Geometry Nodes: Add "Corners of Edge" node #107968

Hans Goudey merged 15 commits from F_Scociety/blender:corners_of_edge into main 2023-05-31 15:25:54 +02:00
7 changed files with 203 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -424,6 +424,7 @@ class NODE_MT_geometry_node_mesh_topology(Menu):
def draw(self, _context):
layout = self.layout
node_add_menu.add_node_type(layout, "GeometryNodeCornersOfEdge")
node_add_menu.add_node_type(layout, "GeometryNodeCornersOfFace")
node_add_menu.add_node_type(layout, "GeometryNodeCornersOfVertex")
F_Scociety marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Alphabetical order puts this above GeometryNodeCornersOfFace

Alphabetical order puts this above `GeometryNodeCornersOfFace`
node_add_menu.add_node_type(layout, "GeometryNodeEdgesOfCorner")

View File

@ -1308,6 +1308,7 @@ void BKE_nodetree_remove_layer_n(struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct Scene *scene, i
/** \} */

View File

@ -374,6 +374,7 @@ DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TO_CURVE, 0, "MESH_TO_CURVE", MeshToCurve, "
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TO_POINTS, def_geo_mesh_to_points, "MESH_TO_POINTS", MeshToPoints, "Mesh to Points", "Generate a point cloud from a mesh's vertices")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TO_SDF_VOLUME, def_geo_mesh_to_sdf_volume, "MESH_TO_SDF_VOLUME", MeshToSDFVolume, "Mesh to SDF Volume", "Create an SDF volume with the shape of the input mesh's surface")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TO_VOLUME, def_geo_mesh_to_volume, "MESH_TO_VOLUME", MeshToVolume, "Mesh to Volume", "Create a fog volume with the shape of the input mesh's surface")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TOPOLOGY_CORNERS_OF_EDGE, 0, "CORNERS_OF_EDGE", CornersOfEdge, "Corners of Edge", "Retrieve face corners connected to edges")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TOPOLOGY_CORNERS_OF_FACE, 0, "CORNERS_OF_FACE", CornersOfFace, "Corners of Face", "Retrieve corners that make up a face")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TOPOLOGY_CORNERS_OF_VERTEX, 0, "CORNERS_OF_VERTEX", CornersOfVertex, "Corners of Vertex", "Retrieve face corners connected to vertices")
DefNode(GeometryNode, GEO_NODE_MESH_TOPOLOGY_EDGES_OF_CORNER, 0, "EDGES_OF_CORNER", EdgesOfCorner, "Edges of Corner", "Retrieve the edges on both sides of a face corner")
F_Scociety marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Alphabetical order

Alphabetical order

View File

@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ set(SRC
F_Scociety marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Alphabetical order

Alphabetical order

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@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ void register_geometry_nodes()
F_Scociety marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Alphabetical order

Alphabetical order

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@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ void register_node_type_geo_mesh_to_curve();
void register_node_type_geo_mesh_to_points();
void register_node_type_geo_mesh_to_sdf_volume();
void register_node_type_geo_mesh_to_volume();
void register_node_type_geo_mesh_topology_corners_of_edge();
void register_node_type_geo_mesh_topology_corners_of_face();
void register_node_type_geo_mesh_topology_corners_of_vertex();
F_Scociety marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Alphabetical order

Alphabetical order
void register_node_type_geo_mesh_topology_edges_of_corner();

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@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#include "BKE_mesh.hh"
#include "BKE_mesh_mapping.h"
#include "BLI_task.hh"
#include "node_geometry_util.hh"
namespace blender::nodes::node_geo_mesh_topology_corners_of_edge_cc {
static void node_declare(NodeDeclarationBuilder &b)
b.add_input<decl::Int>(N_("Edge Index"))
F_Scociety marked this conversation as resolved

Jacques and I discussed the socket descriptions a bit. Some suggestions:

  • Weights: Values used to sort the corners using the edge directly
  • Corner Index: A corner followed by the input edge in its face's winding order, chosen by the sort index
Jacques and I discussed the socket descriptions a bit. Some suggestions: - Weights: `Values used to sort the corners using the edge directly` - Corner Index: `A corner followed by the input edge in its face's winding order, chosen by the sort index`

