@Michael-Parkin-White-Apple any chance you could have a look? There is an old patch for this here: https://archive.blender.org/developer/D9837
I can test. It still occurs on the latest 4.2 alpha (2024-03-06 23:19, hash: 66187559126b
This is the same bug as #109739
Just confirmed with OIDN_VERBOSE=1 that the GPU is not used in this case:
Intel(R) Open Image Denoise 2.2.0 Compiler : Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500. Build : Release OS …
Either for animation only or for camera view would be fine. Personally I use camera view as more of a preview; sometimes I am tweaking other things in a scene while animation is running and then I…
I wouldn't consider that an improvement, I don't really see why you would want that for viewport movement (unless in camera view, or maybe when playing animation in the viewport). Without separate…
@PratikPB2123 can you check to confirm?
I just discovered it is due to motion blur which is on, which is supposed to only affect camera view, but is actually affecting all viewport movements in eevee next.
Still seems to happen but is a bit hard to test right now due to #116128. I will try again when that is fixed.
It seems fixed now on 4.1.0 Alpha, branch: main, commit date: 2023-12-02 04:37, hash: 8bb6d0ffe06b
, both for metaballs and text objects. Thanks for checking.
The latest build doesn't crash anymore.