Falk David filedescriptor
  • Grease Pencil developer at Blender.

  • Joined on 2017-01-04
Falk David commented on pull request blender/blender#127796 2024-09-19 10:32:32 +02:00
Fix #127539: Prevent multi-object editing in GPv3

To avoid more nesting I think it's ok to write this as:

Falk David commented on pull request blender/blender#127796 2024-09-19 10:32:30 +02:00
Fix #127539: Prevent multi-object editing in GPv3

You can leave out the v3.

Falk David approved blender/blender#126581 2024-09-19 10:30:42 +02:00
GPv3: Add Bake Grease Pencil Animation operator

Looks good from my side. Will wait for comment about the fcurve thing before merging.

Falk David commented on pull request blender/blender#126581 2024-09-19 10:30:40 +02:00
GPv3: Add Bake Grease Pencil Animation operator

Move this line to the bottom for consistency.

Falk David commented on pull request blender/blender#127709 2024-09-17 18:28:21 +02:00
GPv3: Interpolate Sequence operator

I think the GreasePencil is a bit redundant now. Since this is local to the file, just InterpolationType would be better and make the code a bit less verbose :)

Falk David suggested changes for blender/blender#127735 2024-09-17 18:25:57 +02:00
GPv3: Add Reproject operator

Thanks for working on this so quickly!

Falk David commented on pull request blender/blender#127735 2024-09-17 18:25:56 +02:00
GPv3: Add Reproject operator

This should also be in an if (mode == ReprojectMode::Surface) {.

Falk David commented on pull request blender/blender#127735 2024-09-17 18:25:55 +02:00
GPv3: Add Reproject operator

This line should be added back.

Falk David commented on pull request blender/blender#127735 2024-09-17 18:25:53 +02:00
GPv3: Add Reproject operator

missing a break; statment here.

Falk David commented on pull request blender/blender#127709 2024-09-17 17:35:34 +02:00
GPv3: Interpolate Sequence operator

Yea keep_shape changes the gaussian weights to better match the shape of the original curve.

Falk David suggested changes for blender/blender#127709 2024-09-17 12:57:48 +02:00
GPv3: Interpolate Sequence operator

Nice! Operator looks good. Just added some cleanup comments.

Falk David commented on pull request blender/blender#127709 2024-09-17 12:57:47 +02:00
GPv3: Interpolate Sequence operator

Is this memory automatically freed ?

Falk David commented on pull request blender/blender#127709 2024-09-17 12:57:46 +02:00
GPv3: Interpolate Sequence operator

This should be true I think. That will make the smoothing of positions a bit better.

Falk David commented on pull request blender/blender#127709 2024-09-17 12:57:45 +02:00
GPv3: Interpolate Sequence operator

frame_range_size maybe ?

Falk David commented on pull request blender/blender#127709 2024-09-17 12:57:43 +02:00
GPv3: Interpolate Sequence operator

Isn't this still the old enum?

Falk David commented on pull request blender/blender#127709 2024-09-17 12:57:42 +02:00
GPv3: Interpolate Sequence operator

I think this should be an enum class:

Falk David deleted branch gpv3-envelope-weights from filedescriptor/blender 2024-09-17 12:48:07 +02:00