Dalai Felinto dfelinto
  • Joined on 2006-06-02
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at infrastructure/blender-metrics 2024-08-15 15:29:31 +02:00
2423f5943d Introduce back the .csv file
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at infrastructure/blender-metrics 2024-08-15 15:26:46 +02:00
5bcf9b7fb3 Introduce back the .csv file
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at infrastructure/blender-metrics 2024-08-15 15:26:02 +02:00
6a1576a89f Remove .csv from LFS
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at infrastructure/blender-metrics 2024-08-15 15:09:09 +02:00
97191d8dc2 Fix .csv file missing in LFS in Mac
3a968e9eae Migrate from Poetry to pip install
10b13ff350 Remove .txt from LFS
b18a02742f Fix Priority -> Severity change
Compare 4 commits »
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at infrastructure/blender-metrics 2024-08-15 14:45:18 +02:00
7f0264a783 Update untriage bugs query
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at infrastructure/blender-metrics 2024-08-15 12:44:03 +02:00
134d924333 Simplest fix for priority > severity
Dalai Felinto commented on issue infrastructure/blender-projects-platform#118 2024-08-14 14:51:17 +02:00
New Triaging Process

I'm closing this now. I will check if we even need to update the metrics after a few days.

Dalai Felinto closed issue infrastructure/blender-projects-platform#118 2024-08-14 14:51:17 +02:00
New Triaging Process
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at blender/blender-developer-docs 2024-08-14 11:22:49 +02:00
c3e0747a9b Included npr design doc draft by mistake
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at blender/blender-developer-docs 2024-08-14 11:20:53 +02:00
75c59be1aa New triaging process
Dalai Felinto deleted branch new-triaging-process from dfelinto/blender-developer-docs 2024-08-14 11:20:49 +02:00
Dalai Felinto merged pull request blender/blender-developer-docs#71 2024-08-14 11:20:48 +02:00
New triaging process
Dalai Felinto created pull request blender/blender-developer-docs#71 2024-08-14 10:54:29 +02:00
New triaging process
Dalai Felinto pushed to new-triaging-process at dfelinto/blender-developer-docs 2024-08-14 10:53:56 +02:00
da5c5294dd New triaging process
2096911038 Style Guide: add rules for using dynamic_cast
e0b68123ec Update docs/release_notes/4.3/user_interface.md
40148871cc Update docs/release_notes/4.3/sculpt.md
045c277a74 Update docs/release_notes/4.3/geometry_nodes.md
Compare 22 commits »
Dalai Felinto created branch new-triaging-process in dfelinto/blender-developer-docs 2024-08-14 10:52:50 +02:00
Dalai Felinto pushed to new-triaging-process at dfelinto/blender-developer-docs 2024-08-14 10:52:50 +02:00
983df5d931 New triaging process
abab629648 Fix navigation for Design docs
dfd4089517 4.3: EEVEE: Add Fast GI Approximation toggle
ffac804c51 Update docs/features/workbench/shadow.md
6edf2e7131 Delete docs/features/img/workbench/shadow_volume_non_manifold.svg
Compare 10 commits »
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at blender/blender 2024-08-14 10:22:46 +02:00
c629a85c54 Update bug report template to follow the new bug report process
Dalai Felinto commented on issue blender/blender#126277 2024-08-13 17:17:18 +02:00
Regression: EEVEE: Bring back the Bloom panel

because that means dev time having to be allocated to them continuiosly instead of new things, or low-level work that would benefit those quick effects.

This is correct, and the same should…

Dalai Felinto commented on issue blender/blender#126277 2024-08-13 15:36:26 +02:00
Regression: EEVEE: Bring back the Bloom panel

Hi @nickberckley

There are many ways of solving the underlying problem (easy of use of the compositor for quick effects or users that don't want to be overwhelmed by it). Your idea can work, as…

Dalai Felinto commented on pull request blender/blender#125389 2024-08-13 15:12:38 +02:00
WIP: Core: asset embedding experiment

@JacquesLucke thanks for some more details. I think in the end the changes you mentioned are more internal, while for the user the problems we need to solve are the same whether the data is linked…