2);
for (uint3 tri : tris_slice) {
const Span<uint3> tris_slice = tris.slice(tris_start_offset, points.size() - 2);
for (const uint3 tri : tris_slice) {
(verts_range[1] + tri.x) << GP_VERTEX_ID_SHIFT,
(verts_range[1] + tri.y) << GP_VERTEX_ID_SHIFT,
@ -355,73 +361,22 @@ static void grease_pencil_batches_ensure(GreasePencil &grease_pencil, int cfra)
/* Write all the point attributes to the vertex buffers. Create a quad for each point. */
for (const int i : IndexRange(points.size())) {
const int point_i = points[i];
const int vert_i = verts_range[i + 1];
populate_point(curve_i, point_i, verts_range.first(), vert_i);
// v++;
const int idx = i + 1;
populate_point(verts_range, curve_i, points[i], idx, verts_slice[idx], cols_slice[idx]);
if (is_cyclic) {
curve_i, points.first(), verts_range.first(), verts_range[points.size() + 1]);
// v++;
const int idx = points.size() + 1;
populate_point(verts_range, curve_i, points[0], idx, verts_slice[idx], cols_slice[idx]);
/* Last point is not drawn. */
verts[verts_range.last()].mat = -1;
// v++;
/* Last vertex is not drawn. */
verts_slice.last().mat = -1;
// int t = 0;
// for (const int curve_i : curves.curves_range()) {
// IndexRange points = points_by_curve[curve_i];
// const bool is_cyclic = cyclic[curve_i];
// const int verts_start_offset = v;
// const int tris_start_offset = t;
// const int num_points = 1 + points.size() + (is_cyclic ? 1 : 0) + 1;
// IndexRange verts_range = IndexRange(verts_start_offset, num_points);
// MutableSpan<GreasePencilStrokeVert> verts_slice = verts.slice(verts_range);
// MutableSpan<GreasePencilColorVert> cols_slice = cols.slice(verts_range);
// int num_triangles = 0;
// /* First point is not drawn. */
// verts_slice.first().mat = -1;
// v++;
// if (points.size() >= 3) {
// num_triangles = points.size() - 2;
// Span<uint3> tris_slice = tris.slice(tris_start_offset, points.size() - 2);
// for (uint3 tri : tris_slice) {
// GPU_indexbuf_add_tri_verts(&ibo,
// (verts_range[1] + tri.x) << GP_VERTEX_ID_SHIFT,
// (verts_range[1] + tri.y) << GP_VERTEX_ID_SHIFT,
// (verts_range[1] + tri.z) << GP_VERTEX_ID_SHIFT);
// }
// }
// for (const int i : IndexRange(points.size())) {
// const int point_i = points[i];
// const int vert_i = verts_range[i + 1];
// populate_point(curve_i, point_i, verts_range.first(), vert_i);
// v++;
// }
// if (is_cyclic) {
// populate_point(
// curve_i, points.first(), verts_range.first(), verts_range[points.size() + 1]);
// v++;
// }
// /* Last point is not drawn. */
// verts_slice.last().mat = -1;
// v++;
// t += num_triangles;
// }