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Website development set up

Start a shell in /website and do the following:

  1. Create a virtualenv with Python 3.10
  2. pip install poetry==1.4.2
  3. poetry install
  4. Create a PostgreSQL user named opendata: sudo -u postgres createuser -d -l -P opendata
  5. Create a database named opendata: sudo -u postgres createdb -O opendata opendata
  6. Add opendata.local to /etc/hosts as an alias of    localhost opendata.local  # studio.local can be added on the same line as localhost
  7. Copy opendata/ to opendata/
    • Obtain an OAuth client and secret key from Blender ID and set the BLENDER_ID.OAUTH_CLIENT and BLENDER_ID.OAUTH_SECRET properties.
    • Make sure your PostgreSQL settings are correct.
  8. ./ migrate
  9. Create a superuser echo "from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model; User = get_user_model(); User.objects.create_superuser('admin', '', 'password')" | python shell
  10. yarn install
  11. Ensure ./ succeeds.

Optionally, you can import a snapshot of the benchmarks by using: ./ import_snapshot snapshot.jsonl