Dalai Felinto dfelinto
  • Joined on 2006-06-02
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at blender/blender-manual 2024-06-18 11:26:39 +02:00
8e95512291 Extensions: Simplify permissions explanation
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at blender/blender-developer-docs 2024-06-18 11:24:22 +02:00
65ee4ed68d Extensions: fix typo and simplify permission description
Dalai Felinto commented on pull request blender/blender#123278 2024-06-18 10:38:02 +02:00
Color management: Support white balance as part of the display transform

@LukasStockner thanks for the fix for the other platforms. It is still failing on Windows apparently:

FAILED: source/blender/blenlib/CMakeFiles/bf_blenlib.dir/intern/math_color.cc.obj…
Dalai Felinto pushed to main at extensions/automation-scripts 2024-06-18 10:23:46 +02:00
60b1185c6d Fix building package after changes on how blender name its generated package
Dalai Felinto commented on issue infrastructure/extensions-website#74 2024-06-18 09:36:16 +02:00
Platform specific (multi-OS) extensions and wheels

@Oleg-Komarov for the records, Blender already has the -c extension build --split-platforms, which uses "[build.generated]". So it is up to the server now to support [build.generated].

Dalai Felinto pushed to main at blender/blender-developer-docs 2024-06-18 09:04:49 +02:00
e765325ab5 Extensions: --split-platfoms
Dalai Felinto commented on issue infrastructure/extensions-website#187 2024-06-17 18:03:30 +02:00
Code block in comments is not selectable

I can confirm the issue with Firefox on Ubuntu. It works fine with Gogle Chrome on Ubuntu though.

cc @martonlente

Dalai Felinto commented on pull request blender/blender#123202 2024-06-17 17:46:24 +02:00
Experiment: 3 ways to position the asset shelf popup under the cursor

Julian and I taked and:

  • Enter should work to select the first (highlighted) item - specially when typing to search. [unrelated to this patch]
  • Kill the tooltips until you start moving the…
Dalai Felinto commented on pull request blender/blender#123278 2024-06-17 17:45:35 +02:00
Color management: Support white balance as part of the display transform

Apparently the build is failing (see buildbot for the complete report): intern/opencolorio/ocio_impl_glsl.cc:786:39: error: ‘white_balance_matrix’ is not a member of ‘blender::math’

Dalai Felinto commented on issue blender/blender#104061 2024-06-17 17:42:08 +02:00
Custom render engine is unable to create gpu context

So ... it works if I do --factory-startup but it fails if I use my previous settings.

How to reproduce:

  • Wipe your 4.3 folder clean
  • Launch Blender without import settings.

The command…

Dalai Felinto pushed to pr-better-error-messages at ideasman42/blender 2024-06-17 15:55:36 +02:00
60feda32bd Extensions: Better error message when unknown repository
79e54e2809 Extensions: Better error message when unknown repository + url
13d6292d80 Extensions: Better error message when repository disabled
81af2a7a44 Extensions: Better error message when already installed
Compare 4 commits »
Dalai Felinto pushed to pr-better-error-messages at ideasman42/blender 2024-06-17 15:52:57 +02:00
8557604982 Extensions: Better error message when unknown repository
4141e83cec Extensions: Better error message when unknown repository + url
20d5f68ec6 Extensions: Better error message when repository disabled
017b0b66b2 Extensions: Better error message when already installed
2aa388a5f2 UI: Correct alignment for active tool properties
Compare 379 commits »
Dalai Felinto pushed to pr-better-error-messages at ideasman42/blender 2024-06-17 15:45:22 +02:00
d323faadeb Extensions: Better error message when unknown repository
8984137837 Extensions: Better error message when unknown repository + url
a9db36b843 Extensions: Better error message when repository disabled
c859c1e7cb Extensions: Better error message when already installed
832918f9d8 Fix #115344: Generated coordinates for hair psys
Compare 37 commits »
Dalai Felinto pushed to pr-better-error-messages at ideasman42/blender 2024-06-17 14:57:48 +02:00
c225d3cd73 Extensions: Better error message when unknown repository + url
5ad6cd6bcc Extensions: Better error message when repository disabled
966ed394ab Extensions: Better error message when already installed
Compare 3 commits »
Dalai Felinto opened issue blender/blender#123304 2024-06-17 11:26:41 +02:00
Extensions: Offer to install the latest compatible available version of a dragged extension
Dalai Felinto commented on issue infrastructure/extensions-website#188 2024-06-17 11:09:28 +02:00
How to use public access token on Locally Instance Extensions-Website

Hi @Xi_Bo_Zhi, the extensions platform doesn't support access token access.

Right now the main listing has no restrictions whatsoever.

See ExtensionsAPIView `permission_classes =…

Dalai Felinto commented on pull request blender/blender#123202 2024-06-17 09:53:19 +02:00
Experiment: 3 ways to position the asset shelf popup under the cursor

@JulianEisel could you make a new debug option to always show the dialog centralized on the viewport?

Dalai Felinto commented on pull request blender/blender#123202 2024-06-17 09:51:37 +02:00
Experiment: 3 ways to position the asset shelf popup under the cursor

Bug if debug_value == 0.

If prior to "shift + space" your search has any text that doesn't match the active brush, the alignment is all wrong. I believe in this case it should fallback to first…

Dalai Felinto closed issue infrastructure/extensions-website#175 2024-06-17 09:36:14 +02:00
Macintosh extension .xml doesn't work