Blender Developer Documentation.
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2024-07-02 16:00:24 +02:00
docs 4.2: Elaborate on the denoiser device selection 2024-07-02 16:00:24 +02:00
mkdocs.yml Navigation: Add link to Compatibility Changes 2024-06-25 15:47:45 +02:00

Blender Developer Documentation

New Blender Developer Documentation platform using Material for MkDocs.
The generated documentation is live on developer.blender.org/docs

This is the successor of the developer Wiki, which was archived in January 2024.

Building this Documentation Offline

The following assumes Python 3, pip, Git and Git LFS are installed.

Set up Git LFS for the current user:

git lfs install

Clone the documentation sources:

git clone https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender-developer-docs.git developer-docs

This will clone the sources into a developer-docs directory inside the current one.

Install all dependencies, such as Material for MkDocs:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Build this documentation with live reloading:

mkdocs serve

Alternatively mkdocs build will generate the documentation as HTML into a site/ directory. Simply open site/index.html in a browser.