Hm, What about:

  • Weights: Values that sort the corners attached to the edge
  • Corner Index: A corner of the input edge in its face's winding order, chosen by the sort index

Iam not sure if the current description for the weights socket has to be changed at all: Values used to sort corners attached to the edge. Uses indices by default

Hm, What about: - Weights: `Values that sort the corners attached to the edge` - Corner Index: `A corner of the input edge in its face's winding order, chosen by the sort index` Iam not sure if the current description for the weights socket has to be changed at all: `Values used to sort corners attached to the edge. Uses indices by default`

Yeah, those work fine for me too!

Yeah, those work fine for me too!
N_("The edge to retrieve data from. Defaults to the edge from the context"));
N_("Values that sort the corners attached to the edge"));
b.add_input<decl::Int>(N_("Sort Index"))
.description(N_("Which of the sorted corners to output"));
b.add_output<decl::Int>(N_("Corner Index"))
.description(N_("A corner of the input edge in its face's winding order, chosen by the sort index"));
.description(N_("The number of faces or corners connected to each edge"));
class CornersOfEdgeInput final : public bke::MeshFieldInput {
F_Scociety marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Heh, find and replace mistake here

Heh, find and replace mistake here

Iam sorry, but i cant find anything wrong about this.

Iam sorry, but i cant find anything wrong about this.

Is the existence of conedge_span really necessary?

Is the existence of `conedge_span` really necessary?

conedge_span should be convert_span. I assume you did a vert -> edge find and replace

`conedge_span` should be `convert_span`. I assume you did a `vert` -> `edge` find and replace

Is the existence of conedge_span really necessary?

This is the same in two other existing topology nodes. It's not really worth changing in this PR

> Is the existence of conedge_span really necessary? This is the same in two other existing topology nodes. It's not really worth changing in this PR

conedge_span should be convert_span. I assume you did a vert -> edge find and replace

jep, corrected it. this one was actually manual, but misunderstood the name

> `conedge_span` should be `convert_span`. I assume you did a `vert` -> `edge` find and replace jep, corrected it. this one was actually manual, but misunderstood the name
const Field<int> edge_index_;
const Field<int> sort_index_;
const Field<float> sort_weight_;
CornersOfEdgeInput(Field<int> edge_index, Field<int> sort_index, Field<float> sort_weight)
: bke::MeshFieldInput(CPPType::get<int>(), "Corner of Edge"),
category_ = Category::Generated;
GVArray get_varray_for_context(const Mesh &mesh,
const eAttrDomain domain,
const IndexMask &mask) const final
const IndexRange edge_range(mesh.totedge);
Array<int> map_offsets;
Array<int> map_indices;
const Span<int> corner_edges = mesh.corner_edges();
const GroupedSpan<int> edge_to_loop_map = bke::mesh::build_edge_to_loop_map(
mesh.corner_edges(), mesh.totedge, map_offsets, map_indices);
const bke::MeshFieldContext context{mesh, domain};
fn::FieldEvaluator evaluator{context, &mask};
F_Scociety marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

edge_to_loop_map can be const

`edge_to_loop_map` can be const
const VArray<int> edge_indices = evaluator.get_evaluated<int>(0);
const VArray<int> indices_in_sort = evaluator.get_evaluated<int>(1);
const bke::MeshFieldContext corner_context{mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_CORNER};
fn::FieldEvaluator corner_evaluator{corner_context, corner_edges.size()};
const VArray<float> all_sort_weights = corner_evaluator.get_evaluated<float>(0);
const bool use_sorting = !all_sort_weights.is_single();
Array<int> corner_of_edge(mask.min_array_size());
mask.foreach_segment(GrainSize(1024), [&](const IndexMaskSegment segment) {
/* Reuse arrays to avoid allocation. */
Array<int64_t> corner_indices;
Array<float> sort_weights;
Array<int> sort_indices;
for (const int selection_i : segment) {
const int edge_i = edge_indices[selection_i];
const int index_in_sort = indices_in_sort[selection_i];
if (!edge_range.contains(edge_i)) {
corner_of_edge[selection_i] = 0;
const Span<int> corners = edge_to_loop_map[edge_i];
mod_moder marked this conversation as resolved

For some reason it seems to me that there is a logical error in the use of context. Can you elaborate on the meaning of !edge_range.contains(edge_i)?

