Olivier Lau ilio
  • Joined on 2018-12-03
Olivier Lau reopened issue blender/blender#119088 2024-03-05 16:02:00 +01:00
Custom Properties not easily workable througout the Geo Nodes, Blender UI and Python subsystems
Olivier Lau commented on issue blender/blender#119088 2024-03-05 16:01:53 +01:00
Custom Properties not easily workable througout the Geo Nodes, Blender UI and Python subsystems

I closed this ticket by mistake, reopening...

Olivier Lau closed issue blender/blender#119088 2024-03-05 16:01:06 +01:00
Custom Properties not easily workable througout the Geo Nodes, Blender UI and Python subsystems
Olivier Lau commented on issue blender/blender#119088 2024-03-05 16:01:03 +01:00
Custom Properties not easily workable througout the Geo Nodes, Blender UI and Python subsystems

Since properties created from script and those created manually behave differently in the Scene Custom Properties UI, there must be a flag used to differentiate them (maybe "is_runtime"?). A fix…

Olivier Lau opened issue blender/blender#119088 2024-03-05 15:37:01 +01:00
Custom Properties not easily workable througout the Geo Nodes, Blender UI and Python subsystems