For some reason it seems to me that there is a logical error in the use of context. Can you elaborate on the meaning of `!edge_range.contains(edge_i)`?

it checks if the edge_i(index) is not inside the edge_range. I looked at other topology nodes and they have this too, so i think its prevents crashes, when the evalutation failed.

it checks if the edge_i(index) is not inside the edge_range. I looked at other topology nodes and they have this too, so i think its prevents crashes, when the evalutation failed.

Do I understand correctly that if we calculate this for points, then each point corresponds to a random edge (in tot_points <= tot_edges)?

Do I understand correctly that if we calculate this for points, then each point corresponds to a random edge (in tot_points <= tot_edges)?
if (corners.is_empty()) {
corner_of_edge[selection_i] = 0;
const int index_in_sort_wrapped = mod_i(index_in_sort, corners.size());
if (use_sorting) {
/* Retrieve a compressed array of weights for each edge. */
IndexMaskMemory memory;
all_sort_weights.materialize_compressed(IndexMask::from_indices<int>(corners, memory),
/* Sort a separate array of compressed indices corresponding to the compressed weights.
* This allows using `materialize_compressed` to avoid virtual function call overhead
* when accessing values in the sort weights. However, it means a separate array of
* indices within the compressed array is necessary for sorting. */
std::iota(sort_indices.begin(), sort_indices.end(), 0);
std::stable_sort(sort_indices.begin(), sort_indices.end(), [&](int a, int b) {
return sort_weights[a] < sort_weights[b];
corner_of_edge[selection_i] = corners[sort_indices[index_in_sort_wrapped]];
else {
corner_of_edge[selection_i] = corners[index_in_sort_wrapped];
return VArray<int>::ForContainer(std::move(corner_of_edge));
void for_each_field_input_recursive(FunctionRef<void(const FieldInput &)> fn) const override
std::optional<eAttrDomain> preferred_domain(const Mesh & /*mesh*/) const final
class CornersOfEdgeCountInput final : public bke::MeshFieldInput {
CornersOfEdgeCountInput() : bke::MeshFieldInput(CPPType::get<int>(), "Edge Corner Count")
category_ = Category::Generated;
GVArray get_varray_for_context(const Mesh &mesh,
const eAttrDomain domain,
const IndexMask & /*mask*/) const final
if (domain != ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE) {
return {};
const Span<int> corner_edges = mesh.corner_edges();
Array<int> counts(mesh.totedge, 0);
for (const int i : corner_edges.index_range()) {
return VArray<int>::ForContainer(std::move(counts));
std::optional<eAttrDomain> preferred_domain(const Mesh & /*mesh*/) const final
static void node_geo_exec(GeoNodeExecParams params)
const Field<int> edge_index = params.extract_input<Field<int>>("Edge Index");
if (params.output_is_required("Total")) {
if (params.output_is_required("Corner Index")) {
params.set_output("Corner Index",
params.extract_input<Field<int>>("Sort Index"),
} // namespace blender::nodes::node_geo_mesh_topology_corners_of_edge_cc
F_Scociety marked this conversation as resolved

I think I might have told you something different before, but this hash() function can just be removed, so it doesn't try to deduplicate this field input at all. Same with is_equal_to. (Currently they don't take the inputs into account, which is fine though).

I think I might have told you something different before, but this `hash()` function can just be removed, so it doesn't try to deduplicate this field input at all. Same with `is_equal_to`. (Currently they don't take the inputs into account, which is fine though).
void register_node_type_geo_mesh_topology_corners_of_edge()
namespace file_ns = blender::nodes::node_geo_mesh_topology_corners_of_edge_cc;
static bNodeType ntype;
ntype.geometry_node_execute = file_ns::node_geo_exec;
ntype.declare = file_ns::node_declare;